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Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

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    Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

    I've gleaned that many members either haven't experienced these problems or don't want to hear about them...If this is better discussed on a Health forum, let me know.

    I have been living with a lot of uncertainty since quitting drinking nearly 90 days ago. I thought at the beginning that health problems would resolve reasonably soon enough. However, here I am still not sure what is ransacked in my body.

    Several trips to my PCP, a GI Specialist and even a Neurologist have revealed:

    My Biliribium (sp?) is slightly elevated, yet within what is considered normal range.
    An Ultrasound revealed no abnormalities.
    The Neuro Doc didn't seem to think anything was wrong upon a Physical exam.

    I have lost 20 pds. in the time since I quit drinking. Seemed normal at first and okay. Now, it doesn't seem to want to stop.
    I am in a constant state of dehydration. I have no clue why. Blood tests did not indicate Diabetes even though my blood sugar was boarderline for a long while. I have even developed gingivitis from it, which I cannot get rid of because my body is parched ( Yes, I drink plenty of fluids ).
    I have skin problems since quitting. These include splotchy areas on my face and some angiomas on my torso. The skin on my hands looks somewhat shriveled if you look closely. Again, I do not know if this is liver related or due to dehydration.
    Energy level has not returned to normal. It is [I]somewhat[I] better, but nowhere near what it was a year ago when I was drinking.
    Occasionally, I become short of breath or feel like my lungs are weakened. Not fun.
    Occasional dizziness occurs and sometimes I have balance/gait problems ( at least this has improved considerably in the last months ).
    Blurred vision...this could be from staring at the monitor too much, but it first started occurring when I was still deeply embedded in drinking.

    Well, for the brave souls that read through that, I thank you. For those it scared or motivated to not drink, I guess maybe I helped someone. Now, can anyone relate? Is anyone knowledgeable about this stuff? I really need a thread on this.

    Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

    Hi Feb!
    Just wanted to say :goodjob: on quitting the booze and really sorry that you have been lumbered with these symptoms since.
    I'm no medical expert but know that al depletes loads of vits and minerals in our bodies and was wondering if you are taking any supplements?
    Zinc deficiency is def linked to skin especially poor healing......
    Just some thoughts -
    Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
    For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


      Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

      Thanks for the reply Evie.

      I have been taking A LOT of supps. These include:
      Daily Multi Vitamin
      Vitamin B
      Vitamin E
      Milk Thistle
      I've also been consuming Whey Protein Shakes, L Glutamine, and Garlic.

      Medication wise, I am taking 4-6 mg of Clonazapam and 60 mg of Inderal LA daily.

      Thanks again.


        Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

        one of the first things i did prior to stopping drinking as it just turned out that way was i found a hormone specialist. and as it turns out, that very well saved my life in a variety of ways. but all hormones were completely out of wack and really so much so given all the damage the booze did. i experienced quite a bit of symptoms some of what you ahve but others quite a bit more serious including anemia and had to have blood transfusions. soooo, i used but i'm sure if you find a and i do mean a specialist as then they run a series of blood tests to define your levels on a variety of issues. i was a clock ticking..... hahaha and i do mean that well we all are but booze has a way of really speeding things up and destroying so much. i think to myself others have no idea the dynamite they are toying with. good luck


          Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

          Barbie and Dolphin,

          Thanks for your replies.

          Barbie: I have had blood drawn several times in the past 3 months. A couple or three were CBCs. Would that test be sufficient to know everything? Anemia has crossed my mind a lot lately. In fact, I mentioned it to Doc the other day. He went ahead and ordered a CT Scan of my abdomen and pelvis and will probably do another CBC in a few weeks. I'm really starting to feel like a medical experiment in progress. Scary stuff when you have no idea what is going on with your body. He did check Thyroid last time and it was normal. I guess that clears me on hormones?

          Dolphin: Thanks for the welcome and sorry about your ex. You seem very positive about the situation, though. We got to!


            Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

            What you describe is what I got the first 2 weeks after I had binged or drank for awhile. I got extremely dry, blotchy skin on my face, my finger tips peeled, I was short of breath (like my lungs would not expand enough), no energy. I didn't lose weight but instead would start to gain because when I drank I never ate.

            I hope you get the answers you need. Sorry I could not be of help. Congrats on 90 days!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems


              A CBC test would have detected anemia.

              Overall, your symptoms sound a lot like diabetes, which can result from chronic alcohol abuse. Excessive urination, increased thirst, weight loss, blurred vision ... low blood pressure can result, too, accounting for shortness of breath and dizziness. You should definitely be tested for fasting glucose levels, and I'd recommend a glucose tolerance test (which I think is more sensitive/definitive) as well. If you are diabetic, you DO NOT want to relapse into drinking again -- it can kill you. Here's some basic reading:

              Diabetes mellitus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              Glucose tolerance test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
              Diabetes Monitor - alcohol and hormones

              Congrats on quitting, and good luck.
              Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
              A: Practice, of course.


                Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

                I have read that their is a strong connection between diabetes and AL.In my family the people are either AL or Diabetic.It might have something to do with how your body process sugar.Are you replenishing all the Vits. and minerals that you have lost due to AL.I have relatives in Hawaii and they turned me on to Noni juice.It can really help with rebuilding your immune system.I do not believe all the claims that tghe Noni salesman claim but I do think it has helped me.You can buy it at GNC and even Walmart I think.I did not realize how depleting AL was to me and now I feed myseif lots of good whole foods and my health is returning .Best of all to you !!!!Evie
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

                  Hubby's dad developed diabetes from excessive alcohol abuse.
                  :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                    Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

                    Hi February!

                    It sound to me that maybe you should get tested for Crohn's Disease. You have all of the symptoms that my late husband had.

                    Rapid weight loss, dehydration, dizziness, etc...

                    May be worth checking into.

                    Welcome aboard!


                      Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

                      the medical communities idea of normal thyroid is based on a very bad scale. i could go into detail but suffice it to say it isn't a normal range that ever worked for me .that is why i took all those tests to a hormone specialist. thyroid is but one there are but 20 odd hormones to be tested for. and my thyroid fit in medical normal range but was really off for me and has been all my life. once i got on bio identicals which is what the body would produce my body felt miles different. drs. are not hormone specialists unless that is what they do. wish i knew what part of the country you were in but i gave you my guy. call dan and tell him what is up. he has been a live saver for me. and yes i've felt like an experiment to but i'm now 20 books and the same drs later almost healed. after being tremendously sick and well on my way out literally.


                        Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

                        Thanks to everyone for chiming in, even if it does make me worry. but hey, I asked, right?

                        The CT of my abdomen/Pelvic region should reveal if anything is abnormal down there. I'm waiting on those results. Hopefully, this test will finally clarify something.

                        I don't know, I've had countless blood work done and Diabetes has not been mentioned by either of 2 doctor's. I have done the fasting Glucose one and it did seem to indicate Borderline, but I think my PCP felt it was too soon after quitting drinking to be relied upon.

                        After the CT results are in, I believe he will do another CBC. Hopefully the search will be mostly done soon.


                          Liver/Internal Plumbing Problems

                          Hi February,

                          I'm not an MD, but I have significant biology and biochemisty in my background, enough to read the literature. And I really think you should pursue the diabetes testing. The chronic dehydration you mentioned is the classic symptom. Quoting Wikipedia:

                          "The characteristic symptoms are excessive urine production (polyuria) due to high blood glucose levels, excessive thirst and increased fluid intake (polydipsia) attempting to compensate for increased urination, blurred vision due to high blood glucose effects on the eye's optics, unexplained weight loss, and lethargy."

                          As for "too soon after quitting drinking", I have no knowledge. But I would think your metabolism should have stabilized in 6 weeks (congrats again, wish I could say I was with you; 5 days blown last night, sigh). The next time you see your doc, you should insist on a glucose tolerance test. It's an inexpensive test, so he should have no reason to refuse it (actually, I'm kind of disappointed already that he hasn't pursued this. If he gives you resistance, get a differnt doc).

                          Again, I'm not an MD, but if there were a betting pool, I'd take 80% odds on diabetes.

                          peace and hugs,
                          Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
                          A: Practice, of course.

