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Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

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    Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

    I just got a phone call from my 35yr. old son.I have rarely heard from him in the past 10 yrs.Since he joined a cult. Now he wants to see me and I am afraid.I do not know how to help a mentally ill person , and I know the cult will not help him (he refuses to leave them). He mostly lives at their head quarters in Calif. but theysend htm here and there.I am so gratful to be sober .I would have normally gone insane over something like this , but instead I have a inner peace that even this Trama can not seem to shake.I am hoping that someone may know of a Gov. funded program that could get him help?For the first time I think he is ready.He was in a car , bike accident and phisically unable to work,Now he says he is Bipolar and suicidal. Any ideas from you all would be so comforting to me.Please respond.Bless you all , You are wonderful support for me!!!! EVIE
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

    i have no words of wisdom, but God bless sweetie!!!!!!
    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


      Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

      Oh gosh I don't know what to say but stay strong and I hope someone has some better answers than i do!


        Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

        Is thier any intervintion groups around your area that deals with cults ? Sometimes you need to ask for thier help ! The ways they work might be rough, but the process is a hard and long road. Check it out. IAD. Call some of the local churches, etc. ( I've taken courses in my younger days about cults. ( Washington Seminary Colleage ) You need help....only they can handle this situation. IAD !
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

          Evie, sorry I cant offer any help but you are in my thoughts ......

          BB xx


            Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

            What about a psych or suicide hotline? Anything like that where you are? I don't know a thing about cults. Suicide aspect must be very frightening.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

              Are you drinking because of you situation or something else ? Problems come and go, it's part of life, but what is the true root of your drinking. Just want to help....I'm one like you ! IAD ! Talk to me !
              ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
              those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
              Dr. Seuss


                Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                IAD, she is NOT drinking...she is sober, worried about her child.
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                  have some experience in this area...

                  will help where I can. Please purchase a book written by Steve Hassan called "Combatting Cult Mind Control". It is an excellent story of his own experinece in a cult, leaving it and helping others leave also. The old school deprogramming methods are traumatic and rarely effective, direct confrontation about the group will cause the person to shut down or go into thought stopping techniques learned in the are an outsider, perhaps even evil at worst or unelightened and a threat at best. At least he is talking to you that is a start. There is also a website called the american family foundation that has lots of info and perhaps can put you in touch with other families who are or have experienced the same thing. Most people don't realize how pervasive cults are in this country, most people do not want to believe that their free will can be most certainly can, to the smartest, strongest people you know and are and these cults know exactly how to do it. The only people who can not be influenced in this way are people who have no capacity for abstract thinking or are sociopaths, so there is no shame in this situation and talking about it builds awareness. I don't know what I can do to help, but feel free to pm me and we can chat more. Take care.


                    Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                    Just feeling her out....ok, if you can't get away from the situation you need to go to some shelter ( House of Ruth , etc.) Thier has to be a helping hand place where she can get help. I'm Catholic, I can only lead you to thier Orgs. Thier are many Protestant Orgs. that can help !
                    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                    Dr. Seuss


                      Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                      Evie, your son needs to see a doctor. The doctor can get him on meds and refer him to counseling.

                      I am tired of people suggesting there is no help for people with bipolar. There IS help when one wants the help. It sounds like he is reaching out to you.............. get him some help.

                      As for the cult, your doctor will be able to help you in that department, he can steer you and your son in the right direction. ie: counseling.

                      There is ALWAYS HOPE.

                      Evie, didn't you say you were a missionary or a Minister or something? I thought I had read that in your earlier posts. There must be something even your church can do.

                      Best of luck.


                        Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                        I will go on abebooks and order the book.I found a bipolor hotline( ! 800 662 help).I wonder if it would be OK for me to call and ask questions , I will see my son on Tues. and I would like to have some answers for him.I am not Drinking and I do not believe that anything can be so bad that I will ever drink again.If I do then , I am NO GOOD TO ANYONE and I know that. thanks for your consern EVIE
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                          I'm sure it's OK for you to call. Holiday weekend so you may have to be on hold a bit. People get um.... "off" on holidays. My therapist said on Thursday people were already flocking into AL rehab.
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                            This may be the best gift you can give your son, Evie. The help he needs.

                            Everything happens for a reason, I truly believe this. You are not drinking now, so maybe God gave you the strength to sober up so you can help your son.

                            Don't be afraid of calling any number that will help him. They can help you, get him help. :l


                              Bipolar and in a cult , is there HELP???

                              I am a universal minister but I was ripped to shridds by my church when they found out that I was AL.They seemed to think that I am some how more than Human.I have serve this town for 7yrs. and I get a cold shoulder when it is me that needs help.Only 5 people showed up for church after the word got out,so I quite.Do not feel sad!!! It is honestly a relief. It feels like the weight of the world was taken off my shoulders and I can truly live again.I gave way to much and I am done with that.I plan on enjoying a long sober life and i have tools now that can help others who are like me I am dedicating my life and ministery to take from now on. EVIE
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

