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Best Memory with Parent(s)

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    Best Memory with Parent(s)

    I am having the time of my life singing and dancing to music my parents, mainly, my mother, introduced me to in the 70's and 80's. I have the fondest and funniest memories of my mother cranking the stereo with albums and 45's and wearing earphones so she could hear it more intensely. And she danced. She was so free. There were several episodes where I laughed hysterically and so did her mother. Did not matter. She had to dance. She was not drunk. She drank white zin (yuk!) from time to time but she danced regardless. When lushy visited we danced. In Seattle, we danced. It is so important. I wish you all music that makes you HAVE to dance.

    What is the best memory you have with you parent or parents? Positive stories only by request.


    Best Memory with Parent(s)

    Lucky, I have so many pleasant memories of my parents.

    Dad: laying in the backyard looking at clouds determining figure shapes
    watermelon parties in the backyard with all the neighborhood kids
    going to see Mary Poppins in the 5th grade because I had been too sick to make the field trip
    doing Hands Across America back in the 80's
    teaching me how to ride a two-wheeler
    playing baseball in the backyard

    Mom: holding me in her lap singing "Tickle tickle on the knee, if you laugh you don't love me and trying so hard not to laugh
    her arms around me when I was sick
    taking me clothes shopping before I started college
    her singing to me "I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck"
    the unconditional love that she provided to me and my siblings
    her faith in God


      Best Memory with Parent(s)

      What a great thread Lucky!

      I have two memories:

      1. My parents hosted a "disco" with all of their friends when I was about ten. I remember helping my Mom... putting that disco ball up and how much fun it was! It was also to celebrate my Dad's birthday, so we made a big paper cake and I jumped out of it because it was my birthday too, and we always celebrated together.

      2. I remember my Dad teaching me some oldies dances.... I wish I could still remember them, but I remember it was a lot of fun having that time and attention from him. He loved to dance to the oldies.
      If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


        Best Memory with Parent(s)

        Mine would be those simple but meaningful Sunday lunches and dinners here in our house.. I loved those times wherein my dad cooked great dishes and my mom got out her best plates and I making desserts..
        Believe that you can recover and be healthy
        keep yourself fit


          Best Memory with Parent(s)

          For years and years Mam and Dad had their own business - glazing, hardware and plumbing. They had a huge van and when I was little every Bank Holiday we would pack up, sandwiches, drinks - yes, loads of alcohol, and bundle our very close family friends and their children in the back of the van and off we would go!!! Dad and my uncle would be in the front but there were no seats in the back so we'd all be balanced on the wheels and by the time we got to our destination we really had sore backsides!!!

          The day would be spent with the men in the pub drinking, the women on the beach (drinking/babysitting!!) and the kids (us) asking for money for the fair and building sandcastles etc. Happy Days!!!!

          AF since 9 May 2012
          Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


            Best Memory with Parent(s)

            This is a very nice thread.....good idea Lucky..

            MOM: We always made sugar cookies on Christmas eve and decorated them with frosting. She did this with my kids last year.

            DAD: Him bouncing me on his knees singing funny little songs.
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              Best Memory with Parent(s)

              I have so many good memories of my childhood with my folks. One that really sticks out though was a holiday we spent in St.Ives in Cornwall. My dad had bought one of those 2 x man inflatable dinghies and he took me out in it further than I would of liked as I couldn't swim. I don't know what it was but the fear of drowning soon left me and It just felt great to be out at sea with my dad in this dinghy. I guess the unconditional love we get from our own children is what I was portraying that day with my Dad. I just felt somehow safe that nothing was going to happen to me and it was through that love for him that I had one of the best days of my childhood.

              What a fantastic way to start my Sunday morning off. Thanks for the thread lucky!!

              Love and Happiness
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                Best Memory with Parent(s)

                My mother used to drape her arm across the front seat of the car and I would do funny things with her elbow wrinkles with my fingers and it included kissing. I would squeal laughing and she just left it there for me to enjoy.

                My daddy used to hold me in the air on my belly and fly me around so I could pretend I was peter pan flying. More squealing.

                The smell of my mother's apron.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Best Memory with Parent(s)

                  Camping trips: Maroon Bells by Aspen, Glenwood Springs swimming pool, Mesa Verde, the Grand Canyon, clam bake on the beach in WA.

                  Visits to my grandparents. My grandfather playing the piano and singing silly songs and my grandmothers cookies.

