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The failure of not drinking?

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    The failure of not drinking?

    Rip: where did you find that photo of my ex for your avatar?:H:H
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      The failure of not drinking?

      ain't he a cute bugger of a babe? TO LUVER...just because i is SOBER doesn't mean i can't talk to a drinker..FRIENDLY DRUNK are welcomed, don't be shy .... hey..i need a light... :H


        The failure of not drinking?


        i see that this is your only post. do you come here just to mock what we are trying to do? how come you have not responded to anyone's comments? this is a very supportive community and reading posts like yours hurts us.

        peace and sanity,
        peace and love,


          The failure of not drinking?

          i sent 2luver a pm for an invitation to chat, maybe he will chat with me, no one else will? bottle lovers unite!:H water for me.


            The failure of not drinking?

            I nearly DIED from AL.I have seen it kill many others!!!CHEERS TO THOSE WHO CAN HANDLE IT,IT IS DEADLY TO ME!!!!!evie
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              The failure of not drinking?

              We have people from all over the world on this there a villiage missing it's idiot????

              Honestly, I am not hurt at all by this ignorant post. This person probably tries to sell candy on diabetic sites!!!

              It must be terrible to be a bored and ignorant as Luv2drink!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                The failure of not drinking?

                KateH1, so funny. Hell I welcome the whackos every now and then, gives us something to laugh about. Every village needs its own idiot, we just got ours, YEAH!
                Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                  The failure of not drinking?

                  The village idiot..that is perfect!!!!
                  "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                    The failure of not drinking?

                    I'm pretty sure Chief's counter insurgent task force whacked him.


                      The failure of not drinking?

                      LUVDRINK...................................... I really feel sorry for you what a shame you cant even be honest with your self....DENIAL BIG TIME.................... sounds like this person is jealous of all of us who HAVE made progress in battling this killer thing called booze..


                        The failure of not drinking?


                        You have made your first step. You joined MWO. It's not easy to admit you have a problem, and ask for help. Joining this site could just save your life. We are here to help you if you want it. Just ask............
                        Miss October :blinkylove:


                          The failure of not drinking?

                          RIP , You are GREAT!!!You make me Giggle , like a school girl.Just wondering if they PMed you????
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            The failure of not drinking?

                            The failure of not drinking?

                            You See..

                            When all of you quit drinking, you become Angry and grumpy

                            oooo Luv 2 dru=ink you are an asshol* oh luv2 drink.. you are this.. and That

                            But seriously though.. I am sorry. I read all of your messages and now realize my mistake

                            I am sorry.. I feel sad... The only thing I now can do is...


                            Come on..Repeat after me..

                            I love drinking...
                            I love drinking

                            Take your whisky and beer and just drinkkkkkkkkkkkk



                              The failure of not drinking?

                              Not sure what your point really is, but sure I love to drink, but I love a lot more not to wake up with regret, not to wake up feeling sick, not to be ashamed of what I said or did, not to lose friends one after another.

                              Sure I love to drink, but I love a WHOLE LOT MORE not to drink. In a way you helped me see how stupid it was when I did think I loved to drink and deserved to drink. And I was a whole lot grumpier after I drank than I am these days. I LOVE NOT TO DRINK!!!


                                The failure of not drinking?

                                I'm continuing to laugh at you Luv2. Everytime you post I gut-busting laugh. Thanks so much! It's just that I've met you in so many bars! Don't you remember me?

                                Sorry......not angry or grumpy here. But OMG, I'm LMAO at you!!!
                                Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

