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Vulnerability, love and emotions

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    Vulnerability, love and emotions

    I have just realised that i am a vulnerable person. I feel so raw most of the time. Most people think i am really stoic as that is the impression that i intentionally create, in order to ward people off.

    I hold on to hurts and trespasses from the past and i become quite resentful because of this.

    I don't know what to do. It's pretty hard being vulnerable in a world that does not support this vulnerability, in a world that is quite 'tough'.

    Just saying this, in this thread, makes me feel a bit better, because it's the first time i have ever admitted to how screwed up i really am :huh:
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

    Vulnerability, love and emotions

    Good morning Sweetie... Know that your words are heard and land on loving ears this morning xxx
    When you hurt because of what others may have said or done, you take that knife they stabbed you with... They have all but forgotten they even stabbed you... they are "just that way"... Anyhow you take that knife they have dropped and forgotten and continue to echo that stab time and time again.
    " Only YOU can set that knife down " It isn't fair that you "own" what they have done to you.
    Toss the knife away and in turn do something special for some unsuspecting person. They may be carrying a knife that someone abused them with and need so see some compassion in this world just like you. You aren't screwed up, "You just care", and a person that cares feels like they should make everybody "OK" and it's not up to you to do that... Make you feel "OK"... there is a small child in you that is needing you right now... Allow that child in you to feel safe, loved and secure... That child and ultimately " You " deserve this RIGHT NOW ...
    Just want you to know that I care and then you are heard... See, I just took the knife that was used on me and tossed it away and chose to do something special to an unsuspecting person (you) How do you feel? See, try it on some unsuspecting person xxx
    ~Have a Super-D-Duper great Day~

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      Vulnerability, love and emotions

      Hi Change,

      Niblet has hit it on the head - if you keep stabbing yourself the wound will never heal.
      I watched a moved a couple of years ago called Pay It Forward - very inspiring movie about just that do something nice for a complete stranger and watch how the universe works and how you will get it back when you least expect it. We all have chips on our shoulders from past experiences but if we dont resolve those issues by forgiveness we live in a state of seperation and before we know it the world feels unsafe and worse of all we keep torturing ourselves with negative emotions like resentment.

      You were born with love that is your natural state you can get back....look at what is really hurting you and release it - you can do this by writing it down and/or talking about it. Let it out of you system, share the hurt before you know it will dissolve and it will give you more room to love again. :l
      I am the author of my life.


        Vulnerability, love and emotions

        The world can be a very cruel place......That is a reality that is hard to swallow when being creul to another is not in your nature !!!My grandma taught me to look the other way and to feel sorry for those who feel the need to hurt others.She would say (there but for the grace of GOD go I) I grew up feeling glad that my nature is to be kind and the uplifter to others and not the destroyer....My motto....Always a Greeting..Never a beating !!!EVIE
        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


          Vulnerability, love and emotions

          I hope that we all made you feel better xxx

          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~

