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Tell me to keep calm, please...?

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    Tell me to keep calm, please...?

    FMS ~ I'm thinking of you, sweetie. I hope all is going well.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      Tell me to keep calm, please...?

      I am soooooh grateful for all your messages....they really helped so much and I stayed calm!!

      I will post a bit about it tomorrow as it was, er, interesting to say the least.....basically a day of discussing just how to "Get at least a bottle of spirits down and not get nicked."..... ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?

      So it was somewhat 'sad' soul did a lot of sighing as it were! A lot of ,"Oh-ing"....

      But I certainly wasn't made to feel 'bad' - a 'lightweight' if anything (and oh how glad I was for that!!!!!!!!)

      Catch you tomorrow then.....and so many thanks again. I was so touched....Sammys - wow! Thank you.

      Love FMS xx
      :heart: c: :heart:
      "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


        Tell me to keep calm, please...?

        FMS, I'm glad it was ok. I"m interested in hearing about it.


          Tell me to keep calm, please...?

          So glad you checked in.



            Tell me to keep calm, please...?


            So glad you checked in, too.

            Glad you are a lightweight!!! :H

            Kind of scary, though, huh??

            Love you!!
            AF April 9, 2016


              Tell me to keep calm, please...?

              I am interested to hear what happened as well. I was going to post earlier that what happens really depends on the instructor. Just like anything else, it really depends on what he or she has to offer. You can get someone who is just there for the paycheck and doesn't give a crap, or you can have someone who really cares, has experience, and has a lot to offer.
              It sounds like you have someone who was there to please the crowd??????
              Goal 1: Today
              Goal 2: Tomorrow


                Tell me to keep calm, please...?

                Hi all I just had to respond to this thread.KNOW THE FEELING moved to UTah from San Diego my last week before I moved to Utah got a DUI paid an attorney three thousand dollars be fore I left. Plead guilty of course in court, ALTHOUGH now that I live in utah they will not accept a out of state DUI program SO they wanted me to move back and complete a nine month program OR what 15 months then I can file a wavier with proof of residency sr22 etc, IT FLIPPIN sucks I have not driven for a year ... Made it through my first winter here slipping and sliding in the snow to the Trolley tracks IT SUCKED big time but I had to do it ... So looking forward to October when I can get my license back but the rate the gas prices are going Im in no hurry to drive, I will take the trolley for 1.75 a day ... the weather is really beautiful here now. Killed a few hydrangas but what the hey live and learn.. as I sit here with ten months sober, no bad day I have now even comes close to the torrment and the guilt and all that crap that comes with drinking... I must remember this to SHALL PASS... thanks for everyone here I look so forward to reading everyones posts, I surely know I am not alone,, I know I cant lick this thing by myself but I KNOW WE CAN together one day at a time sometimes one minute at a time ,,, GOD BLESS and have a great weekend

