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What a day.

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    What a day.

    What a day today. I got up early and visited with my neighbour on his front stoop (we're both early birds). Then I did 3 hours of yard work, watched a movie with one of the kids, ran some errands, installed a new modem/router, gave my vehicle a good cleaning inside and out, made supper, watched another movie (the whole family), took my wife out for coffee and desert (decaf for me), and finally we went for a drive. Now here I am.

    What a difference. Normally I would be hungover and trying to make it through the day so I could have another drink. Not spend any time with the family and not do anything except avoid them and be grumpy.

    I just can't see ever going back to drinking. There doesn't seem to be a single good reason. Not even a single bad reason.

    I think I am getting a handle on what it means to be living sober. I don't ever plan on modding (having tried it many times in the past and failing miserably). Somehow, that makes it easier this time. Not ever wondering when I am going to drink and how much.

    For those of you struggling and trying, it does get better as time goes by. There'll always be good days and bad, but one thing is certain, life is much better without AL.

    The only problem is, what do I do tomorrow (it's a holiday here)? I'm all caught up on everything. I don't even have any yard work left to do.


    What a day.

    Uplifting post -- a great reminder to all of us who are sober how good it is, and an inspiration to those struggling with their first tough days.

    I can confirm this post-- I am getting so so so much more done and enjoying all of it so much more sober. How could I ever drink?, is the thought that constantly goes through my mind, as I check one more item off my list and as I leisurely spend time with my kids.

    Mo, how about taking up a hobby? Maybe something you can get the family involved in too?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      What a day.

      Mohun, beatle - amen to that. Since I have made the decision NOT to mod, NOT to ever try to mod, this AF thing is a pure pleasure. I am very thankfull for my dear hubby, who has quit drinking himself, just to support me. I am blessed.
      The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


        What a day.

        Mohun, thanks for that post... my weekend was similar - first AF weekend in god know how long, spent the whole weekend out doors doing fun stuff, went to the beach for kids picnic (no wine) went for a walk (no wine), took my daughter to visit barnyard animals and horse (no wine), went to a barbeque (braai as we call them - still no wine, and that was a huge step) WHAT A FABULOUS WEEKEND !!

        Beatle getting a hoby is a great idea - I am going to try get myself painting again... Hannah i couldnt agree "this AF thing is a pure pleasure"


          What a day.

          Great post mate.

          I'm sure that wife of yours will find you something to do.

          It's so true though. I've got so much time.

          Do you know I'm actually enjoying doing nothing.
          Doing nothing without a hangover is much nicer.

          Now get back to work.



