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Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

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    Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

    WOW! I am so sorry that happened to you, Evie. It certainly doesn't say much about your Church.

    Well, I am glad you are here with us, we can help you. Not only with AL but with other means of support. We are a very diverse community with a lot of love. :l


      Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

      You have to get your own house in order first. I know this, ask for help much will be given here . Refresh yourself, then you can again, help others after you have taken care of yourself. LOL ! IAD !
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

        I just call the 800 number and they put me in touch with United way . They will help him if I can get him away from the cult long enough.I remember the sweet little boy who always stuck up for the underdog and my heart wants to help him so much.He has 2 beauiful chidren that he is not taking care of.One of them I have never met.Thanks so much (you all give me strenght) EVIE
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

          Has he been diagnosed as bipolar. It is much more complicated than most people know. It usually has manifestations of other psychosis (mpd, ocd, schizophrenia, halucinations, paranoia) It is usually best treated with a psychologist and MD or psychiatrist. Psychologist can help get life on track and deal. MD or psychiatrist for meds and monitoring and usually initial diagnosis. Manic state is much more dangerous for suicide. Who thinks to medicate someone who is happy no matter what their circumstances are? During manic state they don't want to face going back to depression. People tend to keep a closer watch on a depressed person. Even after on medication they tend to go off meds because they begin to feel normal and think they no longer need them. They also tend to live in their own reality. What seems like constant lying to you is their truth. Hope this helps. Do your best to get them to professional help. This is one disease not to handle alone.

          Know you are loved,
          Bear Lady
          Loving Bear Forever:wings:

          "I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." ~ Helen Keller


            Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

            As Out says, Hassen's book is excellent. Another number to try is 1-800-suicide. Not just for the suicide part, but they often have an extensive resource directory for help on the cult part, as well as the bi-polar piece.

            You have had quite a time, Evie. I wish you all the best as you deal with your son. I hope he is open to the resources out there to help him. Many people have successfully left cults, despite their power. May your son be one of them!

            All the best to you--

            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

              Thank you all so much for your encouragement.I do not know where he got the label bipolar.I heard it from him only a few E mails ago.The last i heard from him was yesterday when he wrote that he would not meet up with me and that his Guru was senting him to the Big Island in Hawaii to work on an organic produce farm.I googled the guru and he owns a chain of health food stores in Hawaii.I am baffled of what I can do???Nothing I guess.Just try to forget it and live my own life.Blessings, EVIE
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???


                I am sorry your son isn't ready to be helped. I've never been in a cult but I have known some that have and it is a very hard thing to combat.

                As for the way your church treated you, it's criminal. Our minister, I'm a Unitarian, was also an alcoholic and talks about it quite freely. If he fell off the wagon I know we would surround him and offer our support. Lay people could have conducted services for awhile, it's done all the time in our church, or former ministers.

                I'm glad you have found us, though. We are a very supportive community and you are supported here. :l


                  Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                  I guess all churches are different but I really did not expect to be so badly thought of.I let myself be used and i think the church lost respect for me as the AL made me lose respect for myself.The GOOD NEWS is now that I am sober and away from the church I can live the life that I want and not feel responcible for the Tramas of so many others.It was way to stressful and they did not appreciate my dedication . I am glad that chapter of my life is over.Thanks for your concern.Blessings, EVIE
                  sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                    Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                    I agree all churches are different, but one thing that remains in common for most is, the love for Jesus and God.

                    God would never diss a child of his, no matter what! Your church should be ashamed of themselves.

                    It is a blessing you are out of there. I would NOT want to be a part of that congregation. Absolutely disgusting. You never hurt any one, except for yourself.

                    OK - off of my :soapbox:

                    :l to you evie! Two weeks of sobriety is something to be very proud about!


                      Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                      Thanks so much and I do feel proud.Can you believe it , I just got an E mail from the troble maker that turned the church against me.She said that she is sorry and that I am Loved.Bull sh...t!!!To late and to little.They showed their true faces and i did not like what I say.I will be much happier in my life without carrying the weight of so many ungrateful people on my back.I will not stop being a minister because that is who I am not just what I do .I will leave it up to GOD to bring the people that I can help into my life.I feel no more need to put myself thru the tramas that this church has brought me.I was always running to the hospital,jail,prison,womens shelter uplift others and then after 7 yrs. service they spit in my face when I needed help.MAY GOD FORGIVE THEM !!!!EVIE
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

