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is this normal for this site ?

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    is this normal for this site ?

    Bashley;335854 wrote: Screw that whole continent
    Bashley;335874 wrote:
    Go there African Woman
    i am new here but is this normal - not sure i want to be here
    was just reading my first threads think it had a title 'calling africa'

    is this normal for this site ?

    It's a lot more normal than being drunk. It's all good natured.


      is this normal for this site ?

      Bashley meant nothing harmful or anything like that...
      He is a very kind soul..this site is full of very wonderful people.
      And he is one of them. No worries.


        is this normal for this site ?

        Bashley is an absolute asset to this site ........ his stories are amazing ......

        He is in a bad place at the minute and doesn't mean any harm ......

        Luna, please stick around .......

        It is a good place ......

        BB xx


          is this normal for this site ?

          Occasionally there can be some meanness on the site, but it is usually short-lived. We have a lot of different personalities here, and as people get to know each other, we can have a lot of teasing going on. There are some threads that are very devoted to dealing with drinking issues, and some are just for fun.

          There is so much you can get from being here. Don't be scared, please?
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            is this normal for this site ?

            As the saying goes (take what you can use and leave the rest alone)!!! PLEASE STAY.....You are welcome here....EVIE
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              is this normal for this site ?

              Hi Luna,

              If you return to Bashley's post.....Go there African Woman.....he was referring to previous posts regarding Drunken Astronauts and directing the poster there.

              Our Bashley has lived all over the world, including Africa.

              He hasn't a scary bone in his body. He is a lovely man.

              You must trust me on this.

              Welcome, Luna, you have found a place of hope and healing.

              magic xxxxx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                is this normal for this site ?

                Magic .......... thank you for that ........ you said it better than I could .....

                BB xx


                  is this normal for this site ?

                  I see you my divine Magic.


                    is this normal for this site ?

                    Notice I don't use fonts any more


                      is this normal for this site ?

                      Young at heart.
                      I'm as real as a heart attack.
                      And then, maybe I am.
                      I will write story now for Betty, cause' she deserves it..


                        is this normal for this site ?

                        Bashley;336465 wrote: Notice I don't use fonts any more
                        Dear Bashley:

                        I don't know you but I hope you are okay.


                          is this normal for this site ?

                          Bashley;336467 wrote: Young at heart.
                          I'm as real as a heart attack.
                          And then, maybe I am.
                          I will write story now for Betty, cause' she deserves it..
                          Bashley ......

                          I'm really looking forward to my story .....

                          No one has ever wrote a story about me before .......

                          I'm truly honoured ......

                          BB xx


                            is this normal for this site ?

                            OK kids....don't scare off the ones that come seeking help.
                            It's all in fun Honey! Go to some serious's here. If that is what you're looking for.
                            We all want to help and be helped.

                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10


                              is this normal for this site ?

                              Waiting here too Betty!
                              "Be still and know that I am God"

                              Psalm 46:10

