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Alternate Today's Thought's

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    Alternate Today's Thought's

    "Some" have said the original Today's Thought is too long. So here are the Thought's that I didn't post from Saturday and Sunday. Lots of Thought's today! And "some" know who THEY are!!! LOL!!!!! :l:l

    Today's thought is:

    When it seems we have no recourse, we can always pray.

    Coming to believe that a Higher Power can help us and relieve us of our worry may take time if we have spent years trying to stop someone's drinking or worrying about how to keep the family together. From others in this program we can learn the steps to take. Becoming willing to pray is the first one.

    We'll soon discover that the power of prayer is awesome. Here are six compelling reasons why:
    (1) Prayer promises relief when we are anxious.
    (2) Prayer connects us with our Higher Power when we feel isolated and full of fear.
    (3) Prayer frees our minds from the obsession to plan other people's lives.
    (4) Prayer helps us take action when we feel compelled to change the circumstances of our lives. (5) Prayer becomes a wonderful resource to draw on when living through our painful moments.
    (6) And prayer gives us the willingness to accept God's solution for every problem that plagues us.

    I will utilize prayer today every time I wonder what I should do.

    Today's thought is:

    Things happen

    A healthy friend dies participating in a sport she loves. A husband works hard on his marriage only to come home one day and find his wife in bed with another man.

    A knock at the door, and a starving family opens it to find bags of groceries piled anonymously on the porch. A large order comes in just as a company is getting ready to close its doors, and the owner's dream is given new life.

    Sometimes life twists. Sometimes it goes the other way, too. Things happen. Sometimes we label these events good, sometimes bad. We cannot always see the reason or purpose in them, but most of us choose to believe there's a Divine plan.

    I don't know why I've received some of the blessings I've been given; I don't know why some of the sorrow has come my way. All I can do is trust that whatever comes my way, there's a lesson at hand.

    Are you focusing on the circumstances of your life instead of the lessons? The circumstances are the tools. Be involved in them. Feel the pain of loss and the elation of victory. Let compassion work its way into your soul. Learn caring and kindness for others and yourself, too.

    Instead of asking why, learn to ask what the lesson is. The moment you become ready to accept it, the lesson will become clear.

    God, help me accept all the twists and turns along my path. Help me learn to say whatever to the good and the unfortunate incidents that come my way.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."