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Does alcohol kill your emotions?

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    Does alcohol kill your emotions?

    Does alcohol dampen your emotions somehow? I ask this because i have noticed that (lately) i get excited over nothing. Things that used to make me feel good or at least give me a 'rush' (such as buying a new pair of jeans), just don't do anything anymore. Nudda.

    In fact, the only thing i look forward to is buying a bottle of wine.

    The other reason i ask is because i know that alcohol works on the 'pleasure centre' of your brain, so i am wondering, does this pleasure centre get used to the pleasure of being high (alcohol works on the dopamine receptors), and then when you quit, does the pleasure stop, thus resulting in you feeling no pleasure for a certain period of time?

    I am wondering, if alcohol does reduce your pleasure and dampen your emotions (positive mainly)... how long does it take for your body to rectify it's self?
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Does alcohol kill your emotions?

    Er, yes, yes and yes......

    And it takes about 30-90 days for the alcohol effect to stop having this effect..... IMHO!

    BUT.....big BUT..... I really, really think it is worth sitting down with yourself and asking why you look forward to buying that bottle of wine. I'll bet you that the reason for that is the true reason for feeling 'flat'...(and buying the wine). The wine is possibly blocking a need, desire, hurt..... Clarify that and it might help you address it in another way..... Yes, sometimes we have to stop the wine to get to the reason but give it a go anyway?!

    For me, I did have to stop (had gone on too long) but when I finally identified my needs, yes, MY NEEDS, and that they were valid, as opposed to my 'guilty desires' as I perceived them to be because I surely wasn't worthy of having my needs met, who was I to 'need' anything worthless as I was....da-dee-da-dee-da, yawn.....!!) I got on with asking for them to be met - and so many were! The rest, maybe one day, maybe not and that's ok.

    And a huge thing for me was my Gratitude Book....each night I write 5 positive things that have appened to me that day....even if it is hard to dig deep and find them there'll be something...even if the sun just peeped through for 5 minutes or if it rained, I wasn't flooded! But usually there are little smiles from shopkeepers or a yummy cup of coffee at just the right moment....and now it isn't hard to find them at all..... Sort of changes one's habitual perception which can go a bit awry in this negative, news-drama world! (Not an essay - just 5 words even!)

    Good luck to you! I hope you feel better soon!

    Love FMS xx
    :heart: c: :heart:
    "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


      Does alcohol kill your emotions?

      I totally agree with FMS.
      For me it was AL that prevented me from dealing with things I thought I could not. When the thoughts returned I would cover them over again. AL does not "kill" emotions they are there , sleeping waiting to wake up ,when your brain starts to operate in the right gear!
      Mine was stuck in park for so long it took not my first 30 but 60 days to go into first gear,with a lot of resistance too!

      In life we can live out our dreams its true
      the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


        Does alcohol kill your emotions?

        I am going to start a gratitude book today, it just sounds so positive, and I need positive thoughts. Do know that I squelch my needs down with the wine too, and feel like I have to or else all I feel is anger at having to do everything. The world will not spin off it's axis if I let hubby have it over this and that. Thanks guys...
        The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


          Does alcohol kill your emotions?

          I agree with FMS. I am past 60 days AF heading for infinity and everything gets better each day. Give it time and you will come back to reality.


            Does alcohol kill your emotions?

            AL is a DISTROYER of all things GOOD including emotions........Being SOBER has meant, for me having the gift of JOY return to my life.....I love seeing all the little miricles around me that I never noticed under AL.......It is so worth the work !!!!!Evie
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

