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The drugs don't work...

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    The drugs don't work...

    Hi all,
    I am two weeks AF and I am still having headaches and dizziness that strong painkillers just aren't touching properly. I have done detox before and had headaches for a few days, but not like this.

    Also I have only ever done 3 weeks consecutively AF before and felt much better when I had a beer at the end of it and moderated after that, so I don't know what will happen when I exceed 3 weeks and don't get to drink.

    I am planning on doing a whole year AF at least and can't bear feeling this bad throughout. The first week, I could barely leave the couch! I still feel utterly below par and awful. How long does this take to wear off?? Why is it worse than it ever has been before? I did my last detox a year ago and since that I had been drinking following the same pattern as before. (Ie, being sensible with drinking, having several AF days a week then vodka binge for 3 days, then normal, go back to beginning etc)

    When do you start feeling ok? I should point out that I am also doing a ZERO sugar diet at the same time - I heard it was the best thing to stop the alcohol and sugar cravings wehn you stop drinking - it is working very well for that (last detox I was eating choc bars all day, though when drinking I actually eat very healthily, no biccies, choc, just whole foods etc.)

    I think cutting out the sugar as well as the alcohol may mean that the headaches are worse as my system is getting flushed of all toxins, but when does it stop?? I still haven't had that burst of energy/happiness that I get when a week or two sober either. Help, anyone been here?
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    The drugs don't work...

    Caffiene w/drawal is an issue. Google that and see what you find. Pain killers don't touch it. I was in hospital on morphine for surgery and had a wicked headache I could not understand and they made me a half cup of coffee and bang! Gone. Thank goodness I don't do caffeine any longer.
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      The drugs don't work...

      greeneyes;332323 wrote: Caffiene w/drawal is an issue. Google that and see what you find. Pain killers don't touch it. I was in hospital on morphine for surgery and had a wicked headache I could not understand and they made me a half cup of coffee and bang! Gone. Thank goodness I don't do caffeine any longer.
      Hi Greeneyes, I wish it was that simple. I haven't given up the coffee -no way!- just the booze. I drink it black, no sugar (coffee not booze).

      I remember when I was on morphine last year due to broken ankle. I was :happy: but didn't know what day it was. As the doc said, "Morphine doesn't take the pain away, it just makes you not care that you're in pain." So true!
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        The drugs don't work...

        Are you eating carbs? Reducing refined sugars is good but don't over do it. I am often very funny about what I eat, always trying to go high protein, watch kcals won't eat refined stuff etc. When I went AF I found the best thing was to just make sure you have plenty to eat - yes I let myself have chocolate, as well as fruit and veggies.

        Just relax, the extra stress of watching your diet can be contributing and you do need SOME sugars.


          The drugs don't work...

          Thanks Blonde, but sticking to no sugar's not really stressing me out. I was advised that in order to control the sugar and alcohol cravings when going AF it is best to just kick sugar at the same time.

          Every time I have done a 3-week detox off alcohol (about twice a year for the past 4 years), I have had unbearable sugar cravings, which means I am either eating a whole packet of biscuits in one sitting (yes, really, and a big pack) or just feeling awful.

          So I quit the sugar at exactly the same time and have only had mild alcohol cravings (mostly psychological, tbh) and NO sugar cravings after the first few days. I'm so glad I did that, as it was hard enough to have that situation go on for a few weeks - I could not BEAR to be like that for an entire year, I'd go mad!!

          If it is the lack of sugar adding to the headaches, surely this will pass in time? How long though?! Me want me good head back
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          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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            The drugs don't work...

            I was sort of thinking a wean thing. Al is processed like sugar. So if you drank something sugary maybe it would reduce the headache. Bu I'm just sort of winging it here.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              The drugs don't work...

              Ukblonde is right. Think of all the sugar that is in alcohol and think how badly your body will crave that sugar once you stop drinking. Most cravings are for the sugar and some kind of replacement may be needed from other sources. When I first gave up the drink I craved it badly and would eat and drink anything that had a high sugar content. I wasn't concerned about my teeth rotting to hell just as long as I didn't crave a drink!!. I've now gone back to reducing the sugar to only refined sugars contained in foods.

              For me personally as well I didn't look any further than getting though the day at the beginning. One day at a time as they say!!. I didn't set myself to higher goals that I knew where probably beyond me and would be daunting to think about. Maybe you should think along those lines and keep setting yourself daily or monthly goals if you feel more comfortable with your sobriety. Plenty of people on the forum doing monthly abstinence who will work with you and give you support if you want.

              Best of luck Kim

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                The drugs don't work...

                Ideally you should move to eating the fruit. nOt the high fructose corn syrup or sugar, etc. as that is a hit to your pancreas. But rather than al, I will hit the apple juice. I figure it is the lesser of the evils when I am weak willed. This is just a bitch isn't it?
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  The drugs don't work...


                  It is entirely possible that you have gotten low blood sugar from not eating enough carbs. I agree with low sugar, though, and know the cravings for sugar are awful after detoxing.

                  Try adding just a bit of veggies and maybe two servings of fruit a day. Not sugary fruits like citrus but melons or berries. Fresh fruit, or no sugar added fruit.

                  If the headache doesn't go away, you might want to tell your doctor. I recall someone here had a headache for days and days and the doctor gave them one of the NSAID's and it handled it. But be careful, those can hurt your tummy.

                  I had a headache off and on the last few weeks myself and ended up getting lots of drugs today by way of steroids, antiobiotics, nasal sprays and antihistamines. Mine were caused by a really bad sinus infection.

                  Best of luck and Great Job on detoxing!! Hope you can stay AF for a year. That is a very good goal.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    The drugs don't work...

                    Also supplements can help a lot. All the ones in the MWO programme plus extra lots of vitamain C--1,000s and 1,000s. And Bs, of course.

                    In addition, L-glutamine is supposed help for both alcohol and sugar cravings. I take the powdered form-- 5-7g mixed in a glass of water, on an empty stomach. This is also good for your stomach, I've been told.

                    And yes, it will get better, I'm guessing very soon.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      The drugs don't work...

                      I think the headaches you are describing are classic sugar withdrawal. My Mom used to own a weight loss center franchise years ago. Anyhow... for the first three days, you went on a "cleansing" for 3 days. You cut out ALL refined sugar and absolutely no alcohol or caffeine. Like clockwork (I worked their too), the clients would come in complaining of a headache like they had never had before and nothing they took was making it go away. This is a symptom of your body detoxing sugar as well as caffeine. If you can look at the headache in a positive way that it is reminding you every second that you are flushing toxins out, it helps to get through!

                      It normally goes away after about four or five days. But this diet was so awesome that diabetics were even able to go off of their insulin after years of being dependent on it.

                      Anyway... my point was not to promote a diet, but to say that the type of headache you describe is "classic" for a sugar withdrawal headache! Caffeine withdrawal is usually the same. As soon as it all passes out of your body, you will feel amazing! Hang in there!
                      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                        The drugs don't work...

                        Hey guys, thanks SO much- what all of you have said is really useful. As long as I know it will pass and I will get to that 'happy rush' then I can deal with whatever my head throws at me. The second week hasn't been AS bad as the first (which was hellish!) so that's also encouraging.

                        I think I will stick with the zero sugar for another couple of weeks just to make sure it's 'set into' my body properly and then add the lower sugar fruits after that, that's a very good idea. If that doesn't work, then yeah I'll go to the docs.

                        BTW re the year AF, I don't have a problem with alcohol willpower anymore. I have tried 3-wk detox but it too short a time for me to break my old habits and reprogramme myself as a non-alkie with 'normal' drinking habits.

                        So I have decided that if I can't give it up for a year then I can NEVER go on to do controlled drinking (which is my goal). So its this or nothing. I haven't given myself the choice of a 'slip'. Works for me, though I will definitely come back here for support during my journey. Thanks again guys, you're all great
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                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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                          The drugs don't work...

                          Give yourself 3 days. When I did Atkins it was like the flu for 3 days then it really did help curb the cravings for alcohol also. I don't know that I would recomend it for awol but it did help with the craving thing.


                            The drugs don't work...

                            oops sorry what pret4time said I missed the second page


                              The drugs don't work...

                              Hi Kimberly,

                              Copngratulations, you sound very determined! Sorry about the headache. That's wicked. Hate it. Molly posted a thread on 5-5. Just peeked at the first part of it. She had a throbber, that lasted and lasted. Check it out. If I remember correctly, her dr. ended up putting her on something for nerves, anxiety (like xanax - demerol?) temporarily to bridge through the initial WD period. 3 weeks seems excessively long, but I guess we are all different.

                              Hope this helps a little. Good luck!

                              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

