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Teething problems (abstinence, not babies!)

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    Teething problems (abstinence, not babies!)

    Decided not to drink on Tuesday night. Have been feeling SO exhausted recently and I'm getting fed up with myself for being unproductive during the day. Think booze and sleep patterns must play a big part in this. Funnily enough, despite the huge pull of alchohol, this exhaustion is motivating me to want to stop. I didn't drink. It went fine. Felt quite pleased on Weds am. Felt like a 'normal' person. Looked around at other people, presumed they weren't alcohol abusers, and had this really good feeling of being just like them.
    Weds night hubby went out so I thought 'what the hell' and proceeded to drink a bottle of wine plus a glass. Thurs am felt like **** Seriously panicked about how I'd get through my day. But in a way I was glad. You see, being bulemic, I often vomit away the effects of the booze, but that night I didn't. I had felt the effects of the abuse on my body. I felt so bad that I swore I wouldn't drink last night. I didn't. And on neither of these two nights has abstinence been difficult physically for me at all. (It might get harder after more than one night I suppose). However, I do feel very gloomy, maybe even a little depressed. I was fine last night, but didn't get the cheerful smiley evening buzz that the wine gives me. I felt flat, which makes me sad. I know I have to stop because I would drink well beyond the initial buzz, but can anyone tell me how long it takes before you don't feel that some part of you evening is missing? Why do I feel so flat? Do any of the supplements help against that?

    Teething problems (abstinence, not babies!)

    Just a buzz!!

    how long it takes before you don't feel that some part of your evening is missing?
    I was so caught up in thinking about alcohol, when I didn't have it, that it was morning, noon and night that something was missing; not just the evening. There was never a stage with me where I would get so far through the day that I felt I needed to drink to relieve the boredom or stress of the day. The obsession was there when I woke up and my brain clicked into gear and asked me "how and when are you going to get a drink inside you today?". cooking, it seems like you have convinced yourself that you need that evening buzz from drinking wine. Why not get the buzz from doing something completely different which requires a bit of effort. The buzz I got from alcohol, before the demon reached in and ripped my soul out, was a lazy buzz. It requires no effort on my part to drink and obtain that buzz and I think it's this lazy buzz that keeps us continually going back for more. If you do something instead, that requires effort and patience then maybe you can re-condition your perception of 'the buzz'. Just a thought!!!lol

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Teething problems (abstinence, not babies!)

      I just stopped getting that buzz, or should I say the negative feelings after the initial buzz just made it not worthwhile.

      I conned myself for years that drinking was fun, but it really wasn't - the stupid things I said and did, the way I felt at the end of the evening (or when I came to the next day) was always terrible. Perhaps you are deceiving yourself like I was?

      Life doesn't have to be a series of extreme highs and lows, it can be serene and peaceful. Well most of the time!


        Teething problems (abstinence, not babies!)

        Looked around at other people, presumed they weren't alcohol abusers, and had this really good feeling of being just like them.
        Keep going out in public.. go to movies, go shopping (except to nuy wine, of course), go places you haven't gone for a while, or always wanted to but were home with your wine. That was when I started feeling like not only was a part of my night NOT missing, but how much of my night I was wasting.

        Good luck, you can do this. Just never give up. Keep putting one baby-step out there at a time. Before you know it you will look back and be amazed how far you have come!


        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Teething problems (abstinence, not babies!)

          Soberiety was so hard for me that when I finally got thru the withdrawls (3 days of hell ) I had such a sence of freedom that I became high on life. Now I continue to maintain that feeling thru this Web site.The fisrt thing every morning I come here and Readm Sometimes I reread by old posts just to help me remember that AL was a big Lier that always tried to trick me into thinking I would feel better with him by my side.It never worked for long.I always ended up feeling worse.I finally brain washed my self into the knowing that nothing is so bad that a drink will not make it worse.AL had programed me into believing other wise.HE is a THIEF and a LIER !!!!!Do not listen to his lies and you to can find the joy of living AF!!!Bless you on your path to FREEDOM.....Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            Teething problems (abstinence, not babies!)

            Finding other things to do is probably the best way. Feeling flat for a few days is probably your body adjusting. Both to not drinking and to not throwing up. Bulimia is very serious, you mention it just in passing so it isn't clear if this is a food issue as well or just how you dealt with the alcohol. Try to get as much support for both as you can, and for the underlying issues, which are probably the same. Take care and keep checking in.

