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Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just notice this on another thread, you are such a wonderful caring person.

    This Deserve One BIG Celebration
    For Finding my self
    WOW 1year AF
    Always love reading your post.x
    :disco: :goodjob:

    family is everything to me

    Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know this has been quite a year for you.

    much love & admiration,

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Well done!!!!!!!!!!:goodjob::grouptrophy:
      Mwo,s worst speller....


        Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Congratulations Finding

        Dearest FMS

        In the world of MWO that is always evolving and ever-changing, you have been for me one of the constants. You are always so helpful and caring towards others, so honest and willing to share your experiences and so modest about your own successes.

        A whole year for you, that's twelve months and 365 days without succumbing to the destructive domination of alcohol. What a wonderful achievement, especially considering the huge personal challenges you faced unflinchingly over the past year. Fantastic.

        long may you continue to lead the way!

        much love and admiration

        Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


          Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Dear FMS (aka FMF)

          Wow, girl. It seems like yesterday you were just starting out with us. I remember your story about drinking just little dribs and drabs at first to get through the horrible withdrawals. What a tough path to choose and you did it!!

          You said you went to AA and were panicky and scared and so afraid but found some help there.

          You found MWO and loved the community and just kept going.

          You have shared, consoled, laughed and cried with all of us.

          We watched you go through tremendously tough challenges with first the SO leaving, then your anguish over your daughter's attitude, then your mother's death and the awful memories you had to deal with.

          Throughout all of that, you stayed sober, you came back and let everyone know you were okay and jumped in to help others despite your own rough times.

          FMS, you are truly one courageous, beautiful, lovely person who deserves much goodness and happiness.

          And now, I can add one more thing:

          FMS is Solar Orbiter!! a member of an elite and select group on MWO and one whom all of us are proud to know and love.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

            You Beauty FMS
            Well done to a lovely member!
            Your sucess has been fought
            for and won with integrity
            and dignity. I' very very happy
            for you!


              Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Well done Finding, you should be so proud of yourself.



                Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Oh yikes!! I am so touched by this thread, Teardrop!

                And I have replied and it disappeared into cyberspace so this is Take Two!!! Aaargh! Because, well, yes, it is one year sober..... (damn, I put it much better last time so forgive me!...) and I am pleased and proud (and, as I say, so touched...thank you Cindi, Anna, Janice and Jacqui too) as it was a very different place I was in this time last year! But it has strictly been 6 months AF and 6 months for me in the place of my goals - the 'just one glass' place of most of my life.... (with soda always now - and how glad I am to be in the 'lightweight brigade'!!) but nothing matters to me more than not wanting my 'one glass place' to ever cause anyone to take a tumble; I am just blessed but in awe of the courage required by those who aren't as lucky as I those to whom one glass would spell disaster, every AF day in your lives is worthy of more cheering than this year in mine. Honest.

                I just wanted to say that, although I so don't want you to feel that I am anything other than so touched, Teardrop! Coz it IS, I guess, something to be pleased about (ok, I am! Really chuffed actually!) as one year without ever being drunk or even tipsy and without a hint of a hangover is a good feeling! (You see, I really don't want any more than that one glass so does that count?)

                One year ago it was the time that my partner's 93 year old 'loved-by-everybody's mother-in-law (yes, really!) was dying and I was useless - in those Days 1-10 of jumpiness, mood swings big enough to power-up the planet with, emotional, not sleeping.....eeeek! I was horrible!!

                And what a difference a year makes! I am truly blessed with all I have learned at the side of so many wonderful people here...the courage on these boards is incredible....I have to thank so many people here, and RJ...................(Dog, end of 'acceptance speech right now!!!!! That's awful, even if I am more grateful than I can say!)

                Cindi - that you remember so much detail is amazing! Thank you! The lovely words from all of you are special - I just hope I still deserve a few of them being a half sort of year-er?!?!? I don't want to claim solar-orbiter un-rightfully! (I really don't.)

                So, hope it's ok guys.... I can ceratinly assure you 27 May 2008 is a great place compared to 27 May 2007!!!

                Hugs all round to an amazing bunch of people!
                FMS xxx (Still!) (And enjoying it!)
                :heart: c: :heart:
                "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                  Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  HOW PROUD YOU MUST FEEL!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    Please understand, anyone is a Solar Orbiter who can stay DF (drunk free) for an entire year.

                    Absolutely do not feel guilty about the fact that you can drink a small bit of wine in some soda water and not go on to get hammered.

                    MWO is not about absolutes, one major distinction from AA. It is about living life without alcohol controlling us.

                    For some that means moderation and for some that means abstinence.

                    We cheer all who can overcome.
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      one year is truly an accomplishment that proves you are SAVED! :flower:


                        Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Thanks Cindi - !!!

                        Yes, one thing I can say (today - and now is where I am choosing to live these days) is that alcohol no longer rules my life. Wow! (And go on learning....)

                        Love FMS xx
                        :heart: c: :heart:
                        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


                          Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          FEET, that is fantastic ..........

                          Big BB hugs to you ...........

                          Thanks for sharing this year with us .........

                          BB xx


                            Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!

                   are always an inspiration.........

                            XXX Kate
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Finding My Self CELEBRATES 1YEAR AF!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              A great year of finding it has been. Congratulations and thanks for your kind and gentle words all year.


