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Just a little worried

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    Just a little worried

    I am going to a UAW training center next week. Been there once about 3 years ago, beautiful place, nice people but a drunk fest every evening.

    I have been AF for 18 months and this is the first time I have been actually worried. I know they dont sell the rum that I sooooo well loved but the beer is going to flow.

    I am taking my cranapple with me. God keep me strong. I have come too far.

    AF Since December 2006

    Just a little worried

    Take the cranapple, but I'd think a lot of people drink cranapple juice with vodka, so you could ask for that, minus the vodka of course.

    Good luck......18 months is a long time. Believe in yourself! You can do it!
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


      Just a little worried


      18 months is FANTASTIC! I don't know if you are taking supplements, but it won't hurt to get some Kudzu to take with you. Think of this as just another trip and watch a lot of your collegues at stupid while you are fine! :goodjob:


        Just a little worried

        The mind game ....


        18 months ---- congratulations! Wow. I can't wait to say I haven't drank for 18 months - it makes me giddy to even think about!! I am 5 + months AF. So - If this is the first time you have really been worried - I'd say DON"T GO. There is something in our brains that happens after abstaining for a LONG time. It called "a conscience decision to START AGAIN". I've done with with smoking. I start thinking about how much fun it was, how much I miss it, and before long I am talking myself into picking back up the habit. It NEVER happens with out the brain going through this ahead of time. So if you really want to go - then be very aware that your brain is already playing this trick on you. It's talking you into drinking at UAW. It's already preparing you to drink. SO TELL YOUR BRAIN NO YOU ARE NOT GOING TO DRINK ANY AL.

        Good luck!

        AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

        Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

        (from the Movie "Once")


          Just a little worried

          18 months!!!! OMG!!! That's awesome!!!!!

          Jules, there is no way you are going to want to start over now. Come on, look back on your journey to sobriety. You are very strong and resilant. No booze in the world tastes better than how sober feels!! None!!

          You've come a long way baby. You hold your head up high and proudly say...."No thank you, I don't drink".

          Wishing you all the best.

          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            Just a little worried

            just a question. we take antabuse when we are first trying to break the habit.Why not at a time when we know we are going into a very tough situation.I had 6 months AF and slipped and it wasn't even a tough situation just let my guard down with some friends.I know if I i was still working and had to go to any union function it would be almost impossible to be AF I would take the antsbuse and just pass it off to my buddies that I couldn't drink because I was on medication.

            Stay Healthy
            Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
            AF 5-16-08


              Just a little worried

              18 months! You can do this. Good for you. I can't wait to say "18 months".
              Caysea, good idea. I had 8 months and relapsed. I did the same thing...thought I have 8 months, I can moderate. KNOWING good and well that I can not.
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                Just a little worried

                18 MONTHS! Holy Mackeral.. i would not take the chance and are talking about it, so its on your mind. cannot go. :upset:


                  Just a little worried

                  I have thought about this all day at work and have decided I can do this. I told the people I work with that I will not be drinking and to smack me if I even think I can handle a sip. They seem to be very supportive, actually happy there will be someone sober to take care of them.

                  I dont know why this me nervous. I am taking my pocket pc so I can still do my daily visits here.

                  I never tried antsbuse or kudzu. Unfortunatly I had admitted my self into detox then found MWO. I wish MWO would have come first.

                  Thanks for all your support!!!!Your right, I have come too far to fall now.

                  Julie:huggy :h
                  AF Since December 2006

