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A big HUG for all

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    A big HUG for all

    Hi Bear Jr. So nice to have you hear. There are so many wonderful, heart felt messages and lessons from you dad here. I know that you will grow even more from reading them. We all will. What a wonderful thing it is for your dad to have known that you are sober, happy and in such a good place.

    Your dad carved out his foot print in life, as you will too. I agree with Chief, your father would want you to be yourself, live well and create your own foot print. It is so nice to have you here. It will be nice getting to know you.

    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      A big HUG for all

      Bear Jr,

      MWO has a lot of strong, opinionated, outspoken people, who often disagree and yet all agree that Bear was one special man. And THAT takes a special person such as your dad. How honored you were to have him in your life, and how honored he was to have you.

      Thanks for posting.


        A big HUG for all

        Dear Bear Jr.
        God is the healthiest addiction in the universe! Congratulations! And thank you for your message and scripture.

        We humans all have many and multiple addictions...the God one is by far the best.
        Peace of the Lord to You & Your family --|--
        "Everything you try to avoid about yourself
        will keep playing out insidiously in your life.
        This creates the perfect opportunity for you to embrace,
        love and heal this part of self."


          A big HUG for all

          Bear Jr,

          Your post was awesome, and your Dad not only accomplished so much, but the fact that he is gone is leaving a huge impact here on MWO. I can only imagine what he has left for you, your family and those who were in his real world. I think of the AA group that he had just left that night... I bet so many are deeply affected... another family undoubtedly shaken to the core. He left a wonderful legacy, a wonderful example of triumph over addiction, and that if he could do it, anybody can!

          Hang onto to Christ! Hang onto all that your father gave to you.

          All my best to you and all of your family.

          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


            A big HUG for all

            bumping up...
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              A big HUG for all

              I love the picture of "Baby Bear and Goldielocks"
              You are a beautiful couple!

              I feel so blessed to have you here.

              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                A big HUG for all

                :l Huge hugs to you! So glad you are with us. You are beautiful, in your Father's image! Both of them! Your dad was a wonderful human being who helped many here! I am blessed and grateful for having known him!

                :h Best

                40 days alcohol free!
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  A big HUG for all

                  BearJnr, I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I was to hear about your Dad. You don't need me to spell it out to you but he was one special man.

                  I am now 81 days AF and your Dad played a huge part in February getting me started with his response to one of my threads. I shall always be grateful to him for his advice. You take special care and remember, you are welcome here anytime. God Bless....

                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    A big HUG for all

                    BearJnr. again my deepest condolences and thank you so much for your touching post.
                    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                      A big HUG for all

                      hello bear jr. well maybe in filling your own shoes we will create your own name as i know that papa bear would want that too. you are a man of your own right. your daddy played a huge part in my sobriety and after struggling for a very long time on that road i too am coming up on 5 months of sober time. and if not for him i wouldn't have come back to mwo and he really was my friend through all the storms and laughed at all my really raucous posts on the 30 day thread. that was our home thread. i can't talk about your daddy like he doesn't exist because he does exist. maybe not in human form but he is here in the ethers. and i feel his presence as i do my own. the tears won't stop for many years as i imagine they did with my daddy. i myself am trying to find some peace with the person who did this. i am not finding much as of yet. i keep trying though.. i keep trying on forgiveness and am moving my way only inches into that. i can't imagine what that is for you. i know you have struggled as well with al and i'm hoping that you can find some peace on your walk here. god be with you. bootsie girl


                        A big HUG for all

                        With Respect

                        You all have my admiration for your strength and for your belief in God the Father of us all. May your pain be eased and your tears be dried in Jesus name
                        ?We are one another's angels?
                        Sober since 29/04/2007


                          A big HUG for all


                          Bear Jr

                          What a blessing to read your this thread. You fill your Fathers Shoes in ways you can't understand as of yet - but you WILL. I am a born again believer who struggled with the fact that I couldn't "get this drinking" out of my life - when I KNEW that I had all the power under heaven and earth at my disposal!! Your DAD is the one who pointed me back to the heart of the scriptures that spoke of "on this earth you will have trouble - but do not let your heart BE troubled" along with "This kind cometh out not but by prayer and fasting". He IS a MAN OF GREAT FAITH - and his faith was so alive and well right here!!

                          You are already filling those shoes by sharing your faith openly and honestly with people who so need the only hope that this life has to offer.... Jesus Christ our Lord and SAVIOR!!

                          You pain is real and with all of my heart I send you my prayers for the peace and wisdom that only God can give with such a loss. But praise be to Jesus Chirst that we will meet in Heaven. I didn't get to meet your Dad face to face - but knowing him here gives me such joy to know I will meet him face to face someday! I am going to post a picture of my brand new Harley (Sportster 883 - girl bike ) and so wanted your Dad to see it - as it was my gift to myself for quitting drinking (4 1/2 months now). So now I am just keeping him in my mind as I "ride". His accident has impacted me in the way it does all 'riders'. We weigh the "risk" - and then get back on - because not to would be to deny who we are.

                          All my love to you - your family and your new to be Mrs. Bear Jr. :h
                          Welcome to this family

                          AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                          Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                          (from the Movie "Once")


                            A big HUG for all

                            My deepest regrets and apologies that I am new and not familair with Bear?
                            I must say that I am so sorry because I understand that you are his child.
                            I did not know this person. I am new here. I caught some of the remarks and such. I must say that this " Bear" made an impression here and it may mark a way and a place for you to enter in and keep posting and I wish to extend my hand in my way to say how sorry I am that this is the manner in which we must meet. But, there are worst ways.
                            So, I embrace you child of "Bear" and I, although in my own private battle , and in my way trying to figure out from these wise beings here on this site what will let the colors in
                            I enter in daily as I can.
                            It can improve. You can experience who you are not through liquour raging through your veins because of this condition, but, because, you find what your system and soul and mind and being needs.

                            I extend my hand and heart to you in your dad's honor.

                            " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                              A big HUG for all

                              welcome BearJr and MrsBearJr, your dad was such and inspriation here, i unfortunately joined to late to chat to him in person but have been gaining so much encouragement and understanding of why we are all here together on MWO from his posts he wrote. i have lost my dad and brother to alcohol, i miss them so much, but i am not going down that road with them. i wish they had had the opportunity to find a place like MWO and more importanty someone like your dad to help guide their way. i am so sorry for your loss and wish your family great strength at this time. x


                                A big HUG for all

                                Bear Jr. so nice to meet you and thank you for sharing your fabulous father with us ..........

                                Huge BB hugs from me too ......... :l:l:l

                                BB xx

