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My Loopy Brain on Chantix

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    My Loopy Brain on Chantix

    I thought sober days were long; sober days on Chantix are EXTREMELY LONG!!!!
    Woke up at 4 am. Well what to do? I waited until it was light enough to go to the park for a walk without worrying about creepos masturbating in the bushes. By 6:30 a.m. I had walked 3.25 miles. Went home, made breakfast, what to do, what to do?
    Cleaned out an extra room that is basically a dumping ground for everything. Went to Kmart to buy a rug to cover the stains that I couldn?t get up from when my dog ate a basket of Easter candy and got sick on the carpet of this dumping ground. What to do, what to do?
    Decided I am going to have a yard sale this Saturday. Cleaned out cupboards, sheds, kids? rooms, my room, and piled it all in the dining room. What to do, what to do? I want a drink.
    Read half a book; in the mist of coloring my hair, the dog starts barking. I peer out and see the cable truck. Whatever, we don?t have special TV; we have 4 channels we barely watch, which makes me think, ?Will they come and arrest me come 2009 because I receive TV signals from an antennae (rat, big brother bastards)? So, take a shower to wash the vanity of my hair. Really thinking of AL (I blame the Chantix).
    Come to the computer to go on MWO. Shit, I may not use the cable company for TV, but I use it for Internet connection. Fuck. So I try to call a friend, no answer. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
    How about painting my nails this crappy light person?s nude color? Wow, that?s ugly. If I were darker or 100 years older, it would be great!!! I should get a tan, but if I walk outside I might disintegrate because it is hotter than a witches nipple outside. What to do? What to do?
    What about typing out my day and insane thoughts on word and then I can share them? What a great idea!!!!
    Wow, I sure feel better, but it is now only 3:22 pm.
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow

    My Loopy Brain on Chantix

    Hey Lukalee you are a wonderful writer !!! Have you ever been told that before ???
    You should start to write your very open minded own book.. I know that I would honestly buy it and read it !!! Seriously !!!
    Just think with your house all straightened around and stuff put where it belongs you can really sit down and write , write, write
    I wish I had some of your energy !!!
    Here's hoping that you sleep atleast until 7 tomorrow Hon !!!
    You are a HOOT !!!

    ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


      My Loopy Brain on Chantix

      lukalee,sorry that you are suffering with boredom. You can definitely come and help me clean my house when you run out of things to do. You do write well. I hope that being antsy eases up for you.

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        My Loopy Brain on Chantix

        You can come over here and clean too. My place doesn't need it but if you are really bored.......:H

        I experienced no side effects with Chantrix except a 3D dream the first night. No, it was not X rated.


          My Loopy Brain on Chantix

          LOve this post also LUk, and, as always, you are welcome to come and clean the squalor i live in
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            My Loopy Brain on Chantix

            Ha ha luckalee
            I was the same on champix - I was up at the crack of dawn and doing doing doing. By 11am every morning I was knackered and had already done all the things it would normally take me a week to do and worst of all as I was doing it I was singing with joy. High as a kite obviously. I didnt have any desire to smoke or drink so it wasnt difficult for me and I had never managed to go AF or NF before for more than 3 days so I wasnt complaining. It definitely strongly interferes with the brain and I was only on the lowest does so I came off it after a month but only once I knew I could go cold turkey on the evil twins Alco and Nico. Hope it works for you too but do be careful if you go up to the next dose and make sure someone knows about it just in case of any downward mood swings.

