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Something's bugg'n me

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    Something's bugg'n me

    OK I just wanted to get something off my chest so here goes.

    I noticed today that a fairly new member had posted their story. It must of taken a lot of guts to open up and share through blood sweat and tears probably!!. When people make these kind of posts, that to some, may seem long winded can you at least make some kind of acknowledgment for the hard work and effort that must of gone into writing it, even a few words to the fact that you may of even read the post in the first place.

    I've been guilty of this myself so I'm not just having a go at other members; this is a bitch slap across my own face as well. Doesn't it make your day when someone posts in a thread you've started??? Think how you would feel if 50 odd people had looked at your thread but only 2 had replied. Wouldn't you feel a bit let down hey?

    Love and Happiness
    Hippie (the bitch slapping tree hugging concerned citizen of Utopia)
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Something's bugg'n me

    You are so right happens to me all the time! I post and no one replys, fact of life! That is part of being in a huge group of people!
    "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


      Something's bugg'n me

      Hippie, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I would never deliberately ignore someone who had taken the time to write their story. I know I have been guilty of this and will try to be more aware.



        Something's bugg'n me


        Very nice of you to 1. Notice that someone posted. 2. Noticed that no one replied.

        I usually try to reply to the newbies, because I remember how tentative I was at first and scared to death.

        Sometimes I don't reply when I feel what I have to offer will not be supportive or thoughtful. Some days it is difficult for me.

        I am grateful when I see others posting on it, though.

        You are a good person, Hippie.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Something's bugg'n me

          Just to note that when there are many views and no replies, many times it is because "guests" are viewing, especially in the "My Story" Forum (that's where I would go>) Lately, I have been having a hard time keeping up with all the different posts; must be my old eyes. So, I am very guilty of not even visiting some forums very often; I will try my best to remember that sometimes people will post their story before they even post anywhere else. I know I did.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Something's bugg'n me

            You make a really good point Hippie. You know, I think this my explain how this happens. Many of us stay signed on all day, even though we are not actually here.(we are working.....or at least trying to!) Sometimes, I pop in a read something that I think really needs some thought before I, I make a mental note to come back later and write a reply that I think is appropriate. This is kind of along the same thing that Cindi said.

            For some reason, I always feel very reverant and privaleged to have somone share something so personal with us. I always think that the reply takes a lot of thought.

            But, I do understand what you are saying, and I appreciate it!

            XX Kate
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Something's bugg'n me

              Well, Hippie you are a genuine caring person, thats for sure. You make sense, I don't always. I'm all over the place! You will come back and help out .... I know you will! :l


                Something's bugg'n me

                Hippie, thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am not going to make excuses for myself. I believe I know the thread in question and I am guilty of starting to read it earlier today and told myself "I just don't have it in me right now". I feel like this sometimes because I try to personalize replies and sometimes that can be time consuming. If I can't respond sincerely, then I too wait to post until I feel like I can give something back that's a bit more meaningful. I can't bring myself to post and "pretend" I took the time to read it. I think those types of posts are sometimes obvious and I think they can be a little more hurtful than not reading it in the first place.

                Again, I'm not trying to make excuses. I certainly would not have wanted my posts ignored when I first got here.

                Lessoned learned. Thanks, again.

                Love, Me
                Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                  Something's bugg'n me

                  No excuses here Hippie.......thanks for the reminder, and you're way cool to me!
                  Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                    Something's bugg'n me

                    ah aren't you cute. i actually never saw the post. i think it must take extreme courage to start a thread. that must be why i've only started say 3 or 4 now and with my luck have had 2 of them deleted for reasons that were valid by the public administrator. lmao. so i'd say my luck at thread starting is dismal. so i've just stayed clear of starting threads. hopefully you could encourage people with who wrote it and they'll go back and respond. you are such a kind fella.


                      Something's bugg'n me

                      As mentioned by others, I think it takes time and a good deal of thought to respond to many of the posts here, which is what they deserve, and I often don't have time, so I put it off until later (which sometimes never comes). On occasion, I have written a short note just to acknowledge the post and to say I will be back later to write more... which makes it more likely I will in fact post a reply later.

                      I also think the timing has something to do with how many replies a post gets. It is easy for a post to end up far down on the list before many people have even checked in so they may never see it. So I sometimes go through older posts and bump up ones that got few replies and really deserved more.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Something's bugg'n me

                        Hey Hip
                        You are so right! It's very perceptive of you to notice.
                        I am very guilty of reading and not responding. It
                        truly must be tough to tell your story and have very
                        little response.
                        Thank you for the caring person that you are.:lPan

