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Tell me to keep calm, please...?

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    Tell me to keep calm, please...?

    Um....just after some messages to help me keep my cool tomorrow...? I have to do this Alcohol Awareness Course to get my D licence back in September. I have been looking so firmly and positively ahead, and not backwards, that I thought I could hack it...but this evening I just disolved a bit...

    I am worried that I will do my old trick of acting all cool and calm until I can contain it no longer, and at one tiny suggestion (to me!) of criticism (perceived by me of course!) or advice-I-already-know (!), I will snap and lose my dignity completely.....

    After a year sober with 6 months AF, months of wisdom, support and advice from everyone here, I am not looking forward to doing things around being 'taught' just how different a pint of vodka is to a pint of beer, filling in a drink-diary and discussing it with everyone, digging up the 'why we drink' subject (shared with you guys, not them), discussing 'alternatives to drink driving' (duh???? Don't drink!?!?!?!?) etc etc etc for 18 hours over three consecutive Fridays...... 6 hours a day?!?! 'Consequences of losing your licence'.....I think I could tell them more than they could tell me apart from the fact that not driving has completely sorted out my IBS!!! Sooooh much less stress on public transport (ok, I know I am lucky to live in a town) and I genuinely don't want to drive again. I enjoy walking - not rushing around in that road-mayhem helps my AF/sober-ness more than I can say.(Couldn't afford to anyway and we have two cars in the family anyway - my personal carbon footprint is brilliant! And maybe I have lost my nerve, but it is a nerve I am well employing elsewhere now and gladly!))

    Sorry, I know it is just a 'sit there, smile and it'll soon pass' but I am just a bit twittery. Who might I know and all that...? Plus it majorly brings that whole damned year of crazy 'games' with alcohol back....I so wanted to leave it there behind me and, not ignore it or deny it, but just leave
    it in 2007 and not have to pick it up again and drag it along like a ball and chain. (For ball and chain read the crunching shame.)

    I shall hang on to the wonderful strength gained here but not talk mention it - selfish maybe but it is too special - and, again, my fear is of anyone suggesting anything I perceive as 'neggy' about anywhere like here!

    Arrogant aren't I...?! Thinking I wont learn anything. That it'll be stupid, 'learned-from-a-book' teaching rather than 'learned-from-experience' teaching (here)..... and, although I apologise in advance to those who it really helps, if there are AA tendencies.....eeeek!

    Thanks for letting me dump.....I'll tell you all about it....maybe!!! (Sorry for the above being me, me, me - coz it really is I know.) Maybe someone has done one in the UK and can give me any tips....?

    Love FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."

    Tell me to keep calm, please...?


    I don't blame you for being nervous. Remember all these people are just people who also got caught. No better no worse. As I am an American and never having been in drunk driving school (or whatever the title) I can't offer you informed assurance. Just know I'm positively thinking 'bout you and it's three days hon, you will get thru it and yes, you can leave that dang 2007 in the past. :l


      Tell me to keep calm, please...?

      Feet, honey ......

      You really dont have anything to worry about .......

      There will be people with you that are still drinking, you will shine above them all .......

      You are a decent moral citizen who has nothing at all to be worried about ....

      You will 'sail' through it .......

      Love & Hugs, BB xx


        Tell me to keep calm, please...?

        Just a question.Do we leave the problems A has caused us in the past.I have been looking back the last few days when I have cravings and useing my bad experinces with A to motivate me to be af .Being new maybe their is a time in the future that I won't have to look back at this negative part of my life. Is this so?

        Stay Healthy
        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
        AF 5-16-08


          Tell me to keep calm, please...?

          I think there can be a time, Caysea.... It has been 12 months for me and it has settled....I so remember feeling like's going to be ok. Thanks for reminding me of that! Just you keep on going! And Good Luck!

          And thanks sooooh much Hart and BB.....means a lot. Really does! You're stars! Yea, I guess I'm getting my knicks in a twist for not much.....(I hope!)

          FMS xx
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Tell me to keep calm, please...?

            Go and be a teacher than. Listen and then speak what wisdom you know. Anytime a required thing like this happens you can be of help. You can be an example of someone who is kind, does not know everything but wise at the same time.

            I think you have many more qualities that are so good, I want you to use them for this.



              Tell me to keep calm, please...?

              Best'll do great!

              Don't worry so much, we are here for you....
              Love & Hugs,
              "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


                Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                Hi Finding! You'll be okay, really. How often do we dread something and once we are there, it turns out not to be so bad? Also, remember that it's just an exercise - they don't have to "scare you sober" because you already are. They will be focussing much more on the people who are obviously still in a bad way, or seem very unrepentent, or indifferent. And if you need to fill in a drink tracker, or do any other (for you) useless exercise, just go along, because I guess you have to, and it's not like they are going to find you are hiding in the closet and drinking yourself silly every night.

                Don't worry, Be happy! This will soon be over, and then you can put this all behind you and get on with your life. We will all be sending you strength, and steadiness.....deep breathes.....:l
                The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                  Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                  I did the same course at the end of last year. Everyone is apprehensive at the start but by the end you are all friends since you are all in the same boat. Yes I got the highest score for the quiz on day one - simply because most other people do not know or recognise stuff about AL.

                  I did admit to wanting to stop drinking and told a few folk there that I thought I had a problem. Didn't seem to matter to anyone else and a lot of them had actually upped their drinking since not having the responsibility to drive any more. The course is very informative, goes over the dangers of drinking as well as legal stuff about courts and the police. A lot of folk don't want to be there but end up wishing the course was offered to all drivers. You may also come away with info you can pass on to your mates etc for the future.

                  The course is also not about stopping drinking or recognising you have a problem (most wont or don't have one there), it's about trying to prevent you doing it again.

                  Relax and enjoy it, I looked at it as a step towards getting my licence back and much sooner.


                    Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                    By the way - I decided to tell the guy running it I was trying to stop AL, he said I didn't have to do the drink tracker if I didn't want to or could make it up. You have nothing to be ashamed of, you may be the only one who has decided and been able to stop - be proud of it.


                      Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                      I think too, that you might get a sort of feeling of increased self esteem that not only do you know it all, but you are a different person to the one you were when you were drinking. How many people do you think go to these classes still in that hopeless AL place. Look what you've achieved! If I were you I'd just sit and listen, and if possible, dream and reflect on how innappropriate it is for the current you to be there because of all you've learned. You could come out feeling terrific.
                      Good luck!


                        Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                        Fms...I think its good to be a bit nerves thats when you know you will do fine.
                        All the best of luck.x

                        family is everything to me


                          Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                          Remove yourself from the topic! think of it as a essay or assignment you have to put in to school or uni. Just absorb everything as a case study and it really isn't you. Think of what you can learn and tell us all about it!
                          I wish you well.
                          Love Shas
                          Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                            Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                            Oh, Finding, you big sweetie!

                            You are going to be absolutely fine. You have said to us all you need to say to yourself. We can always learn, and I think you know that. And think of it kind of like a "wrap" - the end of a move - ya know. You have worked really hard over this past year and this is a way to say good bye.

                            You will be fantastic. But I still wish I could be there to go with you...


                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                              I am there with you in my heart and i know that you will get thru this with flying colors...Evie
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

