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Any tips?

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    Any tips?

    vlad;340649 wrote: You are absolutely right - at this stage I am vulnerable, but my obessions are no where near as bad as they have been. I seem to have got past the stage of sulking because I'm unable to have a drink... sort of...
    Haha, I love the 'sort of' tagged onto the end. You know very well what that means regarding whether you're ready to moderate...or not.

    But I am glad for you that it has got better, because that will just make staying abstinent til you are ready that much easier.

    Personally I'm going to remember the old tenet that I hear repeated all the time. AL will hit you when you're most vulnerable, which is just when you think you're safe. I don't rationally think I'll be properly safe after a year AF, even though my irrational and wilful brain thinks I might be (I want to be and sometimes I also think I am superwoman).

    Err on the side of caution - if you think you're ready, then give it another month or 6 months or whatever, just to make sure. Hey if you really don't have a problem with Al anymore, then it won't be an issue for you to go a bit longer. It can't hurt at all, whereas if you aren't as ready as you thought, hey that WILL hurt.

    I would rather continue to go my whole life abstinent (although I really don't want to have to and am not aiming for that) than THINK I have control only to end up falling down the same spiral staircase again.

    Keep strong Vlad :goodjob: and look after yourself.
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      Any tips?

      Ps don't know why the angry face icon appeared on my post -my computer must have gremlins, sorry not intentional!!
      Recovery Coaching website

      "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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        Any tips?

        Kimberley;340665 wrote: Ps don't know why the angry face icon appeared on my post -my computer must have gremlins, sorry not intentional!!
        I think the angry face is on the thread! lol! I put it there because of my frustration.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Any tips?

          Hahaha I see. Worried you might think I was being evil to ya!
          Recovery Coaching website

          "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

          Recovery Videos


            Any tips?

            This is so true. I too become obsessed with alcohol and thought about it all of the time. I did wonder when this kicked in though as I used to go merrily through the week going about my business and then have a couple of glasses of wine on a Friday night and stop there, but when my "I've had enough button" stopped working and I couldn't stop at a few glasses, more like a bottle and then some, I craved Friday nights if I was trying to be AF during the week because it gave you the green light to ligitimately drink as it was the weekend.

            I've been AF on and off for a few weeks now, but after a blood pressure scare on Monday I've succeeded in being AF this week all week. I did contemplate the Friday drink tonight, but like alot of you have said, you want to focus more on the not drinking when you get that wake up call that says enough is enough, and I've made the conscious effort that I don't want to be like that any more.

            I've decided I'm going to keep myself focused, occupied with plenty of other drinks (non AL) and plug away at being AF until I can stop thinking about it endlessly - maybe I can then moderate. The hot sweats in the night stopped last night and I don't feel sluggish, hungover or feeling as if I'm suffering from prickly heat all of the time. All in all, I'm feeling alot better about myself and am even starting to loose a few pounds without all of those empty calories; it's a great feeling!

            I know exactly what you're going through - I can't say I've dreamt about it, but it certainly was in my head every waking moment, but I'm glad to say, not so much these days.

            Good luck

