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    Ahhh where do I start?
    My sons jamesselfish shallow bitch of a girlfriend is up to her old tricks baby no 2 born (BABY NO 1 SHANE) easter Sunday and already she has taken to pissin off every weekend and as my son is a self employed roofer it means no work no money
    I couldnt beleive that last time she went she actually came back and stayed with the druggie neighbour and told her mum she hadnt abandonded them cos she knocked on the wall when the baby cried now my sons no angel but he slogs his guts out to pay the mortgage (probably to get away from her) and will not leave that baby, he even stayed with him in hospital when he was born and she ran off (police smashed the door in and arrested her, blood and glass all over the floor)
    Baby no 2 is possible suffering from drug withdrawel or maybe brain damaged as scans showed he had fluid on the brain but she couldnt be bothered going for mri scan before he was born. I know there is something wrong with him his eyes dont focus
    My next son down is partner with him (james) in the business but so often doesnt turn up for work he has a 6 month old son who's mum (ceri) is so good he is not with her, he is with another girlfriend who is about to give birth any day to my first grandaughter, I ve never met her though because she was extremely abusive to Ceri when she was very ill and told her she hoped the baby was born dead so I had a right go at her
    I love my PRECIOUS sHANET BABE VIRTUALLY BROUGHT HIM UP his mum treats him like dirt (i was told that by her mum)
    today my elderly aunt broke down to my mum cos we were going to have her here and she doesnt want to be put in a home but we cant afford to do a granny flat, not just money but time and all my time is put into shane and i cant run my business, my oldest son did some driving for me one day and we were about to drop work off then all hell broke loose she said James was throwing stuff her mum said get the baby out of there I just hate the pressure I have no relationship with my oartner he already taken on my kids doesnt want to take on theurs but he does love shane ido he is my life
    they blackmail me in A WAY THEY WENT OUT AND I SAID CANT HAVE HIM AFTER 11 COS my partner was soo tired and then they send ther druggie mates to pick him up
    one of them was extremely abusive to his girlfriends kid and they know it
    bit of a rant but i am sick of taking on other peopkles responsibilities and i want to adopt shane but i dont feel that close to any of my other grandchildren
    scummy muumy she is but spends all his money on hair extensions and tans my grandson once went 7 hours in a shitty naappy cos she couldnt bre bothered to go to shop he doesnt get a bath unless he comes here she is allways dressed to the 9 and doesnt even iron his clothes they eat chips from chip shop everu night and he is 2 and half in 18 month old clothes but i told evryonr i can take 1 not 2


    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow



      FF: oh, I am so sorry. You sound just at the end of your rope. Is there any way you can get away from this sort of madness and get some clarity, every few days or so?

      I can tell how much you love Shane. He has a wonderful grandma and he will be happy you are in his life. don't know what else to say, but sending you hugs across the ocean :l:l
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

