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What am I doing wrong?

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    What am I doing wrong?

    Leading you to HIM!!

    Luke 21:34-36
    Proverbs 20:1
    Phill 4:4-7
    Proverbs 3:5-7
    1 corth 10: 12-14
    My encouragement on where to start is praying, setting time aside and seeking first him and his wisdom and strength. Proverbs 3 speaks about leaning not on our understanding but on His. Give your weakness to GOD. I will be lifting you up in prayer, If you need help with where to go in the bible I will do my best to guide you. :huggy
    In all things first give glory to the Lord.
    Mrs. BearJr :armsaround:

    Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12


      What am I doing wrong?


      I have to echo the need to get rid of the booze at least until you get stronger you will be tempted and most likely continue to sip away.

      Today I wrote in My Story on how I am working on my own will-power that part of self-discipline that seems to be nowhere around when you need it most. This link... Self-Discipline: Willpower is to an article I am reading that I wish I had 3 months ago and may help you as well.

      Stay strong and best wishes

      Is Addiction Really a Disease?
      Watch this and find out....


        What am I doing wrong?

        Look. It's all about how badly you want to make the change. If your cravings are that strong, buy the topa. I know you said you have to wait to next payday, but then do it!!! It will give you the additional help you need to change your patterns,and help get you an "off switch" SPEND THE MONEY ON THE TOPA. :l


          What am I doing wrong?

          4 the Boys -- thanks for the articles ... I enjoyed reading several of them!


            What am I doing wrong?

            I too like to have a few beers cooking, then wine and more wine with and after dinner. I found a nice alterna-bev at good old Trader Joe's -- Blueberry Pomegranate Green Tea -- full of antioxidants, and only $1.49 for a liter. Getting AL out of the house isn't really an option, as hubby drinks....I am hoping he will do more of the purchasing so he will get the picture. Good luck with the exercising, and I do understand how hard it is. Those dinnertime triggers have been VERY tough for me.


              What am I doing wrong?

              The Self Discipline articles are good. He is a little full of himself, but some of the tips are good to remember, and can be applied to many areas of life.

              Speaking of which, I'm having a rough time here, at this 5:00 witching hour!! 2 days AF and day 3 seems to be the kicker...and time to start dinner....!!!!!!


                What am I doing wrong?

                CS04;330164 wrote: The Self Discipline articles are good. He is a little full of himself, but some of the tips are good to remember, and can be applied to many areas of life.

                Speaking of which, I'm having a rough time here, at this 5:00 witching hour!! 2 days AF and day 3 seems to be the kicker...and time to start dinner....!!!!!!
                I know what you mean... the witching hour ugh.....

                i'm going to try again until i get myself right.


                  What am I doing wrong?

                  I agree with the ideas of keeping the booze out of the house and having alternative distracting plans like exercise.

                  This is a big habit for you and you are probably craving alcohol psychologically and physically. when you get the cravings, just recognize that, don't judge it and don't feel you MUST act on it. Initially, it might help you to think of getting through one whole day or one whole week. Keep some books around to remind you of what you want to do. Books about not drinking I mean, with strategies for success. Take a look in our book section for tips on that. AA also has some good books.


                    What am I doing wrong?

                    I caved yesterday. I feel like I am doing this "1 step forward, 2 steps back" thing. I don't feel the horrible guilt like usual, though, I am just going to move on with my evening. Maybe the CDs are taking effect after all. I really don't think it's physical; I'm conviced it's much more of a mental thing. SuperBernie, how are you holding out?


                      What am I doing wrong?

                      I'm not doing well. But today is a new day and I will recognize the cravings like Nancy suggested. I'll go out later and do about an hour on my Trikke and just keep moving and psyching myself into regaining control. I have to remember that I'm the one in control, not AL. I'm trying to give AL some sort of character. This relationship isn't good for me and I'm not going to "answer the phone" when AL calls. sounds kinda corny and maybe a little mental, but i gotta do this for me because i love myself. hang in there CS04. We're going to be ok. Lots of support without judgment helps too. I love this place.



                        What am I doing wrong?

                        Weekends are hard for me too, SB. Was pretty depressed yesterday. I'm sure the AL is a symptom of the stress in other areas of my life, so just creates more stress. Need to have a long conversation with hubby, but don't want to turn what has so far been a nice family day into a downer. So right now I am on the fence.


                          What am I doing wrong?

                          take it easy today and let this day be about you. pamper yourself. you deserve it and talk to hubby later on. remember to try and control AL. I'm going to try my best today to do the same. so far so good for me...


                            What am I doing wrong?

                            Remember HALT?

                            I always got cravings when meal times were approaching and it took me a while to realise it was when I felt hungry. Make sure you are eating well - I am a bugger for watching Kcals but during my initial first weeks of sobriety I allowed myself to over eat slightly to make sure I always felt sated. You can always get fit/lose weight later and food has got to be better than booze!


                              What am I doing wrong?

                              refresh my memory - what is HALT?


                                What am I doing wrong?

                                Ukblonde;331864 wrote: Remember HALT?

                                I always got cravings when meal times were approaching and it took me a while to realise it was when I felt hungry. Make sure you are eating well - I am a bugger for watching Kcals but during my initial first weeks of sobriety I allowed myself to over eat slightly to make sure I always felt sated. You can always get fit/lose weight later and food has got to be better than booze!
                                For those who don't know what HALT is - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.

                                I ask myself which one's of these I am feeling when I start getting wiggy about alcohol. 99% of the time it is one of these feelings I am experiencing.

                                I completely agree with UKblonde. I have said this in many, many, many, of my posts to make sure you are eating well. Being hungry is a huge trigger for cravings. So are the other feelings mentioned, but if you keep your blood sugars stable, it really does help.

                                I found eating small meals, periodically throughout the day, helps curbs the cravings immensely. :l

