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100 bottles a day

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    100 bottles a day

    Goodmorning, I haven't posted in a while, but have been reading and keeping up with alot of you.

    I was just watching Good Morning America and they had a clip on red wine. I have been AF for 5 days, and feel great. I drink white wine, and don't intend on drinking any more. They said the red wine stops the aging process, but the chemical that is in the red wine that makes it work, is in small amounts, so you would have to drink 100 bottles a day....ha mind started to think, "Wow, maybe I should start drinking red wine"...

    I pondered on that feeling for awhile, then realized how rediculous that was. I am sticking to my plan...It would definatly stop the aging process with me....permanently....


    100 bottles a day


    Firstly, good job on 5 days AF. Yay!!

    Secondly, I had to laugh when you said you started thinking, hmmm...

    I agree, though, I am a red wine drinker and I know for a fact that if I take it back up, I will be at the end of my aging process, too.

    No doubts.

    40% of alcoholics die from alcohol. Pretty freaking high number.

    AF April 9, 2016


      100 bottles a day

      Thanks Cindi,

      The more I think about this the more I wonder how the "so called", researchers, came up with this. It has to be the wine companys. I can see them sitting at some confrence table trying to come up with an idea to sell more to us. "Great Idea, lets tell them it will make them live forever.....what a concept"!

      I am sure they didn't have someone drink that much, or give some poor rat the eqivilant amount. And how long did this study last....

      It makes me think of all the other tricks up their sleaves to try and get us to drink, not that we have to fall for them, but the brainwashing is not appreciated.



        100 bottles a day

        Buffy! Great on 5 days. You are in the hardest period. At least it was for me. First few says, nasty. Then up to 2 weeks, felt like crap. I am a little over 8 weeks now and still, improving each day. It is great, now! Keep going!

        Cindi - 40% - OMG! I had no idea that it was that high. Have never heard that statistic before. Very scarey! Thanks for the imfo. This should get some attention. Why not post that as it's own thread. Some may miss it here. That is starteling information!

        Hugs, Best
        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


          100 bottles a day

          I'm a red wine drinker too, on day 6 AF. I believe the original research on red wine helping you live longer was based on drinking 1 glass (small) of wine, not most of the bottle as I do. Some may have been sponsored by wine companies, but I think some were legitimate as they were looking at all kinds of things. The research on drinking too much is clear too - bad news. Whole wheat bread is good for you too, but not if you eat the whole loaf. Or are allergic to it. I've decided I'm allergic to alcohol, it makes my brain irrational. But I'm sure the wine companies have used the info to their advantage, just as french fries are now being promoted as better for you as they have no transfats. Welcome back Buffy. Let help each other get through the weekend. We don't want to be in the 40%!


            100 bottles a day

            I think that red grape juice and non-alcoholic red wine contain the same chemical or ingredient or whatever it is that is so good for you in red wine, but the wine producers won't be telling you that! You can also buy it in concentrated tablet/capsule form-- but what's the fun of that, right?

            And as for that 40% figure, my natural inclination is to think, well, great-- that gives me a better than half chance!

            Ah, the wily ways of the alcoholic brain...
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              100 bottles a day

              Red Wine, used to be my poison of choice.......Ick!

              The good news is that I just heard on the news that researchers are working on a Pill that will give us the same anti-aging effects as 100 bottles of wine!!

              40%, WOW! That is really scary! One more reason to stay sober!!!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                100 bottles a day

                Red wine would put me 6 ft. under , so who would notice how I looked ??????? Evie
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  100 bottles a day

                  Honestly ... I believe the grape growers association came up with this line of bull. In REALITY drinking even one drink everyday - year in and year out - would have more negative effects over a life time than positive. Thats why logic has to over rule the thought of the day! Esp. if it comes from the FDA, or the like!! Just had to add my 2 :cents

                  :h Liv
                  AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

                  Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

                  (from the Movie "Once")


                    100 bottles a day

                    I too am a red wine will indeed stop the aging process....for me probably by the age of 40 if I continue down the road of destruction. I am 36.
                    Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                      100 bottles a day

                      I agree with you Livingfree, I live in Atlanta, home of the Coca Cola Co. They use to actually put cocaine in the coke to get people to drink it. I wouldn't put anything past these big companies to get us to buy their products even if it causes us misery.

