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I'm Back

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    I'm Back

    Hi all,
    I have returned..... again. I really know now I have a drinking problem. I am so tired of being hungover. I just wish I could enjoy a drink or two like regular people. It just always turns into 4 or six. WHY CAN I NOT KICK THIS! Life is not just a huge party and that is what I treat it like. I got out of school for summer two weeks ago and I think I have been drunk every night. Every morning I say this is the day I will not have a drink and then it turns into I won't get drunk, just one ..... or two and then I am passed out drunk on the couch again....and then it starts again the next day. Other parts of my life are suffering. My husband hates me getting drunk. I am so hungover today and am already like, 'well, I can't let the rest of that bottle of wine on the counter go to waste so I'll just have one drink after work tonight.' What is my problem? This is such an stupid cycle. I am going on a business trip tomorrow with friends that are in control of their drinking and I know they are just going to have to babysit me because I can't control myself. I don't even know where to start.
    Thanks for listening.

    I'm Back

    I really dont know what to say to you know yourself that your in a cycle of bullshit and its only you who can stop it. I know its easier said than done ,I myself have only been af a few weeks but you must stop and stop soon or you are going to die ,loose your husband and your friends and your job! Im assuming that you have already lost your self respect somewhat...I feel for you and truely hope you can overcome this asap. Your not alone ,there are alot of us here in the same boat and its really a case of one day at a time for me but I will be thinking of you.


      I'm Back

      welcome back

      I have been there, done that, even probably could say I have the t-shirt.............Welcome back, this viscous cycle has me in it's grips too, I get one or two AF days, then I am off and running w/ it....................:welcome: Back

      Hate this disease, just try to go today AF, I am...........and don't give up on yourself, we won't!

      lots of hugs..............:l:l:h:h

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        I'm Back

        It sounds like you will never be able to enjoy a drink or two. At least not now. Knowing this, I would recomend that you not drink on a business trip. Having people, even well meaning ones, baby sit a drunk on a business trip is just a bad idea!

        Think about what you want.....more days of feeling like this or a good life?
        Good Luck!
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          I'm Back

          Good Luck to you - I understand the struggle. We all have to stop and think about what is truly important to us and is having a drink (or 7) worth losing everything? It's not. You can do this - we all can if we have the support. It seems like there are wonderful people on this board. We can lean on each other. Sending sober thoughts your way!
          "All that we are is a result of what we have thought" Buddah:heart:


            I'm Back

            Thanks for the support guys. Reading your responses I am just sitting here crying. I am so sick of this. I kind of want a drink. But I can't I need to shower and get my but to walmart. Thanks agian. I'll be back later.


              I'm Back

              one of our members just posted a few days ago about being out drinking with fellow workers,you can probably still find it.If he could go back in time I don't think he would make the same mistake.Any drinking can lead to bad behavior and to have fellow workers see you in that light can't be good.It is one thing having a hangover in the morning even worse if you loose a job because of your actions while drinking. I am one of the people here that has to be AF their can't be just one .Why? don't know wish it was different but this is my reality.I look back now on some of the things I did on the job under the influence what an ass I was.Lucky no one got hurt or fired.You have to decide if you want complications in your life because thats all that comes along with al. I want my health and am sick of the BS that goes along with the drinking lifestyle. Look on this site and you will find plenty of motivation and reasons to change

              Stay Healthy
              Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
              AF 5-16-08


                I'm Back

                Does anyone know you want to quit drinking? Sometimes this can be what pushes us over into the "accountability" of "Quitting" group. As long as it's only YOU that knows - the beast will continue to talk you into drinking, and in the morning YOU will fill your head with the shame. The hula hoop never ends. By telling someone in your real life - things start to change. I know this is tough to do, but when I wanted to quit and no one knew ... I found it to easy to "start over tomorrow." Tomorrow lasted 20 years.

                Just an idea

                AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                (from the Movie "Once")

