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You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

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    You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

    OK, Able Seamen .. however the spelling :H:H:H
    I have swabbed the deck and I have a cat o' nine tails.
    Now, I would like to hear some really dirty sea shanties ... :H
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

      The Girl stood on the burning deck her feet were full of blisters .... tore her pants on a rusty nail and now she wears her sisters. HAAAAAAAAAA
      How dirty is that one ( sorry been at sea tooooo long) LOL


        You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

        there once was a man from nantucket with a
        :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
        best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


          You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

          I love dirty limericks!!
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

            Captnjack;349967 wrote: Magic ( thanks for the message its means alot) and Lori welcome Lori any good at the ancient art of semaphore( flag signaling) only 2 letters "AL" from shore will alert us to the buggers presence. Mr T I dont think we want another case of "hypothermia" such scantly clad persons are to be escorted ashore and given appropriate clothing as pointed out by Magic . Bash and all Im doing well I need this distraction to prevent me from brooding in my cabin it will all end in shame and sickness if i reach for that DAMMM rum bottle. Thank you me hearty's and lassies for the gift of distraction you are giving me. You truly are the best crew I have ever had and well the "Garter " has no captain we are all Caps of this fine ship on this June journey
            Love Cap no 3
            Welcome back Cap?n,

            I was having so much fun with your ship that I lost track of time.

            Garter Belt Log 20th/ June/ Blank years away

            At 8 bells our star fix put our position at Latitude 11 deg 38? 53.813? NORTH
            Longitude 61 deg 00? 24.988 WEST.

            Speed is 15 knots on a leeward tack, WNW, in heavy, following seas. Continuous squall lines coming from the Bight of Benin.
            Boson Luk holding course on bearing N86W to The Serpent?s Mouth ? tip Cumana Pt. E. Venezuela.

            Hatches are battened and the pumps are manned.

            My orders are to swing the lead to a 5 count and then go about NNE, on a windward tack until we sight the fair isles of Grenada, St Maarten, Barbados, and Guadeloupe to starboard.
            As we enter the trench between the French islands we will have 2,800 fathoms under the keel on the run to my planned rendezvous with a certain trader, off Monte Pele, Martinique.

            I have a plan which will be revealed to you when the carrier parrot finds your position.
            This parrot is special; as I relived a drunken Mottley Crewe member of her, during a brawl in the Sextant and Compasses, up in Providencia last year. AL was there, along with The Sotts that he runs with. The bastard had ?Shandy? drunk on her arse which is where the now all too common saying, ?She/He?s as pissed as a Parrot!? comes from.

            She speaks 3 languages, of which Gibberish, is the only one I actually have a fair grasp of.
            When questioned about her sobriety, relative to mine, she purposely avoids my eye (got a patch on the other one for this voyage only). Her answers are always in a roundabout kind of way and in Allderdatkinacrap or the even more obscure African Grey dialect from her Father?s side of the family.
            Without a Flagship and a fleet of cutters to relay the messages as per your semaphore idea,(line of sight remember) Twenty Thousand leagues over the horizon to your last plotted position, we?re grounded ? Shandy is our only hope, with her team of Frequent Fliers. Just take messages as they come and pretend you don?t speak any of the above. Trust me!

            I digress Cap?n ? your words ?distraction to prevent me from brooding in my cabin it will all end in shame and sickness if i reach for that DAMMM rum bottle.? Distraction gave me the idea ?..

            Now as to this stowaway ?Lori? the Mountain Woman throwing up in our long boat. She?s bloody lucky my cabin mate Magic came aboard off Vancouver and vouches for her. The fact that neither of them know that Men O? War don?t have ?life? boats, windows or that sharing a bunk is not a sleep side b?side sharing arrangement, rather, your on top- I?m on bottom. ?
            I?ve issued Hot Woman with a Five Seven Seven, based on the fact that she mentioned looking in a ?Bulleye? which either means she?s a crack shot or? Bulleye? means something else in the mountains.
            Magic is a pacifist by nature so she?s holding an unloaded blunderbuss, which she has cleverly converted into a coffee percolator. She brought lots of coffee and chocolates with her and will have ?Lori? put one on your pillow every night.
            I hope you don?t mind the impertinence Capn?t, but seeing as she was green with the malaise, I?ve squared her away in the hammock in your stateroom. It won?t move with ship, like a bunk. Seems willing and able, so let?s see about Wisdom.
            Magic we have; I?m just stumped as to what the Third Pillar was called.

            All this talk of bunks has made me tired, so I will turn in for a couple of watches.

            Have you seen or heard from theme2 be or Gelgit? I hope bloody AL isn?t sniffing about or they walked the plank?



              You feeling lucky Punk make my June day


              Consider me trashy.

              The lady in white will stay on the underside of Magic's bunk- nightmares are not my problem - the other kind of dreams are. I too have been at sea too long!

              Throw us a line shipmates!!


                You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                Goal 1: Today
                Goal 2: Tomorrow


                  You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                  Capt'n bash that log entry is one for the books beautifuly written!!!!! I salute you sir.
                  Cap no 3


                    You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                    Ahoy Capt’n!

                    How kind of you to ask. I am no longer sad but grumpy. Otherwise, I am well and anxious for Bash to reveal his plans. The Bight of Benin makes me nervous but the French traders of Mount Pelee do as well.

                    I’ve news of Shandy! Her friend and partner, the handsome Red O’ Eye, has found us by navigating down the Volga and just this eve, as I was hoisting the Jolie Rouge in preparation for what may come, he landed on my shoulder. A little worse for wear, fatigued and hungry, he’s promised to fill me in after a banana and a nap.

                    A pacifist I am, a vegetarian as well. But since the purpose of our June sojourn is to beat back this ‘bastard’ AL for my fellow ship mates on the Women O’ War, I’ve come up with an alternative plan. Do not ask that I pick up a blunderbuss, loaded or not…I’ve fashioned myself an array of slingshots. Pretty ones they are! My ammunition will be the seeds of the mangos we’ll be eating morning, noon and night, and the few limes we have left in the hold.

                    As for stashing the woman in white underneath my bunk…… dear Bash, my love, should I find as much as a thread of white polyester..and I’ll be looking, you’ll not be sharing anyones bunk, side by side or top and bottom.

                    You’ll be shivering your timbers, under the moon lit sky, on the gang plank…..and it’s night terrors you’ll be having, you have my word.

                    So I'll bid you all goodnight, my friends. I'm going to snuggle with Red. Bash has been sleeping a while now..I'll wake him to watch for AL until morn.

                    m. xxx
                    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                    I am in the next seat.
                    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                      You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                      Magic, Mr T being the kindly gentleman he is removed the overdressed bride.... much to his annoyance. Go easy on our Bashley he has been sounding constantly while we tack through these shoals and taking position fixes.... charting course and sailing the garter by "dead reckoning" he is dog eared buggered. But he is leading the "Garter" (women of war) to the Whitsunday islands closer for me to visit me mum then on to finish this wonderful June journey that i will never forget. I was wondering fellow travellers how are you doing..... The me2be, Tawny who jumped ship after viewing the "WHITE" apparition, Mr T , IAD, One of 7, evielou ,best,spiritgirl, one more chance and my lovley scot dolphin, Jinja, Gelit, dex and the girl who started this Luk who will be the one that brings it to an abrupt end when she shoots my bloody head off LOL because shes several days in to both cig quittin and booze bustin (NOT HAPPY) love ya luk and that bugger betta bring you all the oceans of the world !!!!!!!!!! . Anyone who I have forgotten please forgive me. Bash, Magic, Lori ( keep that MOON alight), the garter has been a vessel that sails on hope and skill. No greater vessel will catch her
                      lOVE CAP


                        You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                        permission to step aboard captain, yet knowing each other you wouldnt deny a old shipmate .. me being a sea wolf /salty dog my hiegthened senses can spot any ice berg and putting my ear to the plank can discover any undercurrents from the depths below


                          You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                          Darn, is that underclad white bride really gone, I thought that given the dismal state of our provisions, according to Magic, we could trade said bride just as soon as we encounter a Russian Merchant against a vat of Sauerkraut. Yours truly does not want to end up suffering with Scorbut at the end of our journey.

                          Did brings some defense weapons on board in the form of a well used pea shooter and a pocket knife which I bartered off a mate in the Swiss Navy. If we don't use all the ammunition, we can always boil it up and throw them in the slop.

                          I do do chocolate but I don't salute! The sleeping arrangement will be acceptable.

                          Welcome Jay, you don't know what you are getting yourself into. If your submarine is still waiting do think it over....LOL.
                          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                            You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                            Welcome Jay, to the Women O' War!

                            You have MY permission to step aboard.

                            Mind the crates, they seem to be everywhere. Between the mangos and the peas Lori brought there's hardly room for a jig!

                            Captn' Jack....never worry for our Bash, in the end he always knows when to come home.
                            I hunted for that 'apparition in white' last night and she IS surely gone. She took temptation with her and Bashley is snug as a bug in a rug in his bunk as we speak. Red O' Eye is asleep beside him, on his pillow, still, and has yet to provide me with the details of Shandy's whereabouts.

                            Let us know when we get close to your Mum's so we can start heating the water for your bath.

                            Perhaps our missing mates are along side us aboard that vessel anchored to our East?
                            Mountain Woman, would you check please?

                            Lori, I'm glad you stayed aboard. I salute you and the rest of me mates struggling along this windy and winding June journey.

                            m. xxx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                              love it girls story line going real well
                              :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                              best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                                You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                                Greetings as I crawl back up on "dry land" (again) as I fell overboard and resurfaced only to come to this island of refudge.
                                Yes, as spoke of I am starting today just as I do and have done to only be pulled back into the depths by the most horrible sea~monster I have ever attempted to battle.
                                I am waiting for of the other Herbs, for I have not been able to stay afloat long enough with the Kudzu,L~Glut and Magnesium. I had high hopes that I was sailing on to the promised land on the horizon when I then did not have the miracle experience with the TOPA. I thought it was going to be like being on a "Battle Ship" , at last.

                                I am battoning down the hatches, again , today a very turbulant Day of one.
                                I usually don't resurface on deck so soon, as the shame and blame keeps me tied up. And this is a big rope that has me bound.
                                I spoke to someone on my homeland today and said, I must gather up and Army for this fight.
                                I felt like death today and had a treatment with my Dr. Of Acupuncture for r e l i e f.
                                Poored out what I had stocked up, again, in a frenzy for it just feed this slimy monster.
                                And now, I pour out to you, for I feel your spirits as Giant .

                                My "whats the use voice "has even a snicker in it that frightens me.
                                So many of you have gone up against the storm and arrived safely.

                                I thank you from the depths of my being.


                                " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales

