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You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

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    You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

    Message recieved "the Plan"

    My spirts are lifting welcome aboard Jay you have been missed my friend. Dear Karen(TheMe2be) seems you have been blown off course up Conrads heart of darkness. Please don't despair you WILL beat this Kraken and the whole crew are behind you.Magic and Lori I have just recieved a message from shandy and red eye. Seems the red o was not well and along with the message..... left a very unsavory mess on Bashs pillow. All crew to the bridge Bash will fill you in on the plan as we leave that punk scurvy dog AL in our wake. ALL hands


      You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

      PS Just saw bashes pillow what person has been feeding that bird vindalooo. EKKKKKKKKKK who is on cleaning the head duties. Dont bother this pillow is about to recieve a watery welcome ...over she goes.


        You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

        When you reach the Whitsundays - look for my flag.

        Come ashore and find your land legs. Have rain-forest showers in Kuranda, sleep on level ground at Palm Cove. I invite you for dinner. My table is large. BYO fighting spirit and good thoughts on your mind.

        Re-stock your galley with mangoes, avocados, limes, lychees, pistachios, macadamias - and I'll wave you off - knowing your journey will bring great joy and healing.

        I'm fine. I like my island. An occasional postcard would be appreciated.

        Magic - your turn to sleep.


          You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

          Mmmmmmmm thats were you got to tawns you certaintly did jump (along way it appears) when that white apparition showed up. We shall keep a steady watch for your flag. The island sounds like paradise and provides warm thoughts as I freez my proverbials off waiting for bash to take watch. Dam I think I put his crutchless undies on by mistake DOH.


            You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

            the crew are asleep captn ,, i see the island in my view . being a ealry riser i hoist the main sail greased the ropes for a easy landing.. at about 3 am certain noises awoke me .. the sirens those mythic beasts forwarned us of any rocks , the undercurrent is strong but our ship and crew are hearty people and we pull together towards the blissful land


              You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

              Thanks, Tawny, I finally got some sleep. Jay kept watch this morning. I didn't hear the sirens this morn, Jay. Tell us more.

              For the log~I did not feed old Red the vindaloo, it was probably Bashley, but thanks for pitching the pillow overboard Capt'n....I'll need to hide my pillow now so as Bash can't find it.

              Tawny, we're on our way. I've asked Bash to plot our course ~as a happy diversion. We'll signal when we see your flag so you can start dinner. The men will do the dishes. You always give me good thoughts and many sober laughs.

              Karen, I'm so glad you have joined us again for this leg of our voyage. Try to silence the "what's the use voice" as best you can, it's the same little voice that's telling you to be shameful and blameful. You need be neither. When we get to Tawny's we'll relax on the beach and sleep for a while.

              I've got a lovely slingshot for you in the hold,( yours is blue, mine is pink), and a bucket full of mango seeds. I'm not very good at "slinging" yet but Lori is a damn fine shot with her pea shooter!

              I'll help you slay the bastard. We all will.

              I have, indeed, arrived can be done.
              There is a beautiful world awaiting you topside. Please, come join me. The sun is shining.

              m. xxx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                The sun is shining Magic yes!!!!! and thanks Jay no greater soul to steer this ship. I think I have caught the red'o eyes vindaloo bug!!!!!! should have washed my hands after ditching that pillow. Any way this journey is comm'ing to a end> I must say i wish it wasn't. WHAT A CREW> I wish to extend a hand of gratitude to you all however we still have a small but dangerous bay to navigate and that friggin punk AL is still snapping at the garters stern. Looking for Tawns flag and the promise of respite. HOMEWARD bound crew. Shandy to the crows nest and no shut eye until you sight land. "I believe Bash has a plan". Wink Wink nudge nudge say no more " Shut the flaming crows up shandy" !!!! Sorry crew


                  You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                  The Me 2 be and Jay our voyage scribes ( no idea were bash is Ill keep searching) our voyage is commin'g to an end!!!! Your'e voice your words are simply beautiful. please write some parting words for this journey. Is any one going to shoot me ( after work today you can stabb me anything) PLeasEEEEEEEEEEEEEe LAST chance
                  Love cap


                    You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                    Goal 1: Today
                    Goal 2: Tomorrow


                      You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                      AHOY THERE!! I'VE BEEN BECALMED

                      Captnjack;350957 wrote: My spirits are lifting welcome aboard Jay you have been missed my friend. Dear Karen (TheMe2be) seems you have been blown off course up Conrad?s heart of darkness. Please don't despair you WILL beat this Kraken and the whole crew are behind you. Magic and Lori I have just received a message from shandy and red eye. Seems the red o was not well and along with the message..... left a very unsavory mess on Bash?s pillow. All crew to the bridge Bash will fill you in on the plan as we leave that punk scurvy dog AL in our wake. ALL hands

                      Thank you Cap?n,

                      Your message took more time than I anticipated, due to the doubtful homing skills of Magic?s new addition to our OTHAFA (Over the Horizon and Far Away) communications center.

                      Brush me blue with a bog brush if I didn?t know those two were up to something!
                      Homing? Balderdash!! I tell you ? homing on each other more like it. Slipping off between you, me and the planetary gate post; for a bit of ?hot n? spicy? on a bed of saffron rice. Far too much toasting with 20 year old Isle o? Shiite to ?Wee Polly the Egg Warmer? their mutual nest-sitter in the land where the Bong Tree grows.
                      Magic cleaned the mess up before my return from the latest scouting run I?ve been on. She?s getting her sea legs now and is shaping up quite nicely, if only I can control the lip, just a little Capn?!!

                      Anyway, to cut a very shaggy dog long & boring story short, Lori the Mountain (Hot) Woman has gone off with Karen on our Flying Fifteen ?Double Click? with Magic and some special pictures, to get some items on offer just a few leagues away. Tawny has some much needed supplies that await them on the sands of Palm Cove, just North of the Jetty (That?s to the right my hearties!).

                      I picked this spot specially, 16deg 44? 55.06? SOUTH
                      145deg 40? 40.57? EAST,
                      for two reasons and because of a previous reconnaissance I?d done of this little sweet spot, on the Queensland coast.

                      Being Landlubbers, our intrepid sailors believe that the Sextant is a state of being. As with the word: Expectant. Sentence structure- She awaited her test results to come back with pregnant expectancy: - To await something, excitedly with trepidation, for a short period of time or lack of period for a short time.

                      However, I fear that perhaps the issue of Cartesian coordinates to these fearless; and in the case of dear T2B- trembling, Oceaneers; would bring about unwarranted and cruel sextancy.
                      Being at sea so much myself, sextancy becomes an overwhelming state of being. Almost tangible at times.

                      By the way, speaking of overwhelming sextancy? where did you hide the White Virgin?
                      I have plans for her and my open crotch panties she?s wearing, before, we implement the dastardly offshore auction mentioned by a more zealous (or jealous) swabess on board.

                      Therefore, this waypoint is for your reference only Cap?n, being an old(?) sea salt.
                      As is this marker, from the ship?s log Panoramio - Photos by bashley in which are pictures, for all to see, except Tawny.

                      She?s there already, chilling with her mates and helping with the loading of provisions. Magic has special
                      provisioning needs which she carries, secretly, within her ample blunder bust, cum coffee- maker.
                      These ?special items? will augment our war chest for the coming battle; along with the mangoes, avocados, limes, lychees, pistachios and macadamias promised by Tawny. If you notice something missing, then you have been paying careful attention over the past few days.

                      Secondly shipmates, though I digress, as is my wont and lot in life. My spies brought me word, that Snakeboy Al has been spotted ( ! ) even in those peaceful parts.
                      He was seen this morning at 4 bells, staggering out of the Villa Paradiso, off Williams Esplanade on Caryota Close, Pissed as a Red Bulleye?d parrot; after a night out on Shandy. On his arm was a little Portuguese tart that some of us know really well.

                      Remember back in the daze?.

                      Bloody Ruby of Harvey?s Bristol no less!! She comes from a long line of slitherering Harvies. Hopefully, our very own Tawny, being from the upper crust end of the Forest of Kuranda, is not related and therefore, cannot be decanted as freely, as that dastardly Communion.
                      The blighter turns up all over the world you know ? in church
                      for God?s sake. I know a few ministers that even invite him and his uncle Tio Pepe to their homes after service on Sunday.

                      As you probably have no idea, The Garter Belt?s present position is seven chains off the port side of the small pilot cutter Bay St. Pierre. We have luffed into wind, downed all sail for silent running and laid two sea anchors to keep our Northerly drift the same as The Pierre. Luk has a wary eye on things topside and is chewing a plug of something revolting, to ward off her other fiend, Nick O?Teen.

                      It?s a beautiful though windy night; black as pitch; but for the North Star to fix on. For what we have to do now it?s perfect. So, gather round and bring our far flung boats to their davits.
                      ?Double Click?; it?s time to bid farewell to Whitsunday and close on 14deg 44? 45.04? NORTH. 61deg 10? 37.36? WEST. Never fear Sextancy, on your particular craft, mateys. She a Flying 15, so fly
                      Magic, to the foot of Mt. Pele which lies under the sea.

                      Yes. We await you all off Martinique, for a secret rendezvous with the Russian & Prussian, "Sauerkraut Trader".



                        You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                        The flare in the dark was Bashley pointing the way to this thread. I am a Sheep adrift- although the west coast of California is where I was put out to pasture- albeit, way too young for that. I am sad to have missed the Whitsundays- the closest I have come is the beautiful north coast (Cairns)-
                        I hope to join the voyage if you'll have me-
                        A seasick Sheep


                          You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                          Welcome aboard Sheep!

                          We'll find you a quiet bunk until you feel better.

                          Stay away from the vindaloo.

                          m. xxx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                            Sheep, let me welcome you aboard. I don’t mean to get too personal, but do you really need all that fleece. Ever the practical crew member it came to mind that we could give you a crop and gift your fleece to the Tawn, our insular knitter; that’s the least we can do in exchange for her generous offer of provisions. You would feel so much more comfortable while scrubbing the deck.

                            While I am on the subject of scrubbing, let me just make one strong suggestion to the males amongst the crew. In the absence of the ongoing global discussion over toilet lids staying up or down on the “Garter” we nevertheless have to address the nightly occurring puddles that need to be flushed and scrubbed after every night watch. Would you guys humour us by using the leeward side to “you know what”? That would explain why you all have yellow knees.

                            Captn, where do we refurbish our liquid sustenance in this neck of the woods? Barrels are getting low. I really miss the effervessance of my Don Perrier. Any volcanic islands coming our way?

                            Must have been too busy burnishing my pea shooter and missed the Whitsundays altogether and now am looking forward to find my land legs on Tawny’s beach. Oh, we shall feast and make merry.

                            Should go and brush up on my French for our “Kraut” rendezvous off Martinique. Too bad I left my Russian dictionary at home.

                            Be vigilant and on watch for the slime ball.

                            Bon voyage,
                            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                              You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                              Sorry all, I've been having a bit of trouble, the meth-addicted cat keeps climbing the mast, and I'm seasick as well. What's the remedy? Where's Cap?
                              :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                                You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                                Welcome Daisey

                                SunDaisy;353145 wrote: Bashley,

                                Invention!!!??? With all due respect, I should say not! What an incredible journey the Cap'n, you and your shipmates have been through! Reading it has shaken me to my core, brought tears of laughter to my eyes and sorrow to my soul. It is as real as the sea itself.

                                I wish I had been along for the ride, but I've been bouncing around trying to gain my footing instead. No self pity, though. I will be applying for a gun license at once. :H

                                I will be on the next go-round, you can count on me! I will be the one scared but fierce, clinging to the bow, but standing, nonetheless. Just be sure to give me a holler when something big might be comin' my way about to smack me upside the head so i can duck. I'm not always good at seein' those ones coming. And I'm not just talking "nautical" here.



                                I like the fierce ones! You are welcome.
                                Where did you get the idea that we were sailing on a fixed schedule. June is not over yet and altough you may not have a full garterbelt like some of us aboard, you're ready and willing to go into combat against Snake Boy, which is what we are about to do.
                                Fools rush in, so we have to plan a little and bide our time.

                                Dump your gear and log in with the Bosun (don't smoke in front of Luk - the chimp with the gun), catch up on the posts to see whom you're dealing with. No lip, slacking or dribbling - see posts for punishment.
                                Shaking is permited until find your sea legs.
                                See Magic or Lori about a berth.


