I think having a head's up for newbies and those still in the early stages could be very helpful.
First Step, being so miserable that we overcome the FEAR all of us seem to have when we think about not drinking. Fear seems to be a huge hurdle to the first day.
Days 1-10, For most not too bad, sleeplessness the biggest thing. For some horrible withdrawals but by day 10 almost eveyone is feeling better.
10-30, "Pink Cloud" feelings for most. You are still excited about the AF goals and able to brush away thoughts of drinking fairly easily.
It does seem 30 days is a huge hurdle. Lots of people fall out at this point. I know I have several times.
30-60, Starting to realize that, while this is doable, hmmm, you still think of drinking and the desires can be a little more difficult to deal with. Seems like other issues arise here, too, like depression, feeling flat, bipolar shows up, etc. I know personally, the urges at this stage are more difficult than they were the first 30.
I can't add more. Haven't ever gotten that far, really, got close but blew it.

Anybody want to jump in with the 60-90 phase and what they have felt/observed?