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    Crack Cocaine..hubbys secretary has not worked a full week in 3 months! She looks like a train-wreck and shows up bruised from her man beating her up. Her language is bad and work left to pile up while she collects salary...:H:goodjob:

    hubby says:

    she is distracted and excited: goes home often: has been lying: staging crying spells: lose of voice: no longer fixes up (looks like hell) i guess she is WAY out there!

    I think she is smoking something as she stays up all nite and wants to sleep all day..any input? :thanks:


    Why doesn't he fire her? I'm up in the middle of the night on a regular basis. But I cruise this site and I'm paying some bills and balancing accounts at the same time. Not doing drugs. Does she go home and come back? Like going home for a hit?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



      yup...greenie is this wonderful? he pushed me out for this THING. yes..she leaves for a HIT! it has to be some form of speed, she is an X-coke sniffer...does it sound like crack cocaine to you? she is a mess according to him and his partner wants her OUT. like NOW. :H:H:H:H:H



        I don't know. If she bruises easily could she be going home and just doing AL shots? Maybe coke too. How do you know she's and X coke head? If she's doing crack (which negates the X coke addict - it just means it escalated), hubby better close off her access to business money.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



          you are so good you know that! its not an alcohol issue...she told me she used coke to survive her last job. i really think she is using something nasty....and yes she mentioned her latest man stole her money. Hubby says he is going to check the cash tomorrow. I told him i want nothing to do with his business anymore...he is getting all that he wished for...:H but i do feel for the poor woman..she will be in rehab someday.



            Sounds like this poor soul needs rehab in a big way. But, this is your business and a druggy is dangerous in so many ways. Incompetent at the very least. I don't know how long she has been with you or if she was a good employee in the past. There are a couple of things you could do, short of firing her. Have her take "Family Leave", it is 12 weeks and you do not have to pay her during that time. Hire a temp during that time to get things caught up and do the job. Tell her, if she gets straightened out, she can have another chance, baring that she is clean.

            Or, fire her!

            Geez.....good luck with this, Rippy!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007



              It sounds like she is on a one way train headed for DEATH...Wouldnt the best thing be to force her to get help or fire her???? Giving her access to money sounds very hangerous to me .addicts are often forced to steal to support their habit .....How good can she be at doing her job stoned??? I hope she gets help.She sounds like she needs it badly....LOL..Evie
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



                Sounds like she very seriously needs rehab. I should think the only thing to do is to tell her she must do rehab and you'll hold the job for her (hire a temp) or just fire her. She is dangerous to have around if she if a cokehead. But you would be doing an honorable thing by getting her help and holding her job for her.

                Tough situation either way. Good luck.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                  you know girls i posted this because i know since going to rehab and what i have been through 'something' is wrong with the woman. Yes, she took my position, but i still think it is a drug problem...and i feel for her. I have enough tools to tell hubby to handle this gently..can you believe he did say to me:

                  you have changed and you do care about people and know what you are talking about! it goes to show you i knew all along it was not all me...and here i am to help???? AGAIN...:h

                  thanks for chatting with me...he has to make a decision and i am not there! :H



                    I agree with Kate & Mags. And Rippy, you wouldn't be asking if you didn't care. Help hubby make the right choice. I don't know how big the business is but is there an HR person? I'm thinking not. But he can enquire from state employment security commission or department of labor or something like that so that he navigates this in a manner that he is protected since you mentioned she is a lawsuit candidate. If he suffers, you will too. But he needs to cut her off financially right now.
                    PS You are more than welcome Rippy.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                      you are right matter how i resent her, he must treat the situation carefully..get a temp. and prepare for the worst. wow, i knew last year she was not going to work out. thats the reason we were fighting so much and now look. oh well, i am usually right and follow through no matter what? but she was better?



                        I can relate to that. But don't want to do it in public.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                          I know Green..the point in matter is..what goes around comes back around and now look! :H

                          she is fricken worst than i was! :H

                          at least i went to work everyday! :H

                          Good things come to those who wait...i waited for this..never tell an OLD experienced BAG to go away! :H

                          who does he come crying to? :H

                          OPEN ARMS-RIPPLE


                          SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO MAMA

