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Hereditary AL

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    Hereditary AL

    Just curious if anyone has any information on the effects of having alcoholic parents. Is there something in the genes the predisposes people to drink. My father and grandfather were both alcoholics and I carried on the tradition in fine standing.

    I hope I break the chain for the sake of my children.


    Hereditary AL

    Mohun: From what I've read there is research linking alcoholism to members of families. My father drank, I drink (drank), & my son has an alcohol problem. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Hereditary AL

      In both sides of my family thats TRUE. If they are not AL then they are Dibetic.Maybe something to do with processing sugar.I used my family as an excuse when I was younger but self responcibility feels better to me now. And everyday for the rest of my life I realize it is my choice not to drink even thought I will always be AL! Blessings to you all EVIE
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        Hereditary AL

        Yep my mam is an alcoholic and her mam too.

        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Hereditary AL

          Yes there is much evidence linking alcoholism to genetics. Of course that's only part of the picture, but a major factor, I believe. It doesn't mean we HAVE to drink, it just means our bodies and brain chemistry are such that becoming addicted to alcohol comes more naturally to us (for lack of a better way to put it).
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Hereditary AL

            I believe addictive/obsessive behaviours can run in families - perhaps a mix of genetics as well as exposure to such conditions us to think the ups and downs associated with any like problem are the way things should be.

            Whilst my parents are not alcoholic my mother can be obsessive - she always has to do everything 110% and is continuously on the go. She doesn't drink though - certainly didn't for the whole of her marriage then only has the odd tipple now and she is very tipsy with just one! She tells me one of the reasons she doesn't drink is because she thinks she could easily develop a problem and has seen it wreck people's lives already.

            I can be completely obsessive too and believe it's partly due to conditioning - I think I have to excel at everything and always have about 4 projects on the go at anyone time.

            So I think it's a mixture of many variables but family background does have a bearing.


              Hereditary AL

              I really believe that we can change our patterns. There is a certain amount of sobriety that we have to attain in order to have our brain chemistry reset itself. I'm taking my sobriety one day at a time, but the big picture for me is total abs. M
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Hereditary AL

                Genetics, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Early Child Abuse, and
                environment are some of the factors why one would voluntarily start
                a behavior which could lead to a brain disease [ addiction ].

                Mine was the early child abuse thingy... Why does a youngster
                presume some how that he is responsible for his own sexual abuse?

                That one took a while to get past, Sam


                  Hereditary AL

                  I too have the chain in the family along with other behaviors....i got the AL gene (missed the boat on the others....) how is that possible? did i make a choice somewhere along the way?

                  But, I hear mo loud and clear...... I WILL BREAK THIS CHAIN FOR THE SAKE OF MY CHILD!!!!!!

                  She is ten, and I hope she will not have many memories of seeing her mother milking a six pack or emptying a bottle of wine. Even if she doesn't have a memory or an association in her life, will she too be damned? AND...when do we talk to kids about this, 12? earlier? later? and do we tell them right then and there that they may be prone to a disease?



                    Hereditary AL

                    flyinhigh;327868 wrote: I too have the chain in the family along with other behaviors....i got the AL gene (missed the boat on the others....) how is that possible? did i make a choice somewhere along the way?

                    But, I hear me loud and clear...... I WILL BREAK THIS CHAIN FOR THE SAKE OF MY CHILD!!!!!!

                    I hear ya, flyin, and more so than that, I believe you, sister.

                    You go girl ! With love and health, Sam


                      Hereditary AL

                      flyinhigh;327868 wrote: I too have the chain in the family along with other behaviors....i got the AL gene (missed the boat on the others....) how is that possible? did i make a choice somewhere along the way?

                      But, I hear mo loud and clear...... I WILL BREAK THIS CHAIN FOR THE SAKE OF MY CHILD!!!!!!

                      She is ten, and I hope she will not have many memories of seeing her mother milking a six pack or emptying a bottle of wine. Even if she doesn't have a memory or an association in her life, will she too be damned? AND...when do we talk to kids about this, 12? earlier? later? and do we tell them right then and there that they may be prone to a disease?

                      Good for you. I have many alcoholic relatives and I was raped as a teen. So I guess I have a couple of things working against me. However it has always been my choice to drink.I'm a fairly bright person but I continued to make very stupid choices. My kids have seen..they are 16 and 13 and yes I sat them down and told them I knew they were probably going to try drinking but I wanted them aware of some of the things they have working against them.


                        Hereditary AL

                        I do believe genetics plays a big role in alcoholism. My mother, grandparents and great grandparents were all alkies. I don't know my father but am willing to bet he is one too!


                          Hereditary AL

                          Yeah I don't know my biological father but I know of his family and I think I got it from both sides. Funny my mother NEVER drinks.


                            Hereditary AL

                            My mum was the heaviest drinker I ever met. My dad has two glasses of wine with dinner every night and that's it.


                              Hereditary AL

                              My dad is alcoholic as are a lot of his side of the family. There was alcoholism on my mums side but not as pervasive as dads. Got my mental health problems from my mum but she's never really drank a lot. Having said that her 3rd husband was alcoholic and she had a bit of a problem for about 2yrs out of their 8yr marriage.

                              Year and years ago I spoke to an alcohol counsellor at my doctors and ask him the same question. He said it's a number of factors, genetic, social, enviromental, emotional, mental etc, when some or all are combined together they create a time bomb. I kinda agree with that, plus I think the more factors that are involved the bigger and more devastating that bomb is.

                              My children have seen me under the influence many, many times. I've always tried my best to be honest with them even when the truth isn't so nice. I have always held up my hand and apologised, but the apologies wear thin when you keep repeating the same mistakes time and time again.

                              I have raised my children soley by myself with very little help, if any, from family. I'm an alcoholic with bi-polar, but I must have done something right by my children, who are, kind, loving, sensitive, thoughtful, polite, caring and hilariously funny, just the best :l.

                              I have had many conversations with my kids about alcohol and mental health issues, there's a lot of alcoholism on their fathers side of the family and I think it's only right and fair to arm them with as much knowledge as they need, They can talk to me about anything and they do so more than ever now that I'm AF. My kids are 15, 13 & 12 and all things considered, are very well rounded and smart.

                              I think it's very important for us to be honest with our children, I've found them to be a hell of a lot smarter than what we give them credit for, They pick up on the undercurrents
                              around them be they good or bad.
                              Waffle over, nearly . Yes, be honest with your kids without unintentionally making them feel that they are responsible for your problems, that's my opion.

                              love want
                              AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                              Snake....... come crawling,
                              There's fire in your eyes,
                              Bite me, excite me,
                              I'll learn to realize.

                              The poison transmuted,
                              Brings eternal flame.
                              Open me to heaven,
                              To heal me again.

