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    Hi guys, Just found this thread - funny, I was thinking about starting the same one! I'm a day late but count me in BB! I am soooooooo looking forward to no hangovers for the month of June! And July and so on.........

    I'll check in tomorrow! Hangover free - drinking tea tonight - AF one for me this evening - I'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow!

    Love and Hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.



      Welcome Universal! I said the same thing when I found this thread...I was thinking of doing this myself. Thanks to BB for getting things started. !
      Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h



        Happy Tuesday all! It's going to be rainey here for the next 5 of 6 days. I have a raging case of poison ivy that is about to drive me crackers! But, life is good!

        Hugs, Best
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



          Ginger ale, rings my bell! i just have to have something in my busy little hand. Ice in a glass with a little tinkle sound to it. Best I hope you don't have to take that awful prednizone.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            DRUNK FREE DUNE

            Hey guys, just checking in - hangover free Tuesday - tired cause didn't sleep well but rather be tired than hungover. Decided yesterday was AF and I'm choosing to be AF again today.

            Hope everyone meets their goals and see you here tomorrow for another hangover free morning!

            Love and Hugs,
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              DRUNK FREE DUNE

              Congrats, Universal! Great goal! Thanks Greenie! I'm using bleach! PAINNNNN! Cept, it just cropped up on the top of the back of each of my thighs, where I sit! (The lower butt zone!) I'm bout goin bonkers, here at work. Plus, it looks a wee bit off, to be scratchin myself. Boss said I should go to the DR. Maybe, I could get an excuse to be off a few days. Ohhhhh, the thought...
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                DRUNK FREE DUNE

                Yes, my Non Alcoholic drink favorites are Ginger Ale and Sparkling Water! That poison Ivy sounds awful Best! How did you get it on the backs of your legs??? Hopefully it goes away soon! Had an AF Monday and Tuesday. Will probably have a glass of wine tonight (Weds) as I'm entertaining business associates from out of town tonight. ONE.
                Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                  DRUNK FREE DUNE

                  Morning DF'ers, Still going well here ...........

                  Went to my Boyzone concert last night, first time ever I've been to a show or concert and not had any alcohol...........................

                  It was great ...........


                    DRUNK FREE DUNE

                    Hi D, I'm deaf ........... my friend at the side of me could scream for England if it was an olympic sport!!!!!


                      DRUNK FREE DUNE

                      Good morning dfders!
                      I would like to join this fun little group here, if you have room. I recently went 33days AF and am wanting to try a month of mod....I believe I can do it. I had some AL over the weekend, but nothing to extreme. I am wanting to go AF during the week and mod on the weekends. This is my goal, sounds simple right? Well, I have enjoyed reading all of your posts and look forward cheering you on through the month!!!
                      have a great day, best I got rain too....


                        DRUNK FREE DUNE

                        No hangover here except for a work hangover. BB I don't think I have ever been to a concert without drink. Well when I was in high school I went to see Santana with my brother and was sober. I'm so old the Allman Brothers played at my high school graduation! :H I don't recall if I was sober, but I seriously doubt it.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          DRUNK FREE DUNE

                          Hi flyinhigh ........

                          Nice to have you here, your goal sounds a wonderful idea ......

                          Greenie ....... I can actually remember the last song !!!!! :H:H:H


                            DRUNK FREE DUNE

                            Hi guys! Another hangover free morning for me! I do have a massive headache though which is ticking me off..........but I think it's from stress as my job is really stressful right now.........lots of preassure which is taking it's toll.........

                            I am choosing to go AF again tonight, going to veg on the couch with the BF and watch the hockey game.

                            Hope everyone has a great night.

                            Love and Hugs,
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              DRUNK FREE DUNE

                              Good Thursday morning all! Another hangover free morning to everyone! I did have ONE glass of wine at the business dinner meeting last night. I, too think that I'm now suffering a WORK hangover Greeneyes! Anyway, had one glass of wine at a atable full of people who did the same. It was a very nice feeling and I had no desire for more. I think the trick is to stick to one or none for me. Even two glasses seems to set off the desire to have will be an AF day for me.

                              Have a great day everyone!
                              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                                DRUNK FREE DUNE

                                Hello guys
                                Just spotted this thread. Should be right up my alley - as am planning on a drunk free June. I have had 60+ days AF and want to try moderating for June and maybe for life - or not as the case may be. I have girls friday lunch tomorrow which has often degenerated into an all afternoon/evening piss up so I am interested to see how that goes. I was fine with it while I wasnt drinking - just didnt have a drink but now that I have decided to moderate I will probably have a glass of wine with lunch or then again maybe not. Oh bugger this must be why people dont moderate because then you are back to the will I wont I mental conversation. Why am I even thinking about it the night before for god sake. Stupid stupid! Must eat more chocolate quick.

