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what is willpower

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    what is willpower

    what is willpower that is the question. for me it is to understand .
    what , when , where , why and how.

    1 the what,when ---what happens when i drink ?
    happy ,sad, depression,anger, mean ,lose of family these are just a few .

    2 the where---------where do i like to drink ?
    home, work,bar, parties, anywhere i can buy a drink.

    3 the why -----------why because it made me feel good.
    to impress , feel like one of the crowd, to bring out the real me, to hide the pain of life

    4 the how -----------is the realize what you have and what you have lost and if you ask yourself if you want to lose anymore of life . if you go back to drinking will it change i think not . when you take alcohol out of the picture you become someone that you dont even know yourself you think and over think things which is good . to learn that you have the willpower to do anything and everything you want and need in life.

    peace and god bless
    would love to hear you input
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

    what is willpower

    Thanks for this. #4 is the one that I continue to reflect on as one of the biggest reasons to keep sober. I have driven good people out of my life with my drinking. I don't want to lose anymore or destroy my chance for happiness and friendships.

    This was really brought home to me this weekend. I woke up Saturay morning wanting to break open a bottle of champage and sip it down to just have a nice, mellow, relaxing day. I posted my craving and got a lot of support and didn't drink. Late morning someone called that I only have just begun to get to know. We had a long, great conversation. Afterwards, I thanked the powers that be, as well as the support from this site, that I wasn't drunk. It would have probably destroyed all hopes of this friendship developing.

    I never want to be drunk again!


      what is willpower

      great job maisie sound like you know what you want.. keep up the good work stay strong.
      peace and god bless
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        what is willpower

        That is exactly how I feel.I NEVER WANT TO DRINK AGAIN and I am willing to do what ever it takes to make that happen.If I get an uncontrollable urge then I am going to the Emergency room , Dr. office , Police or somewhere and begging them to stop me.I am serious !!!i will do anything but drink.NEVER EVER AGAIN !!!I DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER SOBER IN ME so it is a matter of survival for me...EVIE
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          what is willpower

          the bull of life is aways ready to throw you off

          well i think i want to keep this one thread going and this how i really feel. to look back 7 months ago and say to myself i probley would have never been able to be this open .and write down my feelings .
          and when i go back thru all the thread i have started this one i love the most it remind me of what i have done and who i want to be and who i am now .
          always thinking and learning..

          peace,love,and god bless
          and have a great day
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            what is willpower

            well i got to say thank god for will power because if i didnt have right now . i would be wanting to go up to nc and kicking my brother ass once and for all . i was in chat earlier tonight and somethings i put behind me i wanted to talk about and it felt good talking about them too .but long story short thank god i can put it behind me. and learn from everything i do and say .
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              what is willpower

              willpower for me comes with a certain amount of acceptance of my alcoholism. It gives me strength to know that I have accepted I can never safely drink again. Step 3 in AA says though..... Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. This is something I thought I could never in a million years envisage doing but I am slowly managing to let something greater than my own willpower alone help me in aiding my sobriety.

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                what is willpower

                Willpower for me is not the white knuckle stuff. Also I just do not have it. I find power to change my destructive thoughts comes from a series of spontaneous distractions. My stupid brain was the origional track for one way thoughts. I attempt to adjust the track with distractions. I think every one has their individual way. Hope I dont sound too wanky or esoteric but I like the Zen thing where the masters ask the learners silly little questions that make their brains blow a fuse and then they are enlightened all at once. Well I have blown enough fuses to fill a quarry and still dont get it but still trying LOL. Great thread Mr t thanks

