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Phases of Recovery

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    Phases of Recovery

    Cindi, this is a really great thread topic. There are so many of us here and *very* active right now that are somewhere in that Day 1 - Day 90 or a bit beyond zone. The learning experiences we can give each other as well as the advice from those ahead of us on the path is worth more than it's weight in gold!!

    Oh...and speaking of *very* active in the here and now, I apologize to all of those who I am driving crazy these days....:nutso:

    4tb, I'm very much like you in that have goals in front of me at all times makes me tick - or at least makes me tick better. That approach is not for everyone...but I like it. It worked so well when I quit smoking (Quit Smoking All Together with - Stop Smoking Help and Cessation Support is full of those short term goals early on). Eventually I got past the point of "needing" those goals and getting excited by them. I suspect AL with be somewhat the same - eventually not thinking about AL on a many times daily basis...hopefully not even once a day!! You are also SO right about the "just one" lie. That killed my first AL quit and...well....not this time.

    Thanks to all for your contributions and insights.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Phases of Recovery

      I have done many AF sprints in my time...I call them sprints because I have always caved! I have done many 30 days and twice in the summers I did 90 days but after my kids went back to school...well loneliness and boredom hit again and I caved!

      Goals are very important...just don't make them the final goals. To be Sober for Life you have to keep adding to the goals right after you make it. For me I would use a lunch out with daughter, dinner with hubby....pedicure...But in the end I always caved! No willpower, stubbornness, thinking I could just have the "few".

      For me days 14 to 20 were always the hardest...I kept wanting to have one! I could by pass those and tell myself it is okay, just wait it out! 30 days was another hard one, same thing and then I would cruise to 90 then "smack" all cravings hit again! Now it seems I am having a hard time to even find the will to get started again! But start over again I must find the way because, what other choice do we have as our wonderful Cindi says! We have to find our own way to work through a goal, a prize at the goal mark...what ever works for us~we just need to find it! Look at all the people on this web site who have made it work! We too can! Together! Thanks for reading....

      Sorry to be so long winded.
      Hugs & Best Wishes to ALL!
      Love, Bambi
      "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


        Phases of Recovery

        Last year when I had 8 months, I think the everyday nagging obsession dwindle a little each month, but I still thought about it daily. I got cocky and decided to moderate which was a nightmare. I, PERSONALLY, am not a fan of moderation. I just think it takes way to much willpower, more than I obviously have. I can start off having 1-2, but within a month....I am binging again. It is easier to not have 1 than to try to have only one for me.
        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


          Phases of Recovery

          This is interesting. I have more than 60 days AF and NF now and notice similar phases to you guys. The initial fear in the first week or so that you cant do it and that you will crumble and be back to square one and then the slow gradual dawning that holy fuck maybe you can do it..... then the holy shit I am actually doing it phase - the honeymoon phase people call it I think. Then making it to the 30 days is like winning lotto and then onwards from there still euphoric at the sucess but a little nervous and aware of possible complacency that could lead to a slip! Since I hit the 2 month mark at end of May there was a little bit of an anti climax. Like well what do I do now - am I cured?. But I am over that too now and am just trying to relax into living normal life without thinking about it too much one way or another. The best thing I find about being in control of my life again is being able to plan ahead and committ to things which I was never able to do before as I never knew where I would be in my binge cycle. Like tonight for example my son has a school disco and he said can you pick me up at 9pm. In the not so distant past I would have said no way its Friday night I cant pick you I will be drinking you will have to ask someone else or get your Dad to do it. I would freak out if I had to wait until after 9pm to have a drink. Today I just said no problem see you then. Seems like such a small thing I know but what a bloody great feeling. Taking pleasure in those small victories just keeps me focused on wanting that to be my life from now on.
          I am waffling now sorry.......


            Phases of Recovery

   could not have said that better...


