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How do I get a cool avator?

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    How do I get a cool avator?

    Like Hippies or Ripples?

    How do I get a cool avator?

    Looks pretty cool to me!!!!


      How do I get a cool avator?

      I have no idea how they do that!! I do like your new one though.
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        How do I get a cool avator?

        I think I might be feeling what you are thinking

        I am so with you on this one. I feel 'left behind' as in most things in my life.
        Best Wishes,
        There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.


          How do I get a cool avator?

          I liked your old one!

          But if you want 1 like hippie, you make an appt at your tatoo parlour, get a tatoo, take a picture of it, upload onto your computer, and then follow the instruction under avatars, which I don't understand!


            How do I get a cool avator?

            Hi Limers. and Bandit. I've put this here for anyone to see!!!

            If you want to insert an image as your avatar here's how I do mine.

            I usually try one of the numerous avatar sites on the net and scour through for an image/avatar. When I've found one I like I simply place my arrow on the image and right click my mouse button. This will then bring up a list of options of what I can do with this image. You then need to highlight COPY IMAGE LOCATION and left click on it. Go into your user control panel and click on edit avatar where you will see your current avatar being displayed. If you scroll down the screen slightly you will see a box will a small blue title saying Custom Avatar. In the space underneath where it says Option 1 - Enter the URL to the Image on Another Website hold down your left mouse button at the right of the text http://www. and drag to the left to highlight that text (blue). Right click on this blue highlighted text and this will bring up another box where you will be given more options like CUT, PASTE, COPY, DELETE. Highlight PASTE and then left click your mouse button and you should see (what is called) a URL address of the image you copied earlier. click on SAVE CHANGES and if you have done it properly your new image/avatar will show up as your current avatar.

            Don't forget though the image cannot be larger than 19.5KB in size. If you want to know how big the files/images are then right click on the image and highlight Properties then left click. this will give you a pop up box that will give you all the required sizes (width, height and file size) If it's less than or equal to 19.5 then it's OK to use. If the image is slightly larger than the required 150 x 150 pixels in size but less than 19.5 in size of file then it will automatically reduce the dimensions of the picture to fit the 150 x 150 pixels.

            Do exactly as before if you want to insert an image into your post but instead of going into avatars left click on the insert image button (the one that looks like a mountain range and sun!!) and insert the URL address here as you did before with inserting it for your new avatar. If you want to check it's worked as well simply preview your post. If you see an address with no image then you've done something wrong!!.

            If you want to insert Youtube videos into your posts this is easy. Simply highlight the text in the address box. (where you would normally type in WWW.such and such). Again to do this left put your arrow to the far right of the text and holding down your left mouse button drag across to the left and highlight it. Right click on the text and simply CUT the address. (it will disappear). Place your cursor in your post wherever you want to insert the video and right click you mouse button then simply highlight PASTE and left click your mouse. You will then see ad address appear in your post. The forum will do the rest for you when you submit your post and embed the video in your post for all to enjoy!!!!

            Hope this helps a bit anyway. I've tried to make it as simplistic as possible but just keep trying if you get it wrong. Once you get the hang of it it will become second nature to you.
            It helps if you have multiple sessions running but I won't go into that.

            Love and Happiness
            Have fun

            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


              How do I get a cool avator?

              It works QUICK.

              Google Image Ripper v.0.2.4 save to pictures and then upload to avatar...keeps me busy when i am tense...have fun! :H


                How do I get a cool avator?

                oops, type in anything and search...from Barbie to Enemas! :H


                  How do I get a cool avator?

                  god hips you're such a geek!!.

                  LOL!! My brother taught me most things as he works in IT. I also went to college and learned a bit of HTML, style sheets and Javascript. Photoshop and Dreamweaver where other programs I learned how to use through that course as I had intentions of becoming a web-designer at one point. That geeky enough for you dolphin?!!!!lol

                  Love and Happiness
                  "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                  Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                    How do I get a cool avator?

                    oh dear.

                    its quick and easy..your instructions are too much work..okay here is me. :H


                      How do I get a cool avator?

                      I think you should ask walnut. She gets some prettty interesting ones. :H
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        How do I get a cool avator?

                        limers;345053 wrote: Like Hippies or Ripples?
                        You can Google avatars and find plenty. You can save them to you hard drive and upload them here.

                        What I want to know is how did you get my picture to use as your present avatar? :H


                          How do I get a cool avator?

                 you have a digital camera? put that little chip in the computer and save the pictures..then edit the photo (resize) it..then you are ready to go to avatar option and upload..even if it says will appear! Okay? good luck. I still cannot load a full view picture...thank god for you people. :H


                            How do I get a cool avator?

                            Many thanks alll ,im going to study now for my big exam on monday and later when im having a brain freeze I will play around and see if I can make Limers cool...


                              How do I get a cool avator?

                              I don't know how to get an avatar at all (cool or not) -- I am a total doofus! Where do I start?

