We painted her room Sun and yesterday I was returning the furniture to her room, found in the back of a dresser draw 2 Nitrous oxide canisters?? called whip its, one was empty one was full. Along with this I find a condom...... now I'm like freaking out......... my heart is pounding out of my chest. As far as I know she is not sexually active not sure when she would have time for this, but I must say I was OK with the condom in comparison with the whip its. One represented responsibility the other stupidity.....Then while researching this stuff I realize the condom is used for the whip it for inhalation...holy shit.
I carefully approach the subject with her, she tells me the whip its she took from this "druggie" at school, and the condom she took from this neighbor boy, as a joke. She is a little outraged with me as I was assuming she was doing such stupid things. she actually has me partially convinced that she is not doing this stuff. So I'm posting this hoping maybe someone out there knows a little about this kind of behavior, I'm freaked out and I'm concerned she is somehow pulling the wool over my eyes and I m believing her because I don't want to believe the alternative...can't be..... she can't be doing this, I'm saying to myself. She is a very emotionally challenging child, always has been. But she is smart, athletic and I wonder when she would have time to do this. Anyone out there who may have experienced such behaviors, apparently 4 out of 10 younger teenagers have tried it. Scary stuff.