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Looking for information on whip its

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    Looking for information on whip its

    OK...This teenage thing is killing me. I have 3 girls 2 teenagers, 14 and 15. My 14 year old is forever challenging me. To long a story but I'm sure many can relate. Well about 6 months ago I had some signs and symptoms she may be trying some"huffing", something I'm not really familiar with but certain things she had in her room just didn't make sense. White out on her nails, febreeze cans, like 3 of them, lighters...all of these things are things a "huffer" might use. This scared the shit out of me and I immediately did some research, that scared me even more. We talked about it and how bad it is, she had explanations for each thing in her room and she was pissed that I would think this about her. I removed all potential huffing agents from house and continued to be alert for signs and symptoms. all seemed well.
    We painted her room Sun and yesterday I was returning the furniture to her room, found in the back of a dresser draw 2 Nitrous oxide canisters?? called whip its, one was empty one was full. Along with this I find a condom...... now I'm like freaking out......... my heart is pounding out of my chest. As far as I know she is not sexually active not sure when she would have time for this, but I must say I was OK with the condom in comparison with the whip its. One represented responsibility the other stupidity.....Then while researching this stuff I realize the condom is used for the whip it for inhalation...holy shit.
    I carefully approach the subject with her, she tells me the whip its she took from this "druggie" at school, and the condom she took from this neighbor boy, as a joke. She is a little outraged with me as I was assuming she was doing such stupid things. she actually has me partially convinced that she is not doing this stuff. So I'm posting this hoping maybe someone out there knows a little about this kind of behavior, I'm freaked out and I'm concerned she is somehow pulling the wool over my eyes and I m believing her because I don't want to believe the alternative...can't be..... she can't be doing this, I'm saying to myself. She is a very emotionally challenging child, always has been. But she is smart, athletic and I wonder when she would have time to do this. Anyone out there who may have experienced such behaviors, apparently 4 out of 10 younger teenagers have tried it. Scary stuff.

    Looking for information on whip its

    Wow. I don't know what to say other than that I feel it is better for you to be wrong and her mad at you than being right and ignoring it. Stay on top of it and keep looking out for the signs.
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow


      Looking for information on whip its

      I would be very concerned.

      I believe, she is indeed, pulling the wool over your eyes. I know that you want to believe that she is telling you the truth, but all evidence is leading to her doing this stuff. As most teens, they aren't going to tell you they are 'doing' whatever.

      I would phone a 1-800 number for drug abuse and ask them how you should address this. They will be able to help you. Don't let this go, her brain is being damaged, along with many other organs.

      All the best during this stressful time.


        Looking for information on whip its

        Yes, Thank you.....I actually have called the poison control center, it was highly recommended to call them after visiting several web sites about this. They led me to a great web site about this behavior. How to handle this etc. I am a nurse and I told her what she is doing to herself....I used the words giving her self mini strokes during the lack of oxygen phase, the high, and how this actually can stop your heart from beating. Told her this is not reversible damage to her brain.
        She insists she has never been high and I could ask anyone she knows and they would tell me, because she is the only one who does not do this stuff. I do know better, The writing is all over the wall. I have to continue to be diligent with this, I have taken away her right to paint her nails in her room because that is another one. I wondered why she painted her nails 4 times a week. She thinks that is ridiculous, she can paint her nails...... it will just have to be while in front of me.
        It was just yesterday she was a little girl and over night she is making such poor, scary choices......ARGHHH.


          Looking for information on whip its


          I don't have experience with this either. I DO have a thirteen year old son. I would have a heart to heart with him AND I would ask the teacher(s) to look out for this. I too would rather err on possibly being wrong than ignore something that could possible cause brain damage.

          My sincere wish of strength and determination on this hon.:l


            Looking for information on whip its

            Gumby, I TOO have a 14 yr old daughter. My advise......if you are thinking it, they are doing it and worse. Remember back to what you told your parents????? I would act offended and outraged too. Dont send her to private school, but I would watch her carefully. She is are??? she'll be thankful when she is in her 20's and you saved her life!!!!!! I tell myself DAILY, she hates me now, but she will love me again later in life. We are the ONLY ones on this earth that protect our children. I actaully lost mine due to drinking, was only a couple of weeks, but I was extremely sad. Dont yell at her, tell her you understand the experiment phase we go through, BUT experimenting can kill you. AND you would be lost without her. My two cents worth.........
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              Looking for information on whip its


              Wow, deep sigh! UMMMMM, I know you want to believe her, but.... I raised 5 kids and I am reading this and thinking, "Hello!!!! Danger! Danger!" Mine are old enough that they have since told me I was right, when I confronted them and they were lying to me. Our oldest is the only girl. EEE - Gods! They can be so indignant! These excuses sound extremely lame, to me. My experience has been that any time a kid - over reacts with indignation, Red Flag! Guilty!

              This is a time to use your head, instead of your heart. I would even let the school know, in confidence- so as not to single your daughter out, that there is a problem amoung the kids this age. Wow, I send you courage to do what will keep your precious daughter safe and help her become wise to this danger that can cause damage and even death!

              Hugs and Support! Best
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                Looking for information on whip its

                Sorry, but I have to agree. Teenagers are not going to say "Yes you are right" when confronted with this type of bahavior. Well, I didn't even want to admit my problems when I was confronted. Unfortunately, the signs are there and you would never forgive yourself if you didn't do something about this and then found out your were wrong. Speak to the school, counselors and anyone else you can reach for help. We will all be here for you when you need us.


                  Looking for information on whip its

                  Thank You all, I have placed a call to the school nurse she gave me the number for the school district drug counselor. I called him and left a message. I have also called the pediatrician and I am waiting for a return call from them as well. You have all reassured what I already knew in my heart but wanted to deny. Ya know thats what we do here. I am concerned about legal consequences, if there are any, these are all legal substances, but would rather deal with them then the alternative...... I can't type it. Thank You all


                    Looking for information on whip its

                    Good for you Gumby! You are doing the right thing. We are our childrens' protectors, even if we are protecting them from themselves! We know denial, better than anyone. I would feel very confident that when your daughter denied your questions the first time that she was also using then. After this process gets underway, to me the biggest question would be, "Why does she feel the need to alter her state of mind with these brief highs?" What is going on inside? What is she feeling, that she is trying to escape? We certainly don't want our children going down the same path we took. I am struggling with some of my childrens' choices, even now, and they are adults. But... I will never quit being their parent, and this is part of it! Stay strong!

                    Hugs, Best
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      Looking for information on whip its

                      I'd never heard of these "whip its" style things until I watched Denis Leary's stand up routine called 'No Cure for Cancer'. Like dolphin I have experienced butane and similar things. There used to be a pain relief spray called PR spray that you could get high on if you inhaled enough of it. I used to pretend I had a swollen wrist and I would bandage the wrist and spray this stuff all over it. I would then constantly sniff the bandage. My mum and dad had no idea I was sniffing this stuff as they just thought I had a swollen wrist. I used to come home every night when I was a teenager stoned out my head and the worst thing was my parents would always wait up for me to say goodnight. I used to hate it having to look in their eyes while explaining what I had been doing all evening. I always thought they knew and it was only a matter of time before they said something. They didn't have a clue though because unlike yourself they didn't have access to a computer and the only leaflets about drug awareness was for the likes of heroin. Of course it's not hard to tell if someone has a heroin problem, even without finding any 'physical' evidence but other drugs are not so easy to prove.

                      If your daughter is already aware of you asking her these things then it is more likely that she will become even more devious to hide it in the future. Is it a 'peer pressure' thing to fit in with the other kids she is hanging with?

                      she tells me the whip its she took from this "druggie" at school, and the condom she took from this neighbor boy, as a joke. Sorry! but two elaborate excuses in my eyes and definitely NOT coincidental

                      Gumby i'm not being judgmental here but I started to lying to my folks aged 12 when I first started drinking and getting involved in drugs. I learned from a very early age how to lie and cheat people into thinking I was doing no wrong. My mum found a half bottle of vodka in my cupboard when I was 14/15 and ?20 in loose change (which my mates had all chipped in for me to go and score some weed in town). I said I was holding the Vodka for a friend who didn't want to take it into school but he had forgotten to collect it; and the money was pocket money I had secretly saved. My mum took the Vodka off me and of course my 'mate' never turned up for it so it went down the sink. But I was off the hook, as far as, my mum completely suspecting I was drinking and taking drugs.

                      Just don't ask me anything about how you should go about handling it though!!! I have NO IDEA!! That's something for you to sort out!!!!!

                      Love and Happiness
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        Looking for information on whip its

                        Hi Gumby AGAIN. It seems I've just been writing my post out while you have replied.

                        I'm very much like you in the sense that I need some kind of reassurance from others at times that my thoughts or actions are 'valid'. Glad to hear your taking positive steps anyway.

                        Love and Happiness
                        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                          Looking for information on whip its

                          Gumby, you did the right ONE knows better than us how to hide! AND get mad as hell if we are called out on it. RIGHT? Better legally recourse than death. You did the right thing!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                            Looking for information on whip its

                            Gumby, I use to do whip-its years ago and the high only lasts for a couple of minutes so it would be very hard to detect any obvious signs of use. I use to release the nitrous oxides gas into a heavy balloon (condom I guess now) and then inhale the gas. It makes you high (laugh/giggle) for less than 5 minutes and then you're okay with no outward signs of having done it. Certainly not to minimize this but I would be much more concerned about the huffing. Drug use is drug use I guess but huffing always scared me and there wasn't much that did in my younger years. Thinking of you as you go through this.


                              Looking for information on whip its

                              I need to get to the root of this unhappiness she is experiencing. That could take a life time. Isn't that why a lot of us start some sort of substance abuse...... We have done the counseling thing and we will be returning again. It really makes her made though...oh well!
                              It is kinda weird to say this but I think I would have preferred to come across a bag of weed, a pack of cigarettes, some vodka. This shit literally can kill you on the spot. I know how hard it is to convince a teenager that us "adults" know anything. I do know that there is a lot of addiction in our families both sides and that concerns me. So if I can be on top of it while she is still in the developing stages,so to speak, maybe..... just maybe I CAN HELP HER! Thank You all, and I will keep you posted. For this I truly need strength!

