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i want out!!!

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    i want out!!!

    Let a day pass to reason this.

    These are folks with beautiful souls and sometimes a little glitch in the email can cause turmoil.

    We we are all in different parts of the globe and we reason differently.
    My life is saved by this site.
    I hope to post more later that clarifies.

    You all mean the world to me.


    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


      i want out!!!

      I say some goofy stuff on here and I find that saying "I'm sorry" right away takes care of it. Or at least I hope it does. JMHO!
      Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


        i want out!!!

        hey Lizzie
        i think chat is a different type of beast than the threads. Threads are for the deep meaningful supportive stuff. Most people are just entertaining themselves and others in chat to pass the time that might otherwise be drink time. Its just a bit of fun really and as nobody really knows anybody very well it can be just a slagging match. If someone joins in chat who is actually in trouble or needing help at that point people will snap out of the repartee and try and help. I suggest you read the room action first to see if you identify with the people/topic first and if not just skip to another time.
        Hope you dont leave.


          i want out!!!

          Hi Lizzie, i think a lot of meaning is misinterprated on chat/email etc because you dont hear the persons tone of voice and her a giggle if it is meant in humour etc. I am not sure if you have heard about Byron Katie The Official Site for The Work of Byron Katie she has an increadible method of dealing with situations ... look her up online and honestly its just liberating.

          Her method is called The Work, and based on four questions and a process called a "turnaround".
          The four questions are:
          Is it true?
          Can you absolutely know that it's true?
          How do you react when you believe that thought?
          Who would you be without the thought?

          So often I react quickly badly/wrongly to a situation, i find thinking through these questions often makes the whole problem a no problem.

          take care lizzie and dont leave MWO you are needed here !


            i want out!!!

            I really think Lizzie would have more fun if she loosened up a bit. She scared the living hell out of me right a way. Whenever people are trying to make life changes like sobering up there is going to be unusual behavior and stoopid things that come out, happens all the time! There is only so much members can doo after awhile. :l


              i want out!!!

              Hi Lizzie,

              I certainly can understand being hurt here. I was, also. I too, asked RJ to delete my membership. That was in April of 2007. For some reason, that never happened. And thank God! Was it an oversite? I don't know. But I believe that there are no mistakes.

              One year later, to the month, I attained my goal of sobriety. I attribute it, first to God, to my husband and family, to RJ, the support and feed back of the MWO members, and to the gifted intuitive healer, Rhonda Lenair. I took my last drink on April 7, 2008. It has now been 43 days! And it is wonderful!

              I petrifies me to think of what might have happened if RJ had deleted my membership. I may never have gotten here. We at MWO are a community, as it says. In every community there are people who we would prefer not to be close to. I don't go often to chat. If I see that someone is there, who I know and enjoy, I will stop in briefly. Say that I am just breezing through. I found that it is too difficult for me to interpret others intentions when they type things without the benefit of voice inflections and facial expressions. And being the extremely sensitive person that I am, I usually mis-interpreted them.

              I hope you will stay!

              :h Best

              43 days alcohol free!
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                i want out!!!

                Don't go Lizzie I'll miss you! Love reading your threads - don't really do chat though.

                Hope you stay.


                  i want out!!!

                  Thank you for all you supportive threads. i should not let this get to me so much. i guess i am very sensitive about some things.

                  Ripple~ i will try to be more laid back

                  i appreciate everyones patience and kindness!!!
                  peace and love,


                    i want out!!!

                    GOOD, Lizzie, speak your mind and tell people wot you think, have some fun for once and don't be too serious, let it be surprised how much fun you really are! Join in and be one of us NUTS! we are all crazy in some manner, just do it. no one is making fun of you, you appear to me to be an intelligent woman, really, i can read people well. :h


                      i want out!!!

                      one more word, pick on me, everyone does...let me have it..TRAIN on me. Tell me how pissed off i make you. I'll never know unless you tell me, okay? I have my last anger class tonite, later i will be have my permission to have FUN and laugh about anything. and pick on Ripple shit, okay? you need to have fun, its perfectly okay with me. XXOO :l yes i am a loser! lately!


                        i want out!!!

                        Ripple, I just wanna meet you in person! You are a hoot girl! AND your house is magnificent...I LOVE decorating and gardening......
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          i want out!!!

                          Ripple;329394 wrote: one more word, pick on me, everyone does...let me have it..TRAIN on me. Tell me how pissed off i make you. I'll never know unless you tell me, okay? I have my last anger class tonite, later i will be have my permission to have FUN and laugh about anything. and pick on Ripple shit, okay? you need to have fun, its perfectly okay with me. XXOO :l yes i am a loser! lately!
                          Now that was classic! Good for you!!


                            i want out!!!

                            i personally love to pick on ripple. in fact it is one of my favorite passtimes well when i'm not kissing her big ass. but oh oh i just did it again. sorry rip. anyway, honey you should let it loose a bit. getting sober is a sensitive time. i know i left mwo and if not for papa bear i wouldn't have come back. so you know i learned that i was very very self absorbed and thought everything was about me. lmao of course that isn't you or anyone else. that was narcissistic me and of course most every other drinking person who is self absorbed. and please for godsake if you see me on chat don't come in because i usually offend about everyone in chat. i use it as a place to be completely silly as i don't get to be anywhere else. and i'm quite sure i'm very offensive. and if you see det and i in the chat room just know it will be crazy silly. now if you happen to see, det, magic, myself, noelle and mags in a room just know that it is going to be one big joke after another. and then if rip joins well it will be me picking on rip for the entire duration. and underneath all of that i am a very caring and loving individual.


                              i want out!!!


                              lushy was teaching bitch classes a while back. You might check to see if she is still offering them. There were many honor students and a few were just too damn nice and flunked out.


                                i want out!!!

                                this post has revealed alot about the community -- I think it has been helpful to me (as a newcomer) to learn about the culture of chat -- there really aren't any instructions... in so many ways chat is the MWO "playground" where the kids go and run around after lunch before the bell rings ... just some thoughts...

