Thinking about alcohol every day. Even dreaming about the stuff - either about drinking it or trying to obtain it. I once dreamt I kept a giant vodka bottle at work, then I dreamt I was getting beer out of the drinks machine. I dream a lot, in a recent dream I dreamt I was drinking liquor I found at work but was disappointed because it wasn't vodka. Last night I dreamt about people drinking beer with breakfast. ARRRRRRGH!
It doesn't stop there. My husband bought me a fantastic hot air balloon trip for my birthday. When he gave me the envelope and discovered there was champagne at the end to celebrate the flight, that was all I could think about! For goodness sake, the hot air balloon trip was way better than drinking champagne!!! We are going to Croatia soon and my husband is looking forward to going snorkelling... all I can think about is drinking Karlovachko!!!