Wednesday I am going in for a complete physical and asking for Chantix so I can quit smoking.
I need to do these things not just for the obvious health reasons, but I have to admit, I think I need some vanity in my life right now. I am not the type of person who is into fashion, and I rarely even wear makeup. There is a particular guy in my life who has made me (better yet I allowed myself) feel like less than me. I know, I know; this makes it sound like I am doing it for bad reasons. But I have literally sat around my lazy ass for months thinking about this and the purpose behind it. I really DO want to look great, but it isn't for him or any other man. I want to be able to look in the mirror and exclaim, "Fuck, you're hot!!!"
"The history of all times, and of today especially, teaches that ... women will be forgotten if they forget to think about themselves." - Louise Otto