Firstly I so want a drink right now but am eating instead.
To cut a long saga short - I desperately need help!!
My husband of 7.5 years (partner of almost 10) wants out due to my anger and obnoxious irresponsible behaviour when I drink. I had a breakdown last year and am not really getting anywhere. I have not worked in nearly a year which is an additional pressure and means I have lost the freedom to have my own money and contribute. I feel I am getting worse and more depressed (the thought of the morning makes me cringe - groundhog day like) and a potential danger to be around quite frankly. The only time I have the courage to say what I think to him is after a few large glasses of wine, which also quells my anxiety. He has every right to be upset and at the end of his tether.
The flip side is that he has become very verbally and emotionally abusive, calling me waste of space and a peace of shit and blames me singlehandedly for the destruction of our family, he has even left large bruising from grabbing me. Logically I know it takes two to tango but my guilt and feeling so helpless overides that. He has simplistic ideas about how to deal with all this i.e. move on and just do it and harps on that I have a choice. I did no choose this for myself - a multitude of factors brought me here. It's not the same choice as choosing a style of handbag. I have always been the support for all and sundry and worked in child protection frontline for many years, so am very tired.
He is away (I was not welcome) and was due back today. I cooked cleaned and made up fresh beds etc like I haven't done in months but no show from him - he is staying another nite but didn't plan on telling me.
In essence - I am very upset at myself for having done and said (that which I can remember at times) as he is essentially a good man who is very frustrated. I plan to af but that is damn hard when you are reeling. But I have every incentive.
Please anyone with some pearls of wisdom that I present to him tomorrow, so he will give me another chance? He is a straight shooter so lots of verbage just makes him mad as he thinks I am excusing the behaviour - on the other had he needs to understand the hellhole I am in too.
(This was hard for me type btw, extremely hard)
Love Hundi and thanks :h