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    it amazes me how ive read some people on here say "i hide my drinking from my fiance, brother, mother, etc... People alwsys know when i drink. lol i guess some people tend to drink often, but dont get obviousally drunk?


    Me too. Once I get going, I can't pace it. It is so completely obvious.



      We arent hiding it......we just think we are cause we are drunk! I used to think HID it well, until I stopped and realized everybody knew.
      Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear



        I hid it well for years, but the last 2 years it became obvious to many (though I still believed I was hiding it). Yes, I drank a little bit all day, never getting really drunk, just maintaining a kind of buzz. But that got out of my control after a while.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



          Beatle, Britzzak, Maisie, ME145 - When we say we are hiding it, sometimes it is because we drink privately, and alone - my family (with the exception of my hubby, and even he didn't know just HOW much), my neighbours, my friends, didn't know. I could always control it in public. Once you have alcohol on your breath, another persoon can tell you had A DRINK - but unless hyou are very obviously drunk, they can't tell if you have had more than one, really - and that is how you hide it. Many alcoholics are very good at this.

          Beatle, your drinking a little bit at a time over the course of the day - sounds like my Mom. From about 2:00 in the afternoon, she always has a glass of wine at her elbow. Drinks it VERY slowly, a sip at a time - but it's always there. She used to drink quite a bit over the course of a day - when I was younger, living at home, by the time I came in in the evening after a date, she would be slurring her words. I notice she has slowed down some, don't think she drinks more than a few glasses these days....but I know she is still "hooked" because a few years ago when she had some pretty major surgery, and was pretty much out of it for a few weeks, the doctors said her twitching so much even when asleep was because of withdrawal symptoms. My Dad was somewhat taken aback at this, I think he just didn't want to admit it to himself. But, I wasn't surprised.
          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.



            HIDING IT

            I tried to hide it for years and the joke was that everyone knew. I've just spoken to my ex-partner and he said the night I met him I stank of booze. I always thought that no matter how much I had drunk I always acted and sounded sober. How silly is that - you have half a bottle of vodka and you're still sober!

            When I worked I used to go out at lunchtime with my then partner and we would have two bottles of wine between us followed by large brandies and then I used to go back to work. He was an alcoholic and I didn't recognise that I was one so as far as I was concerned I had just joined a lovely party.

            The thing is that nobody ever said you're drunk, either socially or at work. Why did nobody say?

            I've now been sober for 16 days and I feel great and I don't want to go back in to the viscious circle - drink - be ill - feel well - drink again. I'm sick of starting sobriety again and again. Hopefully, this time will be the last. I don't know if I will be able to moderate but I did have a couple of glasses of wine on Friday. But it was in a different atmosphere - I wasn't alone at home I was with friends - it was a social event.

            Good luck to every one who reads this and I hope to hear from you.


            PS : This site is so great and being in contact with people who understand and don't judge is a great relief.



              I hid drinking all the time ! At home i would hid the wine bottle/s and then put wine into coffee cups...just in case someone turned up be it my partner of friend.
              I drank while i drove my car , I would hide the bottle under my seat and put wine into water bottles so i could sip away.

              Here we can buy wine in boxes varing from 500ml - 5l so generally i would buy the 500ml of 1litre which i could then fold up and throw away when empty. I do know my partner was aware that I did this 'occassionally' but there is no way he knew how much. I also drank enough to buzz but not enough to make a tit of myself, but that didnt always work according to plan. On anyone day I could go through any thing from 500ml to 1.5 litres, the latter being more the norm...

              I am on day 8 AF, my rules to myself were NO more secret drinking, NO more drinking alone... SOMEHOW I am sticking to this with the help of MWO !!

              Interestingly, keeping those rules i have not had a drink even when there have been occassion with groups of friends. I feel so free and happy !



                As you can see by my avatar I am a party girl ... but lately it is just me and my two dogs... pretty pathetic huh? I hide oit pretty well from my boyfriend... today I will be AF...



                  No mater what is on my desk, even bottled water, hubby takes a sip. I doubt that he is that thirsty. Just checking. My hall monitor. Gotta love him.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                    I was (emphasis past tense) a secret drinker. I'm sure I went overboard at times & people noticed, but I don't think even my husband of 36 years knew how much I drank. I've been here at mwo for a little over a year & have had 2 long AF runs w/some slips & relapses in between. Right now, I'm 3 days sober. I think the hiding:
                    -secret places.
                    -drinking out of coffee mugs.
                    -replacing bottles.
                    -disposing of empties.
                    was the most soul-destroying part of my drinking.

                    I'm bound & determined to become a non-drinker. Unfortunately I've tried countless times to mod & just cannot do it.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012



                      Yes, it is soul destroying. Once someone asked me did I hide it. She had addiction training. I said No, because at that time I did not. She said good because when you do that, it takes it onto a whole new level. Guess what, she was right. I can't believe I put this in print but if it helps someone, good.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                        Green: I'm glad you put it in print. Yes, when I hid my drinking, that's when I started polishing off bottles all by myself. I need to say this in order to keep myself from falling back into denial. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012



                          Thanks Mary ... yes, it is "soul destroying." You are so wise.:h
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

