as being in group psychthreapy now for a couple of months things are slowly coming out for me ..
ive walked around all my life with some "frozen terror" of childhood which has warped and distenended my own personality all my life . even if i found out it was to do with my immediate family i wouldnt spend the rest of my life blaming anyone .. i was and still am fearful of opening that box that lyes deep in my unconcoius mind of why i am like i am ..
if i found it i thought i would go mad or become a monster etc.. but through threapy slowly i am realising this unexploded bomb is just a dud it just needs to be opened with the help of others in a protective enviorment ie for me in this threapy enviorment which i am in .. tho i find it really hard in groups .i prefer one to one . but one cant hide for ever , humanity is a social species and no matter how we like or dislike it we are all in varying degrees need one another..
having been diagonsed with a personality disorder myself (and what is this but just some label on ones self which the majority cant put there finger on )
......most politicians have personality disorders but its ok for them , societyis full of socially acceptable psychopaths.
but im deferring from my mind point . being that we are all born sociable , non violent and loving creatures . and something happens for some that warps this out .
. carrying around some frozen terror of childhood that we shove deep down inside of ourselves . trying to blank it out with anything exterior to ourselves weather it be drink,drugs. destructuve realtionshis. or losing oneself in popular causes etc
ive been on every psych drug ever been , all usless , its always amazed me really that psychtiasts are the members of the medical establishment that go from viewing the body as a organic thing that goes wrong .. to a brain docter who only views a person as a chemical imbalance with out undergoing any type of threapy themselves ..
well thats enough
below a poem i wrote , thanks for this board and to all my firends ive made
what is it i expect of you
...for the road of the wolf , is harder than the eagle that flies
.a solitude that slowly bites its way
into every obstructive tommorow
hold onto your inner fire!
for there are always some in life
who may recognize you (jl8)