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    Peanut. Funny story from my triathlon. It was my first and I was having trouble doing the zipper up my back on my wetsuit. Anyway, I asked the person beside me if they could do up my zipper for me. They looked me up and down a couple of times and then said "it's on inside out". Ouch! After a quick change, I no longer had a zipper problem.





      Peanut, that is fabulous. I am going to drag out my triatholon trophies and park them on both desks and buy new goggles today.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT




        Are people getting motivated??? i must get back to the pool today and see what I can accomplish on my (second) Day7 AF.

        UK - interesting about AL dehydrating the joints - I wonder if my drinking has partially led to my difficulty with running this past year or so - besides the actual physical problems. I tried to run home from work a couple weeks ago, instead of the 50 min walk, and it almost killed me. I had a small pack on my back and I kept saying it was putting my off, but my back, my knee,my ankles - ouch!!! I will try it again this week. I have a run tomorrow with the booze-hounds, so I will not drink again today (I hope - ODAT!) and make an assessment. Funny wetsuit story - a friend of my was in such a panic once, getting out of the lake, trying to take off her suit and run forward at the same time, she ran right into a tree!!!

        Aunty - you have a few months, so go for it. Maybe there is something to what UK says about Al and joints. And Cindi - it is absolutely amazing how much energy the little kids have. They seem to go and go and never stop!!!! My kids used to accompany me on some of my runs on their bikes - it was great, rather than leaving them home by themselves!

        OK - have a grand sunday today - hope the weather is as glorious as you are a where I am!!!
        xoxox Peanut



          Peanut, I have always found it best to start small with running - it's a high impact activity which puts a lot of stress on specific muscles, tendons, ligaments etc. I built up slowly from 3 x 10 minute runs a week, then 15 mins, 20, 25, 30 etc til I got to one 35 minute run plus two shorter, slightly faster ones after 6 weeks. I retired from competitive club standard running because I often got injured and am really taking things easy - so far, so good.

          Oh, I also have had some supportive insoles made for me at a local shop - they aren't as technical as orthotics but a still quite sturdy and seem to work, also a lot less ????!



            thats really interesting about the joints and makes sense. I'm also a bit overwieght which doesn't help!

            I saw a great osteopath last year who did lots of work on my posture and strengthening my quads and buttocks - it has made a huge difference to how I walk so that my knees dont get half as sore as they used to.
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe



              Thanks Peanut - didn't do the 1km run, but did get to the pool and did a very fast (for me) 1km swim. Felt great!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe



                Hi guys. I used to love the pool - didn't actually swim, but got in the cornor of the deep end and would tread water while my son and his friends did their thing - often for a couple of hours at a time. Don't think I could do that anymore. I also used to do a LOT of walking. I have been going to Curves for a few years now, so am in decent shape, I suppose - and we've recently moved to a place with some fabulous walking trails. I've been going a bit further every day. Tonight my hubby and I were out walking the dog, and I noticed a sign saying 3 km to ________ Centre, which would be the mall I had walked to the other day. We were already quite a way down the trail - my hubby did some quick figuring, and told me I had walked five miles the other day!

                It's always amazed me how the members here are often very athletic - and look after themselves so well in other aspects of their lives. Just imagine what we could do if we kissed Al goodbye! Hey Peanut, Aunty Mame, UK Blonde, Mohun, Greeneyes, Cindi - you rock. And anyone else - looking to get going - take the pllunge (or walk!) - a bit at a time - it adds up fast!
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



                  Hey all!
                  I have noticed too that lots of members are quite athletics, and bright and intelligent and professional, etc etc etc. Why do we let AL take hold of us, when we can be so strong in other parts of our lives. Beats me!!! I am starting another AF stretch at day1 (again) - drank that wine in the frigo - didn't get drunk, but still - what a banana!!

                  Get your runners on and get out there - it can only do you good!



                    The type of person who puts 110% in to everything they do, always striving for the top, also tends to be the type to have addictive/obsessive tendencies.


                    We had to be clever to be able to continue our lives whilst consuming large quantities of AL.

                    For me AL was a release from responsibility and the constant nag to suceed.



                      Hi Peanut,

                      You should be so proud of yourself ! It is so exciting when you watch your performance improve. :yay:

                      I agree, the more AF days we accumulate the better our athletic performance is. My runs and my weight workouts are definitely improving with the more AF days I have. My runs are getting longer and faster, and the weights are not quite as heavy :H When I do drink, my legs feel real heavy and it is such an effort to run....then I wonder why I do that to myself

                      Alcohol definitely effects our athletic performance. As it was mentioned, alcohol does dehydrate all parts of the body, plus you loose calcium when you drink. That's another good reason to give up the drink......

                      But anyway, any excercise is good. Just keep moving.
                      Miss October :blinkylove:



                        Peanut;328716 wrote: Hey all!
                        I have noticed too that lots of members are quite athletics, and bright and intelligent and professional, etc etc etc. Why do we let AL take hold of us, when we can be so strong in other parts of our lives.
                        I have wondered about this a lot too. And sometimes I look at all the other wonderful, athletic, smart, hard-working people around me and wonder whether some of them hide the same secret that I do.

                        anyway, I did my 1km run this morning! Slow and on the treadmill, but I did it and my knees coped just fine.

                        So this weekend I'm going to draw myself up that training programme for a sumer triathlon!
                        Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                        Harriet Beecher Stowe



                          I have an appt. with a trainer on Wed. night -- a birthday present from my boyfriend... I have to muster up some energy to get this party hat off of my head!!!!!



                            Tiny;328865 wrote: I have an appt. with a trainer on Wed. night -- a birthday present from my boyfriend... I have to muster up some energy to get this part hat off of my head!!!!!
                            what about the ruff (ruff,ruff ....!)
                            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                            Harriet Beecher Stowe



                              sorry about the large font -- I have zero paw control! Wednesday I have lift my paw!!!! Oh no!!!!

