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A big HUG for all

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    A big HUG for all

    Now that I have stopped crying I should be able to type. I miss my Dad dearly but he was not one to dwell on the negative. He convinced me and many others to relinquish the grip of alcoholism and take the wheel. I never really thought I struggled with alcoholism but it turns out I struggle with addiction of any sort if i like it I get consumed by it. Gave up the alcohol drugs porn strip clubs (foul language)
    "'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD.' Romans 12:2"

    A big HUG for all

    We welcome you with open arms Bearjr. I am so, so, so sorry for your loss. Your dad was such an incredibly special part of this community and impacted more people's lives than he realizes. You can be very proud of him. :welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      A big HUG for all

      Bear Jr., please accept my deepest condolences for and your family. Your Dad was a great man, but you know that already. He played a huge roll in my getting sober and whenever I thanked him for it, he would shrug it off like it was nothing. But it was something. I will never forget him.

      He will be greatly missed here. Hugs right back at you. :huggy I hope you stick around.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        A big HUG for all

        Bearjr - Thank you.


          A big HUG for all

          BearJR.....been waiting for you!!!! God bless honey, me and your Daddy talked about you many times.. He was SO PROUD of you!!!!! And what a beautiful family you have!!!!! He was like our Dad too on the 30 day thread, when you can read back over the year. He was my rock. To this day I have his message from last month when my Mama went to fly with the angels, she was 56. PapaBear was there for me through it all.......through relapse, he didnt judge me and turn his back like many others, he KNEW I was sick! He contacted me privately, held my hand and I am back, SOBER and doing well. He was a big part of that!!!! He never gave up on me! He knew when i need love and support and when I needed my hinny kicked, but he did it with love! He was GREAT!!!! I am sorry I didn't know earlier, I would have been at his funeral supporting you all. GOD BLESS honey, you, the girls, the kids, and especially MamaBear!!!!!!
          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


            A big HUG for all

            Hugging you right back.

            * * I love Determinator * *


              A big HUG for all

              BearJr........big hug from me to you.

              Darling x
              Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


                A big HUG for all

                BearJr. Many, many, heartfelt hugs to you. Your dad was an inspiration to soooo many of us here.

                He will definitely be missed, but his 'words of wisdom' will live on.

                He was a fighter, and he fought this God-for-saken illness and, as far as I am concerned, he won. It takes hard work, commitment, and determination to beat this, and from what I have read, he did whatever it took. 13 months sober - my hat goes off to him!

                Again, I am truly very sorry for your loss. Thank you for posting. If you need anything, we will be here for you. :l


                  A big HUG for all

                  Welcome BearJr.......I am so very sorry for your loss. Please join us!

                  Hugs to you and your family,
                  "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                    A big HUG for all

                    bearjr thank you
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      A big HUG for all

                      Bear Jr. Welcome.
                      We are so happy to have you here. We all have suffered a hugh loss, but your father's words will live on to continue to inspire so many. Thanks for joining us.
                      Our love and prayers to you and your entire family.
                      God Bless you.


                        A big HUG for all

                        BearJr, thank you and good to meet you.


                          A big HUG for all

                          "I am hopelessly addicted to GOD. And what an amazing addiction. Colossians 1:11- Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy;. We have such a glorious GOD who gives and takes away. My Dad was a believer and is HOME. CHRIST is definitely carrying me now, But ill be able to walk soon. Mom told me yall would love to have me here. Me and dad have the same size shoe, But somehow I know ill never be able to fill his shoes. "

                          Amen! WOW....I am so blessed by your post Jr. Bear.....
                          With your dad cheering you on, your shoes will be even bigger!!!!!!
                          :welcome:To our way out!!!!!!!!

                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            A big HUG for all

                            Big hugs to you...Your Dad was a very special man, he is missed.


                              A big HUG for all

                              Welcome Bear Jr....It is so great that you posted.....Thank You.

                              Your father was a wonderful, strong man who took a look at himself and decided to change. That takes courage. It sounds like you have that same courage.....

                              Be proud of your Dad....we sure are.

                              And, you don't have to fill his're doing a fine job filling your own. Thank You for posting....please continue. We would love to have you in our MWO family, Bear Jr....


