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    thirst4romance just fooling around..anyone who is in recovery needs to TALK about what is going on. Obviously T4R is not there yet. I can feel comfortable here and learn from others while i go about my sobriety adventure...good, bad or ugly. with that I shall pass and feel good about me today! :thanks:



      Are you really happy?

      thirst4romance;344628 wrote: Once you can fasce that then go to AA and quit making RJ a ritch bitch who preys on the lonely and desperate, as do most rehabs.

      I am a happy sober man who does not want to drink.
      A) RJ is not rich (although she deserves to be) nor is she a bitch. And even if she were both, this site has helped many people... for free (so who cares?).

      B) You may be sober, but you sure sound like you are anything but happy. How many happy people prey on other people, attacking them in their most vulnerable places and discouraging them from trying to help themselves? Then again, maybe you are happy... that is, maybe you are a very sick but happy sadist.

      P.S. instead of attacking people here, maybe you should do something constructive with yourself, like take a remedial writing course.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



        And people wonder why I detest AA. This small thinking is the prime example.

        Here is the link for the referenced Orange Papers which is a fascinating read.

        Orange Papers



          Lucky...I love you...I really do !!!! this idiot is so typical of the 1000s of arseholes that I have met thru the years in AA.Many are Pompus,know it all,narrow minded,self rightous clan types that get their jollies off by making new comers feel disempowered and helpless...I know that I am wrong if I say that they are all like that,because I am aware that there are some good people that are AA,but what I see most is a huge number of AA people who are holyer than thou and can only feel powerful by making others feel bad about themselves.People like that are less than the dirt on the bottom of RJs shoes.She is truly my hero....RJ,if you are reading this,please know that you are the most amazing women that I have ever seen and your lifes work is beyond just important !!! You should win a Nobel Peace prize for your efforts.GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR WORK !!!....I AM SO GRATEFUL to have FOUND YOU...LOL...Evie
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



            Damn are right on! AA i find STALE a lot. It is like a DEAD-END. I will always go a few meetings a week, but i want more of something?

            4THIRST: i am annoyed a bit..for anyone to provide a safe place for people>is not preying on one, thats for god damn sure. Its a recommendation, its a choice to take, and the taking is here for FREE.
            Although you can purchase anything online..even romance..if you are looking for a bride your on the wrong page. :H



              oops is here..

              thirst4romance... Men Get Depression




                I went to one AA meeting and I saw nothing of myself in that group. I, and I think many people here, are the "high functioning" folks. People like RJ writes about - we have jobs and careers and run businesses - a lot of Type A folks who get a heck of a lot done . .. . and fall apart at home in private a lot of the time.

                #1 I have no time to go to a bunch of AA meetings a week, #2 the people who do have the time weren't the same type of person as me #3 I too found the one meeting I went to humiliating and preachy.

                I love that there is anonymity here. I love that I hear a lot of people very much like me. At the AA meeting it was 12 or 13 men and one other woman. What do they know about being a 30-something overachiever woman and mother? I find those people here. I love that I can hop on this website anytime of day or night when I need a boost. I dont' have to wait until 3:00 on Tuesday and go across town.

                That's my .02 on AA. It works for some people but this is my groove here.
                Member since January 2008
                AF since August 25, 2008



                  As is usual for myself, I am totally out of the loop here. I always miss out on all the excitement!!! Of course, this small-minded "Thirst" dink is not on the membership list, so i wonder, does he sign up, make his comments, then run away like a coward???? maybe he is the same person as, who was it? back door doggy?? I can never remember that one's name, but that is how I always recall it!!!

                  Busy here at work, but just stopped in my office to see what's up! Will check in again later!
                  And I agree - Thankyou RJ and MWO Day Today it is!!!

