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Today's Thought - Thursday

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    Today's Thought - Thursday

    Today's thought is:

    One could say that I had a happy childhood, although I showed little talent for being happy.
    -- Samuel Beckett

    Our choices in relationships, careers, lifestyle, and expression of feelings and talents are often the result of our upbringing. Has the social climate changed significantly since our childhood? Have our family systems changed? Can we find ways to change old, ineffective behaviors?

    Recovery offers us the gifts of responsibility and self-forgiveness. Now, as we begin to change, we can let go of the past and its pain. Our ability to change often starts by embracing our inner selves with forgiving, adult arms. In this act, we take responsibility for our own happiness, nurturing ourselves toward the new life we are finding in recovery.

    We are earning our own love in a whole new way. We respect and honor our physical selves with rest, exercise, and nutritional food. We stimulate our minds with new ideas and experiences. And we send our spirits soaring through conscious contact with our Higher Power. We feel worthy of love, and even have enough to give some away. Now we are learning the talent for being happy.

    Today grant me the power of self-forgiveness and the gift of hope.
    Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."

    Today's Thought - Thursday

    thats very good,, just what l need today thank you
    there is no shame in losing a fight,, only in winning


      Today's Thought - Thursday

      thank you for sharing great post
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

