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Free Spirits

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    Free Spirits

    Some of us here may have unconventional views that go against the grain. Are we to be ostracised because we do not fit into the confines of of the MWO program?

    I don't do middle of the road. If I am not allowed freedom of expression here then this is not the community I thought it was.

    If I were to get into an online discussion of the quantom physics and the effect of love on the human organism that might seem high faluting and incomprehensible to many here and likewise if I was talk about the pagan Gods of old and that visiting Stonehenge or the many sacred wells and power points to be found in the British landscape was keeping me sober some would think that I was away with the fairies and I would say...yes, I am but that is my way of staying sober and there are bound to be others who can identify with my thought processes.

    I, like many others here, benefit by seeking out and associating with kindred spirits and if we share our ideas and feelings about "what it's all about?" we should not have to worry about being hounded out by narrow minded fundamentalists.

    My primary purpose is to stay sober. This is how I do it!

    Alcoholics in general do not take kindly to being told what to do even less what to think! There are plenty of other topics for discussion on the forum. Take your pick.

    Live and let live. Do not make free spirits feel unwelcome here.

    To ALL my free spirited friends (you know who you are!!)
    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    Free Spirits

    I don't know if this is a reaction to some recent posts or discussions-- or if it is a general musing. Either way, you know where I stand:

    Long Live Free Spirits
    and Whatever it Takes.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      Free Spirits

      It's probably me... I said something about people probably being fed up of me rambling on about rubbish...
      Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


        Free Spirits


        I can only surmise someone has told you something you said was "wrong?"

        Please don't let other's bother you. I just let that kind of thing roll off like water off a duck. Of course, I've always been that way, it drove my mom crazy because I truly didn't care what the "neighbors think!!" It still drives my very conventional husband nuts, but I also think it is one of the reasons he loves me.

        As far as being able to discuss things here. As long as I don't attack a person personally, I figure everything I say is fair game.

        Like you, I am a searcher. One of the things I absolutely love about this community is how wide and diverse. We have people from so many different places on this planet, who of course think differently than I do because they are in completely different circumstances and lives than I lead.

        Perhaps one of the reasons I am like I am is that I have lived all over the world and all over my own country. I have seen first hand that things we take for "normal" are not normal other places. It gives one an odd perspective on their root beliefs.

        Stay with us, keep posting your thoughts, because you are a kind and gentle soul who often finds good in bad moments and knows how to turn them around. I think you are very special and am so blessed to know you, my friend.

        AF April 9, 2016


          Free Spirits

          Where is this coming from Hippie? I'm sorry you are feeling this way. You are entitled to feel, think, say, believe anything you want. But so are the people who are conventional. You shouldn't be ostracised for who you are, but that is just who those people are. Try to look at it from a different point of view, and remember we are all here because of AL, and we express our grievances differently.
          And if all else fails, f*ck it, do you really care what they think? Don't let others bring you down; just be yourself.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Free Spirits

            well said Hippie...thankfully human characters dance to a million different beats whether it’s a religion or a method of stopping drinking ...when someone is content with themselves, feels that the choices and decisions they have made are the RIGHT ones for THEMSELVES ... then they don’t need to feel the need to condemn or instruct…


              Free Spirits

              the wackier the better....

              Dear Hippie-

              It has always been my "conventional norm" to step out of the box. From my beginning days of elementary school, the teachers always thought I was left of center. Now I am a teacher and bring these unconventional ideas and philosophies to my students and their families. I come from a serious philosophy of transform and not conform. I work at an alternative school that bases their education in the arts, and in this day and age when arts are being cut from school curricula, this is a big deal.

              As an artist, I feel I need an outlet to express myself. My art is rarely preconceived and is a vessel to reflect my soul and the world around me. When people enter museums, they may gravitate towards one section rather than another. I know many people like Impressionism and find Modern Art difficult to digest and understand. This is exactly why I love art....for the artist created it for themselves, not you....and what the art does to you is up to you only!!!! It is a process that a soul goes through to produce the piece of art, it is not the product that is of the utmost concern. Yes, I agree pieces like Monet, DaVinci, Picasso are priceless and many reap rewards from their work...but truly they did it for themselves. I work with many artist and we collaborate on projects, again it is the process that we go through that is the most important. We do stand back and look at our work and reflect, some of us smile for we are pleased. Some may even cry, for the "work" of the art provoked an inner awakening.

              So hippie, why do I rant on about art, in your free spirit thread you may ask?

              For I feel this exemplifies what you are trying to say. We, AL addicts and survivors come here to "work". Some of us work with hugs and comfort, some of us work here with a bicep of love, some of us are here to be serious and analyze, and some are here to play. I feel as a member of this community, I would like my quirks and antics to be recognized and honored, not attacked. I never make an attack on another soul and never could. So, hippie, I think we, as artists (for ALL human beings are artists) should work together as supporters and work together through this process. Occasionally we will step back and look at the work and then reneter with a new, possibly weirder point of view. This work may make you laugh, snicker, cry or yell. That is all part of the healing process......

              Hippie, I thank you for writing this meaningful thread......

              I love you all in this MWO community and I support all of you where you are in your journey.



                Free Spirits

                I think you are a poet in sober clothing.

                Post Post Post! I love all of them.


                  Free Spirits

                  I may say I don't understand a da*n word of it etc etc ...but please feel free...who am I to stop anyone talking ...
                  ?We are one another's angels?
                  Sober since 29/04/2007


                    Free Spirits

                    Dearest Hipster,IT AINT EASY BEING GREEN(as kermet the frog would say).Being a 5th generation Spiritualist and raised in Grandmas seance parlor gave me a whole different perspective on the world.As a 3rd grader,I was sent to the school shrink when I asked the teacher about the colors that I saw around her.Nobody at home had ever told me that not everyone saw what I saw or felt what I felt.When I asked Grandma about this,what she told me STUCK in my brain.She said (no matter what you do in this life,you will be a sucess if you just be you.Other peoples opinion of you,is really none of your business.It is only important,what you think of you)...Your post helped me remember that.It is time for me to start living by that rule again.It somehow got lost in AL...THANKS..Evie
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      Free Spirits

                      I believe that everyone comes to MWO for the same reason, but everyone stays at MWO for different reasons. Some are here solely for the support that strangers will give in a time of need, some are bound by deep freindships. The list is endless. Some stay for holistic, medical or psychologic adviice. I could go on...

                      My point is that this site is made up of many unique individuals who all need and want to support each other. How they chose to do that will vary. People may chose to count AF days others may not. Again I could go on..

                      We should not be here to judge how others chose to deal with or celebrate their sobriety. Emotions will be all of the board...from dispair, fustration, anger, to elation, joy and pride. All will chose to deal differently. Some with music, words, visual art or humor. So thank you Hippie for posting this. I hope we all think about this and as Hippie said "Live and let Live."


                        Free Spirits

                        I am right there with ya.....take what you need and leave the rest! There are SO SO SO many of us. I think there are enough of us to find what we need.
                        Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                          Free Spirits

                          Personally I love ALL of the different personalities that belong here! It makes life interesting!! Even the a$$holes that pop in once in awhile to give us a jab!!:H:H:H

                          Keep it up Hippie and all!!!:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            Free Spirits

                            LVT, I so agree. We can have our little bickers here on the site, but when some "outsider" comes in and starts messing with one of our precious siblings, the claws come out and the hair starts flying.
                            I really wanted to keep that asshole that came on the other day, romancethirsty (must have thought is was a dating site for alkies). I wanted to keep him locked in a little closet like he was our very own serial killer step-child.
                            Sorry I have been reading a lot of Augusten Burroughs---making me a little sadistic.
                            Goal 1: Today
                            Goal 2: Tomorrow


                              Free Spirits

                              Don't know who got your feathers in a ruffle but, I enjoy your posts and your sense of humor. Keep on posting.
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

