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I'm really scared now!

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    I'm really scared now!


    I haven't been on to MWO for a good few months as I thought I had my drinking under control; well how wrong was I?

    From drinking a bottle of wine a night (sometimes more over a weekend), I have had at least 1 AF day a week, one one occasion 3.

    I went to see the nurse this morning who told me that my blood pressure was high and is now sending me for numerous blood tests (including liver function) and I'm now terrified as to what I'll find out. I'm so scared. What if it is bad; what next?

    Mary you were a complete inspiration to me when I used to and still read your threads. I think I'm looking for reassurance, guidance, anything else that will get me through this.

    I've know for about 6 months that this stuff is doing me harm. I'm constantly hot, red in the face and although I don't have the shakes, do get headaches from time to tome. I want to stop this and have made the decision that the drinking stops NOW but is it too late!!

    I feel as if I've let my husband and my kids down by being so stupid.


    I'm really scared now!

    Cheeks, I was diagnosed years ago with HBP and all my blood work came back perfectly fine. My doctor was very concerned about my blood pressure though because he was having a hard time getting it under control. Drinking to excess can result in HBP and I was still drinking every night. Since I have joined this site, I have gotten in a lot of AF days, started exercising, and in general started taking better care of myself. My blood pressure has gone down and I'm now on 1 dose of meds instead of 2. He also took me off the diuretic. So I would think it isn't too late but you really need to get your drinking under control because it will only get worse if you continue to drink. I'm not a doctor and everything I state is my opinion and based on what has happened to me.



      I'm really scared now!

      Thanks for your story Cuckoo. I know it's the cause and I think it's the reality hit of what I've been worrying about all along.

      I really don't know where my head was at. I knew if I carried on, it would cause more problems. Now's the time to deal with it and face the music. I'm glad there is hope in your story and I'm pleased you've shared it with me.



        I'm really scared now!


        Calm Down! If that is possible. Getting excited will only make your BP higher. I too had a BP problems, while drinking. Dr. was puzzled as I am not overweight. The BP problems has corrected itself since I quit drinking. You may want to ask the Dr. what liver test he is running. Liver enzyme, liver function? But, most of all, remember that the liver is an awsome organ that heals quickly and effeciently. Remember how scared you are right now, and that will be great motivation for your goal to change you alcohol consumption.

        Hugs, Best
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          I'm really scared now!

          Hi Best,

          You're so right. Need to get on the WiiFit tonight and do some yoga!! They've asked for a liver function test, as well as alot of others such as cholesterol etc.

          I'm determined to beat this and like you say, every time I think of a drink I'll think of the fear!! It's great you guys have done so well.



            I'm really scared now!

            Dear Cheeks,I understand you health concerns , most of us had them (some even worse). i found my health is improving day by day as I stay AF.My BP is down and my liver does not hurt anymore.Your health concerns are a wake up call !!!!!! Stop drinking now and no more damage will occur.The body is a wonderful self healing marvel (once we stop poisining it).Stay close , there is much help here ....EVIE
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              I'm really scared now!

              Thanks Evie,

              Funny you should respond to my threat but I've just read yours "I love my liver". Really inspirational and how right you are.

              I'll certainly hang in there.


                I'm really scared now!

                Sorry Evie - I am sober and meant THREAD, not THREAT!!

