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You are all beauties

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    You are all beauties

    I adore every word here and I read and listen and then I sit back and feel.
    I don't mean to be redundant, but, I have been trying to post and reply and I cant' find it.

    I am sorry. In any way I misspoke, it was not intentional. I am learning here and I full of gratitude to you.
    You are all amazing and precious to me.
    In my circle , where I work and exist during the day no one has a clue.
    I tried the whole Topa route and I was bursting with hope that this would help.
    It did not. Nevertheless, I remain full of hope and promise because of you.

    I speak sometimes in abstract and I don't mean any ill intent.

    If my previous post does not surface, because I can't find it. I say again that you are all like a bouquet of flowers that are apart of a collective and glorious gathering .
    I take in your fragrance every day and it lingers .

    Your wonderful human beings,

    Thank You,


    " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

    You are all beauties

    Karen, you are a dear. I'm not going to lie and say I understand everything you type, but I will say that your underlying message does come through in the end.

    You thank us, but you don't talk about you that much. So what exactly is going on with you right now? Are you ok? Can we help with anything?

    As far as finding your own posts, you can do the following:

    1) Click on your sign-on name right above your post. A drop-down box will appear.

    2) One of the choices will say "Find all Posts by Theme2be". Click on that and it will take you to a list of all the posts you have put "out there".

    Good luck. Don't hesitate to ask for any help at anytime.

    Take care of you.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      You are all beauties

      I am Thankful even in the midst of this struggle.
      It is not an easy thing for me to speak of what is going on with me because that is not the dynamic I know because of my family of origin.
      I was chastised and stricken from the books when this beast surfaced after being who I was up until this seized every fiber of my being.

      This site and you and people like yourself are all I have for the most part.

      I have not been able to put this bottle down.
      I loathe it even when I throw it into my body.

      I believe "it" is a challange and it is angry that I am seeking out a way to eliminate "it".
      I choose, even if it takes me to my death to not give it its full reign.
      It wants to be master of my personality and spirit on Earth.

      I did not know Bear, but, I am feeling the grief for those that did and his family.
      I am grateful to him as it is obvious that he made a difference here. He did so because he cared and shared what he knew to share.
      To me, you all make a difference here. I might not express in words properly, but, I have a sense about some of you because you enter my heart daily and I want you to know that I care rather "it" is taking over my cells or not.

      I am inspired and can't wait for the moment "it" is history.

      With hope ,


      " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


        You are all beauties

        Karen, each day we get to start over. And each day we make our own choices as to where that day is going to take us. Please know that YOU are the MASTER of your personality and spirit on Earth!! Not alcohol! Don't you ever let alcohol have that power ever again! You know AL is only going to make you feel worse.

        Please get your self a plan. If I may make a suggestion, why don't you download the book this afternoon? At the top of the page there's a link that says "Health Store". You can download the book for about $12.00. It's a quick easy read. It will explain the program and might help answer a lot of questions. It is not the typical self-help book filled with a lot of mumbo jumbo. It has real solutions for our problem.

        You owe it to yourself to do something for you. Take some positive action today. Do you want to wake up tomorrow feeling down and blue, or do you want to wake feeling proud that you made it through your day 1 AF?? Come on, that's an easy answer.

        Don't be scared. We are here holding out a hand if you need it.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          You are all beauties

          thanks that was really nice and keep on trying never give up .you can do this
          :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
          best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


            You are all beauties

            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              You are all beauties

              Theme2be, I know you are hurting, honey.

              Take it one day at a time. Alcohol does not deserve this much power over such a kind and grateful soul.

              You need to start liking yourself enough to take that first step. Gosh, life is so short - it is time to live it!

              Do you have a medical doctor there in Vegas? If you do, can you see him/her and discuss your battle with AL?

              Big hugs to you. :l


                You are all beauties

                TheMe2Be aka Karen,

                Yes. I agree with Thankful and AFM. Please download the book if you can. If not, go to Barnes and Nobles or one of those and order it. It is not very expensive.

                It has a wealth of information, not just about topa but the supplements, etc.

                Also, stay with us. You will learn to navigate the threads easily enough, trust me.

                More importantly, do make a plan. One you can stick with. Not something undoable but something doable.

                Yes, throwing AL in the body hurts us all. We are not capable of dealing with him. Chief always says "Throw in the towel and let AL stay in the ring alone." I love Chief, he has done so well and knows our struggle intimately.

                However, like Thankful says, every day is a new day. If you "fail" today you can win tomorrow. Thankful has slayed this beast and so have I and so can you. Do not give up trying to. All of us just need to remember not to face him/her again. Let AL go. If we try to face him/her, we will lose.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  You are all beauties

                  I love reading your posts. They are so honest and who you are. If you are an abstract thinker and writer, that is the way you should post; we should all be true to who we are. I think the way you write is beautiful, and I wish I had more of that type of creativity within me.
                  Goal 1: Today
                  Goal 2: Tomorrow


                    You are all beauties

                    I have had a rough May. I would love to be AF with you in June. Let's do this together.
                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      You are all beauties

                      I am IN for june !!!!!! This makes me feel some hope ... Thank you, Karen, Lukalee, Thankful, Cindi, Tlgrs, Accountable, everyone ...:groupluv:
                      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                        You are all beauties

                        Let's do this dexter. I am with you 1,000,000%. We can do this together. June is always a hard month for me, but there is NO way AL can give me another crappy month like May; I WILL NOT let it happen.
                        Goal 1: Today
                        Goal 2: Tomorrow


                          You are all beauties

                          YAYYY!! Karen, do you want to give it a try? no pressure, only hand holding.
                          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!

