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Day stressful but ended up good.

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    Day stressful but ended up good.

    I had a very, very interesting day today and just have to share. I hope this post doesn't get too long.

    I had a very early flight out of Columbus this morning. I got up in good time (whew, love being sober!!) got to the airport and made my first leg easily.

    I was sitting in seat 3D on a Regional Jet. An elderly couple came and sat down. The wife next to me and her husband across the aisle from her. They looked about mid 80s.

    The Flight Attendant was going down the aisle giving out the drinks. I had water and so did the lady sitting next to me. I started getting engrossed in the book I was reading. Suddenly, I felt my leg get all wet. I looked over and saw the woman had spilled her water and was hunched over. I touched her shoulder, thinking she had fallen asleep and she did not respond. I gently lifted her head and asked her if she was okay. She did not respond and she was not breathing, she was turning blue.

    I immediately pressed the flight attendant call button multiple times while holding her back in the seat until the flight attendant came rushing back up the aisle with the cart.

    Luckily, a Physician's Assistant and a Doctor were on the plane. They got her out of the seat, laid her in the aisle and got the oxygen tanks down. Eventually, she started responding to their ministrations and started breathing. By the time we landed in Evansville, Indiana (we were diverted to the nearest airport) she was able to talk a little bit.

    Whew!! Boy did that leave me a nervous wreck!!

    3 hours later we got back on the plane after they found new oxygen tanks. and flew on to Memphis. However, a woman came up and sat in the newly vacated seat and started chatting with me. I was talking about downtown Columbus and somehow the conversation led to the fact that I was in the downtown area late at night (my AA meetings) and she asked why. I told her that I was going to AA meetings and she gave me a brilliant smile and said "So you are a friend of Bill's, too?"

    This woman has 5+ years sobriety and has such a great attitude about sobriety and how to live life. It was such a joy to meet her. She was going to meet her husband in Chattanooga to ride their Harley back home and I immediately thought of our dear Bear.

    It was like I had a special friend for a few hours. She had so much wonderful wisdom to impart on staying sober and the way she spoke of life and her happiness with sobriety was so good to hear.

    I have been down in the dumps lately and this chance meeting did so much to buoy me back up. It was good to meet and talk to someone for a few hours that did not just relate past experiences but talked quite frankly about newly being sober and the feelings we go through and how to handle them and how to live life with joy.

    One thing she did ask me was interesting. "So, since you have been sober, what has changed for the better in your life?" She told me to think about that every day. It reminded me of my daddy singing the song "Accentuate the positive, elminate the negative and don't mess around with Mr. Inbetween" when I was a kid.

    Anyway, just had to relate to the day. It started off horrifically and ended up being a blessing.

    I sure hope the little lady on the plane is okay. Her husband looked so devasted. All I could do was reach across the aisle and keep patting his arm.

    Oh, and one other really important lesson!! I almost forgot!! The VERY FIRST THING the doctor and then the following on EMT's asked of her husband was what medications was she on and did she have a list in her purse? She did not. They said that is such critical information in terms of what could be the cause and more importantly, what they can give her.

    As soon as I got home tonight, I called my parents, told them the story and told my Dad to get that list written right now, Who, what, dosage, when and PUT IT IN HIS WALLET. For both of my parents. (Mom doesn't carry a purse now because since her stroke, all she does it lose it.)

    Okay, done with my story.

    Love all,
    AF April 9, 2016

    Day stressful but ended up good.

    What a lovely ,wonderfull, positive storey....thanks for shareing .I usually never read the long posts but it was easier broken up in spaces and im soo glad I did. My parents are both 80 this year and I wil talk to them tomorrow about the meds list in purse. Many thanks again Cindi, will say a prayer for the ole lady and WELL DONE YOU!!


      Day stressful but ended up good.

      Dear Cindi,

      Wow, what a day you had with it's up's and down's....

      Thanks for sharing and I too hope the little old lady will be okay! I am so happy that you were able to spend time with "your angle" about sobriety. Sounds like she came to you just when you needed her too.

      God Bless you,
      Hugs, Bambi
      "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


        Day stressful but ended up good.

        Wonderful story Cindi. Thank you.


          Day stressful but ended up good.

          WOW! What an eventful, stressful, yet, positive day for you Cindi! Holy Smokes! :l

          It seems to me you were to meet this lady who has had 5+ years of sobriety.

          God places special people in our lives if only for a few moments/hours, for a reason. You have been down in the dumps, and it is obvious this special lady gave you what 'you' needed.

          I hope that elderly lady is OK too.


            Day stressful but ended up good.

            Wowee Cindi!! Your big girl pants were yanked up to your chin! I am prouder than proud of you. My mom carried that info in her purse. Should I write down supps you think? I don't take any meds.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Day stressful but ended up good.


              My doctor makes me detail exactly what supps I take and what dosage, etc. It is on her list with my meds. So, it would probably be a good idea.

              Geez, now I have to think about my own list.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Day stressful but ended up good.

                Cindy, I love your story, and while it must have been awfully intense being on the plane with that lady, it does sound like God was sending you a special person that day to help with your journey.

                We should all really carry a list of all our medications and supplements with us. I will write mine down tonight.

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Day stressful but ended up good.

                  What a great story. Good things come to good people. You were there to help the old woman and then another angel came to help you. Life can be good sometimes.

                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    Day stressful but ended up good.


                    One thing I do belive is that sometimes things happen for a reason. I think it was not a coincidnce that this happened nezt to you...And that someone who is healthy sober in AA ended up next to you....that was no coincidence at all. I am not a religious person, but I am sure that this happened for a reason!!!

                    I am so glad it happened...

                    with love,

                    formerly known as bak310


                      Day stressful but ended up good.

                      Ditto Mags. I really believe that "things" happen for a reason, and we don't always know what those reasons are at the time. Thanks for sharing with us Cindi, and good for you for finding some positive out of a difficult situation :l.

                      Miso :heart:


                        Day stressful but ended up good.

                        That wasn't a did so well Cindi! Keep what happened close to you and remember.
                        Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                          Day stressful but ended up good.

                          Cindi: Your story was priceless! I read every word. Afterward, sitting next to a recovering alcoholic was the top-off. I've been reading alot here at MWO tonight (sleepless again), & there is another post about sitting next to a recovering person in a restaurant...I think it's on the 30 day abs daily thread. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. People are put in our lives for a reason.

                          You are doing so well. I so look forward to seeing your posts & threads. My heart lifts a little when I see your butterfly avatar. You keep me going. Thank you so much, Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Day stressful but ended up good.

                            Cindi, thanks ever so much for sharing that, what a lovely story .........

                            BB xx


                              Day stressful but ended up good.

                              I think it is a bit like that "pay it forward" concept. You did something good for someone then someone else did something good for you. Do you think that the lady in recovery on the plane could ever realise that what she told you helped you and then you told us and it helped us - all over the world.
                              Thanks for passing it on!

