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You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

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    You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

    Men and the wiping....

    Magic, Your wiping of the decks I'm afraid may be a fruitless effort with these sailors' vessel that we have been invited upon. But invited, we've been, so I suppose a small price to pay for some heafty protection. Let me lend a hand, for my gratitude is worth the sore arms.

    I do, however, draw the line at wiping down the loo. The ladies have graciously saved the men from the dangers of the perilous "perch" so I would expect a clean seat in return.

    Cap'n, thank you for the continued support and I'm happy to be aboard and healthy.

    And yes, I have forgotten to choose a garter (topa dopa myself). Of course you all know Sun yellow is my first choice but I don't recall seeing it on the, uhm, menu? Perhaps our lovely seamstress Tawny can lend a hand? I'm quite good at making lovely jewels, so perhaps I can offer one of my best pieces?

    I'd be happy to offer up my jewels to the other ladies as well.

    Sweet dreams,
    Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


      You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

      I've just tucked Bash, with Pooh, into the bunk in the infirmary. Kissed him on the forehead and sent him off to sleep.

      He is bone weary and will sleep for hours.

      It's quiet now and peaceful here, the sea is calm~ the birds asleep.

      Good night, my friends. I wish you well.

      This from Bash......."until the morn".

      m. xxx
      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
      I am in the next seat.
      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


        You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

        Would prefer to not be bottled up to find the message hidden.
        A drop of the pure liquid is my souls journey.
        The heart knows the song and the sea escorts the vision of life.
        Surviving turbulent waters,
        with the knowledge that understands each wave.
        We are greeted.
        We are acknowledged.
        Our importance is what the compass leans towards.

        Our souls are what is the depth.
        Our being present is the maps guidance.
        The vision expands to usher in our uniqueness.

        Beauty interprets and gives the proper grace
        so that one so precious
        can tred the waters of Love.

        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


          You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

          Good morning to all from the Crows Nest-
          My spyglass sees a bit of chop but nothing we cant' handle. A special ahoy matey! to Teardrop- we can always use the reinforcement! - it's a bit quiet on deck this morning as a few people had too many poolips and are suffering the dreaded vindaloo..... could be just a rumor. But we are well in hand with the Capn at the wheel.
          Anybody know how to make waffles?


            You feeling lucky Punk make my June day


            Your words will surely help to cure us all of any ailments (vindaloo...BOO!). Thank you, this was beautiful!

            If anyone is looking for me I'll be the little Belgium girl in the galley whipping up the waffles.

            Sleep now sheep, thank you for keeping watch.

            Take everything in moderation. Including moderation.


              You feeling lucky Punk make my June day


              I don't know what to say, it is beautiful. Thank you for this.

              It made me smile again and again and again. Your words.

              I am so very glad you are here.

              Your mysterious messages are everywhere. You must stay alert and look.

              Waffles! Yum........I'll start the coffee.

              I think we should whitewash the decks, what do you think?

              I have orders from Bash that I'm still trying to decipher, it may take me a while.......

              m. xxx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                The reflection that calms the seas is as tender as it is a reminder.
                In the mornings glory is the memory that you are why the sunrise returns
                Magic is the Suns Daisy, for the inspiration rises to the surface all that is nourishing.
                Like the shearing of the Sheep, what lies underneath is the truth exposed and delicate.
                The bare essentials prevail.

                What longs for us is enhanced once our belonging is born.

                Delightful hides in pretense for simplicitys range is difficult at first until the dawn is at rest.

                You reflect what life Loves about your inspiration.

                My gratitude is the reminder of your value.

                " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                  You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                  Theme2be thanks

                  Beautiful words thanks me2be. This has been a wonderful journey ( June is over) but i have orders from another captain to take charge of the Garters sister ship the HAMS Belt ( be gone for a week will be back" work beckons"), what a month I have had, lost me da i miss him so much:l gained many new beautiful freinds so many things to find on this wonderful sea!!!!!! the greatest of all I kept that snake away for a totall of 21 days. To all crew you are wonderful souls maintain this journey and send that nasty life taking snake to the bottom. the garter is in all your hands. Fair thee well.
                  Love always cap


                    You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                    Thinking of you- you are an inspiration- I did not have an opportunity to extend my condolences on the loss of your Dad-
                    A week's absence is not long. We are here and waiting- with all snake slaying capabilities. Please come back! You remain our captain.
                    your faithful swabby
                    - Sheep


                      You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                      Karen....thank you for becoming our Poet Laureate.

                      The post comes with room and board.

                      You will be exempt from cooking and swabbing the now whitewashed deck.

                      You job is to write.

                      Capt' you are the Capt'n I gather you gave yourself permission to go ashore? Thank you for not leaving us in Bashley's hands, goodness knows where we'd be in a week!
                      Sober but lost somewhere in the Arctic Ocean. She ducks from flying garters..........ouch!

                      Take good care.

                      It's dark and quiet again over the ocean, I'll bid you adieu.

                      Luk....I think it's the chimps turn on watch.

                      m. xxx
                      ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                      I am in the next seat.
                      My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                        You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                        With such an abundance of liquid around us; are we on dry land?
                        I am in the midst of the journey at hand, with Capt as a trusted leader.
                        My ship mates have kept my life afloat, just by the presence of the splendor of their unique spirits.
                        What isolates, what separates can also discover what is unique in this buried treasure called "us". We are pearls that can surface without breaking our protective shell.
                        We, this collection of "us", can take matters into our own hands and gently, with our intelligence intact, just lift and arise unto the surface so that the powers that be of nature embrace us and then, stand back as we blossom and bloom in this garden that is a receital.

                        I have a song that lies dormant.
                        You are all instrumental in the outlaying of each note.

                        " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                          You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                          crab sign!

                          Hi everyone,

                          Just wanted to say hello to everyone. wow it is very spotless on here feels like i need to take my shoes of before i step on board. Hope you like the jam tarts with your afternoon tea. Love the sea air and the smell of salt sea air as well.
                          Have a good day at sea everyone.

                          family is everything to me


                            You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                            Thanks sheep you are lovely thank you. I leave tommorrow be back soon> Dear teardrop please come aboard you can have my cabin and bunk I washed the bedding 3 times so no Vindaloo strain to worry about . It would make us all very happy
                            Love Cap


                              You feeling lucky Punk make my June day


                     must of read my mind i was thinking about the bed sheets, how they must get dry very quick with the sea air. might need to hire you round my house to do some cleaning

                              Take care ALL


                              Got to go Im call out to work to cover for someone (who is sick.)
                              family is everything to me


                                You feeling lucky Punk make my June day

                                Ps I forgot.... Magic you are in Bashleys hands we cant have 2 bloody parrots sailing this ship just make sure his hands stay at the helm they do tend to wander particulary when beautiful lassie's like you are on board> however i do believe Luk still has that gun it may come in handy. Welcome tears you have the captains cabin in fact all of you have it !!!!!!
                                To the pumps we are taking water!!!!!!! only jokes and a poor one at that
                                love always Cap

