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The drinking personality

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    The drinking personality

    I've printed it out too Mary. Thanks.

    The bit about living without integrity strikes a chord with me. I want my integrity back. I drink to mask the lack of integrity i have in my life.

    Here's to moving into a fearless life :h
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      The drinking personality

      learn to take the bull bye the horns and ride baby ride ..
      life has all its twist and turns .
      just knowing how to deal with them.
      this is living life on lifes terms.
      without al
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        The drinking personality

        Mary, You hit the nail RIGHT on the head. I too am printing. I'm gonna tape to my wall at work! :thanks:


          The drinking personality

          I love it Mary :goodjob:

          I also need to have the strength and courage to face reality sober :l
          Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
          - George Jackson


            The drinking personality

            This is ME: -be able to relax.

            8 months sober and 3 slips nothing too severe .... been moving forward pretty good. I do have the personality and will forever. i'm a risk taker and push to the limit...all the time. You got a BUTTON
            ? can i push it ONE more time! :H


              The drinking personality

              I wish I could say I had the strength to do it on my own. I have to go to Lenair and buy it. I don't mean that in a bad way at all. It is just bigger than me. I am fortunate to have my mother's inheratance tucked away and can do this and am grateful for that. She would be glad as she always worried about my drinking.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                The drinking personality

                green, why are you going so far away, isn't there a place in your state you can go? You may only need a couple of weeks, i stayed 17 days. thats IT! good luck.


                  The drinking personality

                  I just had a "discussion" w/my husb. It wasn't an argument, but we weren't in agreement about something. I don't like to bring out my thoughts, but I did it. I know it'll get easier as I do it. If I my thoughts to myself, it causes resentment which is my fuel for drinking. M
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    The drinking personality

                    Good for you M, I did something similar this week and told my husband something he did that day that bothered me, his response was to raise his voice and tell me he had a long day and was tired. I thought yes there is always a reason for us to not speak up, not wanting to be a burden but then we end up distancing ourselves and drinking away the pain. Too bad he was tired, I let it out briefly and very politely and I'm going to be doing it again in the future. So there's one less resentment and one step closer to intimacy, that's the way I see it.
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      The drinking personality

                      mary and heart, that is exactly how i feel about talking to hubby. i need to really connect with him and be honest or i will get no healing done...and he is at the bar. i'm not angry - yet. i am, however, af.


                        The drinking personality

                        yep, we have been quarrelling a bit and getting some issues flushed away finally! his nerves are shot .... oh well .... have a candy bar for once instead of a whiskey ball. :H


                          The drinking personality

                          Gee, I thought it was only women of my generation (63 yrs. old) who were brought up to keep quiet & not rock the boat. Drenched, I loved that you did it politely. He can have his anger & fatigue. You got to speak your truth. I think that what I'm aiming for is to have my outsides match my insides. If I get to seething or obssessing about something someone said or did, that's my path straight back to the bottle. Thank you all so much for your responses. This is how we help each other LIVE w/a capital opposed to just get through life. Our husbands will benefit from all this truth-telling. They'll get a very necessary reality check. Mary
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012

